
6 Reviews
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Rocket League (2015 Video Game)
So Simple, So Good
8 February 2021
Do you like cars? Do you like football? If you like both or either of those things - play rocket league

I got RL at launch and have played it consistently in the years since, never have I thought a game could hold my attention for so long but the deceptively simple gameplay and fantastic approach to season passes make me come back.

I'm unsure how to move to EPIC will effect the game long term, hopefully not for the worse, but to date there are few games out there you can jump into for a few matches with friends consistently for years and still have fun.

I do hope one day the game gets a true next gen sequel, would be good to get an updated look to the game
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Apex Legends (2019 Video Game)
The Best, Albeit Flawed, Battle Royal
8 February 2021
This was at one stage my most played game, with over 800 hours racked to date. It's addictive, it's fun and has, in my opinion, the best combat/gun play of any game currently in existence.

However... Respawn... for some reason do not seem to care about the players. They charge extortionate amounts of money for skins, which being a 1st person shooter you can't even see anyway. On top of that, the updates are few and far between. Character and gun tweaks happen at the start and end of a season and the map changes, when they do occur are minimal.

I fear that apex one day will die with a fizzle, rather than the bang it deserves, potentially with a sequel or spin off maybe? But the developers clear lack of care for their community (whom they actively will not speak to) and focus on money will unfortunately be my favourite shooters downfall
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Spider-Man: Miles Morales (2020 Video Game)
Triple A Side Story
8 February 2021
Miles had a lot of expectations (and fears) prior to launch. Is it a glorified DLC? Is it it's own game? I think it falls somewhere in between, and that's a good thing.

Miles first solo outing tells a more intimate story that it's predecessor and it's told fantastically. Hitting the player with emotional beats throughout and that ending! (I'm not crying... you're crying!)

The game isn't very long but the chance to get a glimpse of what they can do on the PS5 makes every minute spent worth it, the ray tracing, the frames, the game is stunning.

Miles is a character I truly hope we get to revisit even if it's in spin off games like this in between the mainline sequels
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Spider-Man (2018 Video Game)
Spectacular Spiderman
8 February 2021
There have been many spiderman games across many generations of gaming. None come close to this PS4 exclusive.

From the cast of villains used, the spiderman actor and the story, the game doesn't miss a beat. It encodes the emotions of a true spiderman comic run start to finish and tops it off with the now classic marvel tease at the end for future games. It's going to be really hard for the developers to top this game, but I'm hoping with PS5 tech they'll be able to outdo themselves
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
A Step in the Right Direction
24 September 2020
After how good Iron Man was, expectations are high for a sequel. This is a hard one to rate because it sits somewhere between good and... not so good.

We get more RDJ as tony which is just 10/10 every time but whiplash was a pretty weak villain and it's just more of the same robots/suits. There just feels like no variety and it's leaning so heavily on RDJ to carry every scene. Problem is he can't be on the screen all the time and when he isn't...for me the film falls flat.

War machine with Don Cheadle is perfect. His character, the suit, perfect. The dynamic with him and tony couldn't be better - so glad they recast. Almost a shame he wasn't in it a little more.

As sequels go it's not bad, but it's not great either. It almost feels like iron man 1.5 in a way, just doesn't quite hit the mark but it's always nice to see RDJ as Tony Stark
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Iron Man (2008)
Birth of the MCU
24 September 2020
I've seen all the marvel movies many times, big fan of comics, big fan of the movies. Recently I decided to rewatch them all one after the other to see if I liked them anymore or less.

Iron man is one of those films that easily stands on its own where others need cameos or connections to feel part of the MCU. It's easily the best origin movie, it has that comedy charm but before it became a bit too Disney. RDJ as iron man probably won't be remembered in 20,30 years as iconic. But for this generation and genre it should be. He is Tony Stark, and makes this movie and what turned out to be a full blown franchise/universe.

This film holds up now despite being shockingly 12 years old at the time of writing. It's a fantastic film and the best possible way to kickoff the MCU.
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