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Free Ride: Colon Blow (to the Head) (2006)
Season 1, Episode 3
A piece of comedic genius. It is gold.
22 March 2006
I have rarely seen something so packed with good comedy before this. It was perfect the whole way through & never let up with the great comedic timing. It was the only thing I have ever seen that was consistently funny the whole time. It was perfect. The cast couldn't have been better & the timing of every line & movement was just awesome. I loved it. I t was as if the crew & cast put all they had into one episode & it paid off because I think this should go into comedy history myself. I'm tired of the raunchy comedies being so hyped up when there is smarter humor like this that is a more thought out kind of comedy. It's like Arrested Development mixed with The Office & that makes it one good show.
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I liked it better than the first.
23 July 2005
I think this one just had a better look & feel to it. I liked the atmosphere more than the first. I also would maybe watch this one again but I don't know about the first. It was too depressing. This one was fun. This director did what we wanted & didn't kill off all of the main characters. If Dday didn't die on the first I would have liked it more. It had too much of a mad max look to it which is a look I don't like. It's like a futuristic look but yet it's still dull looking. The second was just more fun to me. I just hate when directors will kill off my favorite characters one by one making it more & more depressing. I also really liked the whole space idea because I'm thinking to myself "how... is he going to get out".
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Just plain awesome.
23 March 2005
There are some great songs on here that I haven't even heard before. The videos show a good variety different styles of videos too. I have trouble these days sitting for long periods of time but I was drawn into this video collection & never tired of it. I've always been a huge fan of music video collections though. A visual with an awesome song in the back ground can never go wrong. If you like any of her best of CDs you will like this DVD. I've always been interested in bands but sometimes I just can't get anything to know them by except CDs but now all these great music DVDs are coming out & this one shows you what look changes Pat & the band went through & some of the videos start off slow but they always come up with something later that just makes you say "this is a pretty good song." Anxiety was a cool video. It reminded me of something Alice Cooper would do. Precious Time is just an awesome song & I couln't wait to see the video for it. Some one interesting to watch is the drummer, the way he dances while beating on the drums & symbols to the beat of the music is just a cool visual. I love Neil's guitar playing as well & it's cool to get to see him play his solos close-up. It's got some good, catchy videos. I wasn't at all disappointed.
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28 Days Later (2002)
Absolutely SUCKED!!!
22 October 2003
This was the worst & most boring movie I've seen in a long time. Insomniacs would love it. If you liked this, you are not a real horror fan. The stupid previews had us believing that it was a pure zombie movie & it was nothing but a drama. I forgot about the infected even being on the movie at one point. JUST PLAIN TERRIBLE MOVIE. Anyone who was scared by this needs help. Watch THE CHANGELING [1980] to get scared.
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I am the biggest Jason, Freddy fan you'll ever meet & i didn't see the big deal in this movie.
19 August 2003
Yes, the last 30 minutes were quite cool but all of the scenes before were mostly talking. I hate when horror movies have too much of a story & this one had too much. I like when it gets right into it & doesn't let go. You see, I thought JEEPERS CREEPERS was the best thing I've ever seen & everyone else hated it. It's all about the directing & the great images of the villians & this one just didn't do it for me until the end. I'm even one of the ones who's been waiting for this since 1993.
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Not bad.
8 August 2002
I thought this would suck because of the feel of the movie when it first started but it turned out a watchable movie. I think the writer wanted to add something that would hold the watchers attention & that was the love story happening between the Eric & Louise characters. It's not real scary but a good thriller & I fell in love with Lora Staley, who plays Louise, while watching. She's just so...perfect. That's my ideal girl. Anywho, it's just a feel good movie...that is if you like love stories.
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Super Dave (1987–1999)
One of the funniest shows EVER!
20 December 2001
I used to watch this early on Saturday mornings and loved it and laughed like i would while watching The Simpsons or The Family Guy. I mean first off, Super Dave has a very good humorous side to him and he is funniest during his serious parts. Then, Fuji just makes you laugh because of the way he talks and the funny things he says in his chinese accent. But if you like stupid humor like The Simpsons or if you crack up when seeing someone mess up something or fall on accident then Super Dave is a great show to check out. I bought the Super Dave Sports & the Ultimate Stuntman Super Dave videos and they are great.
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A little slow at first but worth it.
15 February 2001
The first 30 minutes are like "Oh God! This sucks" but after the sister gets to the house on the movie it gets pretty cool. Even though you know who the killer is & don't think he's scary, the music & direction make it seem like a slasher or gore movie. Its not real bloody or scary but I liked it.
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The Club (1994)
The best Canadian film ever & a top 5 horror movie. I love it!
25 October 2000
I really can't explain why I like movies like this but it's just the setting & darkness of the setting. I just like certain dark & evil things. Night of the Demons is very closely related to The Club I think because of it's dark setting. Anyhow I just don't think it could have been done any better. Its perfect! I also loved House On Haunted Hill [1999].
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