
12 Reviews
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Up (2009)
Possibly the best kid's film ever made
10 May 2010
I am about 6 months behind the regular movie-going audience at the best of times so this is the first time I've seen 'Up'. It's certainly the best Pixar production and possibly the greatest film for children ever made.

It is a work of art, the animation is beautiful. The sound design (including the Oscar winning score) is gorgeous. And the voice talent is completely flawless. I can't find a single flaw with the film at all actually, and I don't want to. It was as perfect a viewing experience I will ever have. It was funny, sad, poetic...neither pandering to its mainly young audience nor confusing it. I loved how Pixar have not been afraid to tackle the subjects of death, loss and growing old in case the children watching couldn't deal with it. Despite the unreal-look the whole film has and the ridiculous story (local boyscout and an old man who has recently lost his wife use thousands of helium balloons to fly the old man's house to a place he always promised he'd visit). I laughed out loud a good 10 times during the film and cried twice.

Definitely a modern classic. 10 out of 10.
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Artisten (1987)
18 May 2004
When I heard this was Grimas' student film, his final project, I wasnt expecting much, but MAN was it clever and so technically brilliant. The use of sound is (obviously!) the biggest and most noticable aspect of this short film. It manages to convey mystery and sheer power along with humour.

The visuals in the film are amazing, with the merging of the theatre stage and the silver screen......very clever. Also loved the surreal element of the film suddenly becoming 'real'.

Most of all I loved the idea of the the 'artiste' who came from nowhere, for an unknown purpose, and disapeared as mysteriously as he'd arrived. And the final moment, with the smashing of the monitor screen had me in stitches.

One of the best shorts I've ever seen, and if this was a student film I hope Mr Jostein Grimas recieved a good mark!!!!
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Give Carrey an Oscar please!
3 May 2004
This film blew me away because I simply wasnt expecting it to be what it was. Though I had a feeling it would be something special, I didnt realise I would be so involved and, by the end, so totally moved! It appears that everything Kauffman touches turns to gold!

First and foremost, a wonderful and unusual, eccentric story, that when told to a friend sounds ridiculous, but when watched on the big screen is perfectly feasible. The script was great, you totally believed the dialogue that the characters shared and each character had his/her own individual voice.

The imagery was alternately beautiful and horrifying. Featureless faces and memories being raced against before their erasure was a masterstroke! Joel's memories of Clementine and his placing her in different parts of his memory was very clever, and very well done, relying on the visual medium (which made it easier for me to understand hehe).

Something that occurred to me after leaving the cinema was that there was evidence of couples within the film that would go on to have the Lacuna treatment. Joel's friends, the couple (one of which was Mel in Frasier I believe?), looked as if they would soon be candidates for the treatment, and the young man who was clearly more into Kirsten Dunst than she was into him also looked as though he'd be a candidate. This I found subtle and clever.

The acting was simply flawless. I realised after watching the film that it was probably the first genuinely good film I'd seen Kate Winslet in (who will ever forget Titanic?), and my god she was redeemed for that film! Not only was her accent perfect, she managed to be a character that you liked, but also wanted to shake! And you could tell that the relationship would have worked had they kept their eyes open and not allowed themselves to hate eachother, because the line between love and hate is a very fine one! It is a rare thing to have a believable love between two fictional characters.

The star of the show though was Carrey. I find him irritating and embarrassing in his comedic roles (Bruce Almighty I found horrendous) but it appears that he cant do wrong when he stars in carefully chosen dramas. The Truman Show, Man On the Moon and Eternal Sunshine... are all superb films, and he never fails to impress me in his dramatic roles.....I would love to see him in more. And SURELY this year he has to be at least nominated for an Oscar! Who would have thought it, that the 'rubber faced genius' (debatable!) would not only be a good straight actor, but also an Oscar worthy candidate.....that would shake up Hollywood a little I should think!
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Brilliant launch of Pegg on film?
13 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I've loved Simon Pegg for years, ever since his early work with Steve Coogan, and am very glad he's finally starring in his own film! 'Shaun of the Dead' was exactly as I hoped it would be; funny, gory, intelligent but stupid (if that makes any sense to anyone) and farcical without becoming overly silly!

The acting talent was great, my favourites being Lucy Davies, Dylan Moran and of course Pegg himself, and it was great to see Jessica Stevenson popping up! I genuinely jumped a couple of times and (SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!) when Dylan Moran was literally taken to pieces I cringed big time!

'Shaun of the Dead' is a great film with everything going for it. It's hard for me to pinpoint anything that's really wrong with it to be honest, although a couple of my friends thought some parts were just TOO serious for the surrounding material. I disagreed, I thought they handled the comedy with the tragedy, and the premise of the story is initially a tragic one, very well indeed, Pegg proving to be, like many comics, a decent comic actor. After the purile trash that was 'Sex Lives of the Potato Men' (hopefully will be wiped from all our memories, there's 5 quid and 90 minutes I'll never see again) 'Shaun of the Dead' has restored my faith in British cinema, and as a mark of patriotism and respect for the film, I'm rating it 10!
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Simply brilliant
7 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
'Watership Down' is quite simply my favourite animated film of all time.

The vocal talent, animation style (both in the main story and in the mythical opening), soundtrack and script all work wonderfully, shortening the material of the book but not losing all of its themes. Efrafa was exactly as I imagined it would be from reading the book, Woundwort being suitably scary and unhinged.

Obviously the violence and horrific imagery has been toned down to make the film more accesible to a young audience (at 8 I wore out TWO copies of the film on VHS!!!) but not so much that the film becomes cutesy. Far from it. These are not fluffy bunnies in the vein of Thumper, they are real. They get hurt (Bigwig nearly is killed in a snare, Hazel is shot, Captain Holly arrives nearly dead), they fight, they flee from domestic dogs, cat, from humans with guns. There is blood and violence, the film does not shy away from that...Blackavar's torn ears are as wince-inducing to me now as they were to me when I first saw the film 10 years ago.

What does surprise me now though is that the film is rated U (universal, suitable for all) here in the UK. Not only is there some mild swearing, the level of violence and the visual horror (Fivel seeing the field covered in blood, Holly's description of the warren blocked with dead bodies) is surely at least PG? Hmmm....

To conclude it can be said that watching films from your childhood is often a bad move....they are usually best left in the memory. The same can not be said of Watership Down. Simply brilliant!
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Along came cliche
6 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
OOOO! There are cheeky spoilers in this review.

"Along Came Polly" is the type of film that will be advertised as a 'date movie' when actually it's not really. It's a rom-com with gross-out elements.

Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston are both intelligent and (especially Aniston) fairly versatile actors. Aniston is often talked about as only playing Rachel Green, but I believe she actually is a very good actress, both in straight and comic roles. However, they were let down by some strong flaws in the script. Ben Stiller's character had some good comic lines and was very likable. He does, however, not seem overly devestated by his wife's betrayel. I realise this is comedy and not meant to be heavy, but the most we see him let his grief and anger and resentment go is when he knifes some cushions.

My main problem with the film was the bad representation of Polly. I think the writers missed the point of her character as a sort of unique and bohemian wild girl who was so crazy and free-spirited Reuben couldnt help but fall for her. She actually came across as a bit of a cow, a bit messed up relationship wise and a not particularly sensitive person. I got the impression she was relieved when she saw the risk assesment for her and Ben Stiller's ex-wife, as it gave her a way out, and though it was nice when her and Reuben got back together at the end, it was fully expected and she didnt seem as overly happy as she should have been. And why is it that I just didnt find it THAT rough when Reuben ate the nuts off the pavement? It's only a gritty pavement....hmmm....maybe I'm just too British....or common.

Casually stealing the show was Philip Seymour Hoffman as Reuben's truly disgusting narcissist of a friend. He was endlessly funny and is such a brilliant actor, and was definitely the high point of this film.

Also great was Debra Messing from "Will and Grace" who did a great job at playing Reuben's totally silly but glacially beautiful wife.

And watch out for Karen from "Notts Landing"!!!

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Hi, Mom! (1970)
I expect youre wondering why I'm wearing two watches
24 March 2003
This film was bought in a petrol station for 5 pounds on DVD. I expected little from it. It turned out to be one of the sharpest, funniest and deepest comedies I've ever seen.

De Niro is an idol of mine and he was fantastic as Jon, underplaying while displaying many layers to his comedy. My friend and I were giggling ourselves stupid at the opening scene where the superintendent keeps upping the price of the disgusting flat, with it's bath full of cat shite, and broken furniture. The montage of various bits of furniture breaking in the superintendent's hands is endlessly watchable, and one of the great comic moments in cinema as far as I'm concerned.

The satirical nature of Be Black, Baby was incredible. It is as poignant today as it was 30 years ago, and raised some interesting points.

All in all, I think the film was hysterically funny, De Niro looked and acted great, and I only wish that he'd do more comedy like this today, because even as a green up-and-comer he was more than capable. So why are we still watching painful moments like 'Rocky and Bullwinkle'?
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Pioneers the tracking process for over 5 minutes!
13 February 2002
This film features an interesting and very, very long tracking shot that I was fascinated by because it must have had to be very highly choreographed, just as Scorsese had to choreograph carefully his legendary Steadicam shot in Goodfellas. Fascinating!
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If you like football and Ricky, then see this!
10 October 2001
It will bomb in the US and it will create some haters in Britain, but it is a funny, safe and uplifting film for all those fascinated by the World Cup. I love Tomlinson, he's so funny, and although he is just playing Jim Royle with football in this film, he is still likable, watchable and hysterical. Tonka is Gazza and the assistant coach was Peter Beardsley. Some great in jokes, and a funny cameo from Pele. See it if your a footy fan/Ricky fan.
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Roger at his best
26 November 2000
This was an amazing film. It encapsulated Roger's talent, dry wit, and smooth good looks in one deeply moving and original sports fest that reeks of immortality and timelessness. Simply stunning, and I will watch it for years to come.

The main star of this film is not Roger, but his eyebrow.The eyebrow is smooth and delivers all the charisma of Roger.

I don't think this film is about a zany sports megathon at all, think it is about the opression of our world and the bleakness of obscurity.

Basicly, this film was.................completely perfect and the Special FX are the best I have seen in any film, even more so than Independance Day.
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Hysterically charged!
17 September 2000
I saw this film on Paramount last night for the first time and it had me in stitches. It is not Eddie Murphy at his best(he was at his best in Coming to America) but is very close.

I have seen Beverly Hills Cop 3 and didn't think much of it but after seeing this one I am going to see the second film.

Eddie Murphy is fantastic!Check him out in Bowfinger!
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Harmless but average
22 August 2000
I saw this film on Sky at 5am so I wasn't really in the best mood to watch any film. I had an exam that I was dreading(Music GCSE) that morning and so thought some TV would calm me down.And it did.I stumbled across this little light-hearted film and watched it from the start as it had Susan Sarandon in it who starred in my one of my favourite films,The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It made me relax and forget about the terror of GCSEs for an hour and a half. It was astonishingly average but very harmless and if taken as a bit of fun then it'll be enjoyed.
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