
7 Reviews
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Somewhat of a disappointment
27 May 2007
I remember reading a review of American Hardcore in one of the weeklies in Portland. It stated something to the extent that if you know hardcore, you will not learn anything and if you know nothing about hardcore, you won't learn much. I can't agree more.

As someone that has a fair amount of knowledge of the history of the American Hardcore movement, I don't feel like I learned much new about hardcore. And, I have talked to others that know little about hardcore and they had a hard time tracking.

I was also surprised about some of the things that were missing. How could Maximum Rock n' Roll be left out? Maybe the Dead Kennedys were left out because of all the legal stuff going on with them now or maybe because a lot of old punks don't like them now. I know there is only so much room and info someone can squeeze into two hours, but it is hard to see how certain things were left out of it.

I think it was a good attempt. The director should have made a better decision and either make it a movie for someone that knew nothing or a movie for the more advanced viewer. Still, if you are a fan of hardcore or you are perhaps a younger viewer that has some interest in the hardcore punk movement of the early 80's, it is worth renting.
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A Mighty Wind (2003)
Pretty good movie, but. . .
8 December 2003
I did finally watch this movie and I have to say that I did enjoy it. However, it was not near as good in my opinion as "Waiting for Guffman" or "Best In Show." Wind follows the same skeleton as those two movies in that there is a cast of characters and they are introduced as if they are being interviewed in front of a camera and tell the audience about themselves. But, Wind does not seem near as humorous and I think it is because maybe it really lacks some of the outlandish character like the play director in Guffman and the gay couples in Show. The character developement is just fine, but there is not one that seems to really grab you and make you remember.

While this is fine, it does seem to follow the same pattern and the movies seem to get more and more similar to one another. I did like Wind, but I am not sure if Guest releases another movie that follows the same formula if I will think the same. 6/10
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Reckless (1995)
Much better on stage
16 December 2002
I recently was in a stage version of this play. And, on the last day of the run, I was excited to see that it was going to be playing on TV. I stuck a tape in as it was on late at night, and I watched it the next day. I have to say I was very disappointed. The actors in the film made few of the discovers that are in the script. That is understandable as the resersal process is probably different, but it was upsetting to see. A lot of the original script was changed for the movie as well to make it better for the screen, but I am not sure if it helped the movie out at all. I gave this 4 stars only because I know the script and the writing is a lot better than what this movie portrays.
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I Am Sam (2001)
Good, but some flaws
12 February 2002
I watched this movie and was overall impressed. I had heard it was just a move that tugged on your heart, but I did not see that. Sure, there were some parts that evoked some emotions, but overall the the movie did not rely on that.

The problem that I had with this movie is that if he did have a mental age of 7, where were his supports? I work with the developmentally disabled and there are all kinds of supports that they have. Maybe they are not as good in California as they are here, but I cannot believe that they would not be there. And, if he had fallen through the cracks after school or whenever, why would not the social workers after his daughter see that and set him up with services. Some of my clients are parents, and they can do it because they have these supports.

Overall, the movie was well acted and well written. They needed to fix this flaw in it to make it a better movie. If you work in this field or work with people with disabilities, it is worth seeing.

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Pretty good movie, but not his best.
31 August 2001
First I want to say that this was a good movie. Especially if you have been a fan of Kevin Smith. I have seen all five movies, however, and I can say that this was not his best. It did not bother me that it was mostly Jay and Silent Bob throughout it, but it would have been better if there had been some development of other characters. What did make the movie, I felt was Silent Bob (Kevin Smith). While Jay could get annoying with all his talking and toilet humor, this was the first movie of Kevin's where Silent Bob actually had more of a role, and it really seemed to work. Still, I am glad that this is the end of the road for the Jersey movies by hi as I am not sure if I could find Jay much more funny after this. So, if you have been at least a casual fan of Kevin Smith, go and see the movie. If you are the type that gets offended very easily, it may be best to stay away. If you sound interested, but do not know about Kevin Smith, see his older stuff first. I am about the only one that thinks Mallrats was the best, but Clerks and Chasing Amy are not to be missed either. 8/10
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Singles (1992)
24 February 2001
This movie came out right at the time everybody was into "Seattle" and the whole "grunge" thing. But, this movie has really nothing to do with the Seattle music scene. Sure, there are some of the musicians (but, how many people actually knew the guy on the phone was Tad?) and thankfully they were there for a little comic relief. It is a story of guy meets girl (at a bar), boy gets girl pregnant, girl is not pregnant any longer, boy and girl fight, boy loses job, becomes a recluse, boy and girl get back together. It is not a good look at the music stream as it is a very mainstream look. If you want a good look at the Seattle music scene, rent "Hype."
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Reality Bites (1994)
Not very good
25 January 2001
I wish I could take credit for this, but alas I cannot. But, I think it as SPIN magazine that said, "Reality Bites, and so does the movie." A boring and overused story of a girl who must chose between two guys (as if they are the only two out there). One is a wannabe rockstar and the other is a yuppie. All you wish that she would do is go out and find someone else. Stereotypical and boring.

This movie is about a group of friends that all graduate from college and move into a shared apartment. The main character (Winona) is an idealist that graduated top of her class that does not want to work for the man. She meets Ben Stiller (the yuppie) accidentally and the two start to date while the rockstar (Ethan Hawke) gets jealous and accuses her of being a sell-out for seeing the guy. The tension that happens between Ryder and Hawke has been overdone in about every Hollywood movie.

Steve Zaun was good, but the direction to make him this boring, "I am just a quiet gay guy," was a bad choice.

Jeanne Garafalo was very good in this movie and she made it more bearable and the direction and acting with her was great.

I think there was a good effort, but it just seemed to fall short of what it was trying to reach. Maybe it was reaching for nothing and it was just meant to entertain, but I doubt it.
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