
4 Reviews
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Down to You (2000)
Maybe the worst movie I've ever seen
14 January 2001
This is an awful mess, so bad it's hard to sit through for more than five minutes. I guess this film was supposed to be "quirky," but it just comes out as a muddled mess. There are no laughs, the couple at the center of the story is boring in the extreme, the acting is pretty awful (Julia Stiles has been good in some other movies, but not here), and half the time it doesn't even make much sense. If this isn't the worst movie I've ever seen, it's pretty close to it.
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Neverwhere (1996)
great storytelling, lousy production values
26 September 2000
I have "Neverwhere" on tape, and I've watched it about a dozen times now - and I still love it. Of course, it probably helps that I visited London just before reading the novel _Neverwhere_ (I read it before I saw the BBC version), and it certainly helps that I love everything Neil Gaiman has ever written. There is one problem, however - the production values are really quite terrible. The special effects are about as well done as Dr. Who, and the Beast of London looks more like a shaggy yak than a true monster. Still, the story more than makes up for the production values.
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Wonderful, moving, heartbreaking
26 September 2000
"The Times of Harvey Milk" is one of my two favorite documentaries of all time, along with "Roger & Me." Through interviews with his friends, acquaintances, and political allies, Harvey Milk is really brought to life and a wonderful and inspirational human being. It's an especially moving story for me, since I grew up in Berkeley, just across the Bay from San Francisco - but you can enjoy this movie regardless of where you're from. I've seen "The Times of Harvey Milk" about five times now, and I've cried every time. Just thinking of the opening shot of Diane Feinstein saying, "Mayor Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk have been shot - and killed" to a shocked crowd of reporters chokes me up.
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Truly awful
26 September 2000
I watched this movie just after reading Emily Bronte's brilliant novel Wuthering Heights, and I found the film to be a major letdown - in fact, it may be the worst film adaptation of a novel I've ever seen - and that's saying a lot. Everything that made the novel unique and wonderful is missing from this movie. For example, Heathcliff and Cathy's relationship, but in this movie, it seems silly, superficial, and unconvincing. In the novel, there is a sense of isolation - but in the movie, the Grange is constantly full of people! I suppose you might enjoy this movie if you're a fan of old romance films, but otherwise, it's almost painful to watch, especially if you've read the novel.
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