
9 Reviews
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The Butler (I) (2013)
A different perspective
18 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
From the opening scene of this film I was viscerally affected.

Let's just get this out of the way: Forrest Whitaker gives a magnificent performance in this film. Whitaker can dial it back (as he does in this film) or dial it UP as he did in "The Last King of Scotland" and play either with equal aplomb.

In terms of regard per performance, he's actually criminally underrated.

I thought Oprah's performance was very good, but I also enjoyed Cuba Gooding, Jr's return to a substantive role. It is nice to see him doing something poignant and relevant again.

The pace of the film is good and keeps you interested despite the flick's non-trivial running time.

It's not always an easy watch, but it wasn't meant to be.

This film is NOT meant to be a point-for-point reenactment of "the real" butler's life, but a weaving together of vignettes and actual historic occurrences. (It is BASED ON a true story, but not a biopic.) In this vain, the movie succeeds flawlessly.

There are clever casting choices (Jane Fonda as Nancy Reagan REALLY IS a hoot for anyone who knows their history) and while admittedly some of the actors playing presidents lack the visages of their famous characters, the acting itself defeats these deficiencies. (I found Liev Schriber's LBJ hysterical AND accurate.)

From the opening scenes of brutal rape, murder and disregard for human life, to the struggle to maintain a semblance of decency and the fight for basic quality of life, this film depicts the struggle of MANY black people of the time - told through the prism of this butler.

I know this to be true because there are similar tales of these occurrences in my OWN family. I don't have to look far.

This film won't play well with the "get over it" set - or anyone who has ever used the term "race baiter." These folks are already approaching this flick with a certain agenda - and they aren't ready for it's truisms. Unfortunately, there are enough of them to result in the ridiculously low rating this film has so far undeservedly garnered on IMDb. Even the most ardent detractor who GENUINELY disliked this film without political agenda would have to admit that this film isn't a 1 star offering.

A rating that low is downright silly.

That said, for those of us who actually live in the real world and understand historical context, you will probably enjoy this film immensely. Like others, I experienced applause at the end of the film's showing, and I'd call the crowd mix about 50/50 black-to-white at my suburban theater. This would indicate to me, at least anecdotally that the entire crowd appreciated the film.

This film is not meant to be a pure biography per se... in fact, I'd say it's more about a FAMILY than even the butler or his job in general, but we pay attention because this particular butler happened to serve in the White House.

This film is REALLY about the generational struggles that occur in EVERY family, but made even more powerful by the juxtaposition and immediacy of the civil rights movement. This makes it STILL relevant, as its problems still echo in the headlines today.

If you wind up drawing parallels between Emmett Till, Oscar Grant and Trayvon Martin after watching this film - then you probably got the intent- and most likely enjoyed it. If you are of the mind that racism isn't that bad, the 50s in the south were "the good ol' days" and even the holocaust was probably overblown, then this flick isn't for you.

Might I suggest "Gone with the Wind?"
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42 (2013)
Extraordinary Performances by young actors
13 April 2013
I'm a middle-aged black man now and sometimes I wonder if young people get it.

I was born in Richmond, VA, and I'm 1 (ONE) generation removed from segregation.

It is because of this that I was FLOORED by the performance of these young actors. Chadwick Boseman & Nicole Beharie did a magnificent job portraying the grace and courage of the Robinsons.

I couldn't have done it. Boseman has an UNCANNY resemblance to Jackie, and his performance was so visceral that it proved to me that I couldn't have done it.

I wouldn't have had the courage to stand up to racism by NOT fighting back. I wouldn't have had the patience to bide my time until folks decided it was time to see me as being more than sub-human. I absolutely wouldn't have taken the risk of playing a game while people threatened my wife and child.

When Jackie finally got angry enough to smash his bat against a wall, that was the ONLY thing I could relate to - then to realize he had to go back out there because it was about MORE than just him - I was flabbergasted by his courage.

This is more than a film about baseball. The nuances like watching people in second class seating still turning out to support Robinson in full-on "Sunday church service" dress was poignant to me.

This movie ain't just about Jackie.

My mom is from New York, and she was 7 years old when Jackie joined the Dodgers. She remembers this clearly.

It's obvious why you (as I did) would take your kids to see this film as it shows what happened and how far we've come. For me, it shows what other people did FOR ME that I was incapable of doing for myself.

This film has some corny parts to it - like most films of this ilk, it sanitizes some things and does tie a nice bow on some issues glossed over in the retelling...

..that doesn't mean it's not a darned good film.

I'm pretty cynical these days. It's not often that I watch a film with a lump in my throat the whole time. I am indebted to the young actors who portrayed the people of my grandparents' generation with style, class and urgency.

I will own this film when it becomes available and that date can't come soon enough.
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That was my last M. Night dollar.
2 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
OK I'm going to give a BRIEF review from a different perspective.

I'm a father of 2 kids who LOVED the Avatar series and they brought me along for the ride. I too fell in love with the animated series and thought it was as beautiful as it was entertaining.

SO - my kids and I had the date circled on the calendar to go and see the film for about 7 months now.

Here is what I liked about the movie:

1) The costuming (with 1notable exception - Zuko's burn was pathetic.)

2) The special fx.

Here's what was terrible:

1) The acting was wooden, forced and pathetic. That's the director's fault

2) Who told you to change the pronunciation of the names?

3) Ummm... what part of Buddhist Monks (Airbenders) Japanese Samurai (Firebenders) Inuits (Waterbenders) and landlocked Asians (Earthbenders- maybe Laotian?) don't you get? Seriously? Indian Firebenders? White Waterbenders? I know enough has been said about the casting - but come on, Night. Who told you to reimagine everything when it was ready-made for any competent director?

4) Where was the funny?! An UNFUNNY Sokka? An always serious Aang? WOW.

5) Dev Patel being cast as a angst-ridden 15/16 year old Japanese boy was ridiculous.. but not as ridiculous as

6) The guy from "Daily Show" being a Fire nation commander? SERIOUSLY? I was looking for a Jon Stewart drop-in.

7) The last time I saw the guy playing the Firelord, he was in TRAINING DAY as a Latino gangbanger. Wow Night. Wow.

8) Ummm - since when is Zuko's uncle a 6'3" 145 lb 44 year old Indian?

9) I fell asleep.

10) My kids LAUGHED at Appa. Not a good thing.

So in summary, something I loved was MANGLED by a "director's vision" once again. I used to love "Dungeons & Dragons," and it happened to that too.

M. Night should be through in Hollywood after this one as this was a boatload of money wasted.

The Last Airbender deserved better... If I were Nickelodeon, I'd probably want to sue - and I doubt the studio would give the greenlight to a new director and CASTING agent.

What a waste. Here's hoping that this doesn't happen to the "God of War" movie.
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Somewhere off in the NOT TOO DISTANT future..
25 June 2002
Newsflash: Steven Spielberg is a genius.

(Duh.. now tell us something we DON'T know.)

Minority Report is a look in the not too far off future. Why do I say this? Because nearly ALL of the technological advances in the film are nearly WITHIN our grasp today.

By NOT overdoing the special effects, Spielberg gives us an engrossing, believable spin into a future that could be plausible.....if precognition were at all possible.

Nonetheless, at 2 hours and 40 minutes, I was almost AFRAID to venture into the movie theater to see it... but Spielberg doesn't disappoint.

I think THIS film made me appreciate 'AI' a little more, in that without finishing Kubrick's film (which I admittedly HATED) he probably couldn't have brought THIS film to fruition.

Cruise is great in his role, and the supporting actors are great as well.

You get the feeling that Spielberg sort of.. RUSHED the ending because the film HAD to come in at under 3 hours... but nonetheless, if you enjoy QUALITY sci-fi, you'll probably love this flick.

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Baby Boy (2001)
What utter and COMPLETE garbage.
8 June 2002
Oh my goodness.

Movies like this, that are more pervasive than rare in Hollywood these days, are the reason why "The Cosby Show" was seen as so 'unbelievable' in the 80s.

This film is so FULL of negative, degrading and pitiful stereotypes that I am SURPRISED that John Singleton was responsible for it.

The oft-maligned film (at least here on IMDB) "Higher Learning," was FAR superior to this crap. At least there was SOME intelligent dialogue and POSITIVE images. This entire film was like an average black person's nightmare and racists' wet dream.

I have a friend who is trying to stake his claim in Hollywood right now, but I'm OH so GLAD that he hasn't sold his soul to appear in utter crap like this.

Hollywood makes no more Eve's Bayou's, but plenty of Booty Calls, Undercover Brothers and bile such as this flick. The unfortunate truth is that THESE are the films that sell these days. So as long as people believe and attempt to justify these modern day minstrel shows, decent black cinema won't have a chance.

For those of you who find irony in this in the wake of Halle Berry and Denzel Washington's (much deserved) Oscar wins this year, remember what they won them for: A corrupt, evil, immoral black cop, and an ignorant, poor, single black mother.

You know- Just like REAL life.

Or is it?

I say 'no', but then again.. who am I? Just (yet another) disappointed black film goer.
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Vastly better than TPM
17 May 2002
You are going to enjoy this film THOROUGHLY if you are a Star Wars fan.

Make no mistake, this film has flaws, but they are utterly forgiveable as the positives FAR outweigh the negatives in this flick.

I think Hayden Christensen does a good job showing the

awkwardness of a teenager who THINKS he is grown, but has yet to reach FULL maturity. He also provides a good

glimpse of the man he will become.

Newsflash: Natalie Portman is rather attractive, huh?

She is stunning in the film and does a good job in her continuing role as Amidala.

My favorite parts of the film?

1) YODA. 2) The Fett family... VERY interesting to see the bounty hunters without the masks. 3) YODA.

The action scenes in this film are FAR superior to TPM, and you FINALLY get to see what you ALWAYS wanted... ..a bunch of Jedi in action!

Ultimately, this film ranks with the original trilogy. It does a very good job with continuity and you can start to CLEARLY see the links between the old films and the new ones.

Even JAR-JAR is more tolerable!

This is a MUCH better job, Mr. Lucas. We who are Star Wars nuts salute you!

3.5 stars/4!

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What a WASTE of a great storyline.
4 June 2001
As a person who used to play D&D back in elementary school, I was VERY MUCH offended at the HORRIBLE job the director did with this film.

A REAL director could have made a GREAT FILM out of the D&D storyline, instead, Hollywood will NEVER TOUCH THE SUBJECT AGAIN... ....and unfortunately, RIGHTFULLY SO.

Someone has already ECHOED my setiments about this drivel, but let me re-state them anyway.

1) The film was OBVIOUSLY TOO clean... and SUNNY! Where was

the dark, misty, dank D&D atmosphere? Mr. Director, you could play Diablo or Baldur's Gate to get an idea of the setting! Sheesh!!

2) Jeremy Irons OBVIOUSLY did not take this film seriously.. ..and small wonder why.

3) Could you PLEASE stop copying (the also not good) Phantom Menace? Why didn't they just call "The Empress" Amidala?

4) Ummm.. Marlon Wayans? Why? And WHY did he have to be a cowardly buffoon? (Sensitive area to us people of color)

5) What's up with the modern CALIFORNIA accents and slang.. in

the MIDDLE AGES?!? Could someone TRY to fake an English accent? PLEASE??!? EVEN IRONS?!?!?

All in all... if I could give a NEGATIVE 1 to this film, I would.

RUN... do not WALK.. away from this INCONCEIVABLY bad film. Rent something more substantive.. like "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"

Way to waste a storyline, guys..
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Dinosaur (2000)
A Visually Stunning Film
22 May 2000
We took our 6 year old boy to see Dinosaur this weekend, but I think my wife and I were even more amazed than he at the MARVELOUS imagery in the film.

I saw every penny of the $200 Million it cost to produce this film ON SCREEN. The sheer beauty of the water glistening off the wet dinosaurs was enough to make us sit up and pay attention.

You could see all the hard work the programmers and animators put in this film, and if the breathtaking opening sequence doesn't get you, the "mating dance of the monkeys" surely will.

Simply put, this may be the finest work of animation ever.. and I'm a LION KING nut!

**** from me!
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The Lion King (1994)
The Best of the Best
19 April 2000
This is simply the finest animated film that Disney has ever produced.

Yes, I very much enjoyed Toy Story and Toy Story II, but the Lion King has a depth unmatched by any other Disney animated film.

Indeed, this is a film that not only matches the best of the Japanese animation genre but exceeds them.

Make sure you have this one in your Library of "all-time" greats.
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