
3 Reviews
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Anyone who does not cry during this movie has no heart!!
1 February 2000
Yes, this movie, about mothers and daughters, can move people to tears, especially the ending. as a parent, i think of my daughters when i watched each tale of parent and child. each time i do watch, tears fall, even the music from the intro rips my heart out. my wife laughs at me, but i do not care, i am deeply moved by the story of the four daughters growing up and listening to their mother's tell theirs' take your sweetheart to this movie, if no tears, kick them to the
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this is a very good film, docbob, or for anyone who happens to think as he does.
29 January 2000
the movie was about japanese relationships, warriors or otherwise. the cinematography was great, not just the ficitious battle scenes, but scenes showing us the japanese sense of reflectiveness, cherryblossoms and the snowfall, a moment to reflect on one's life and how trancient it is. when the battle is over and all the soldiers have gone home, the snow is still there in winter and the blossoms have fallen from the trees in spring. a protrayal of a historical person is best seen on PBS and not in a movie made for entertainment. by the way, i could call myself doctor floyd or hurricane floyd, but the former sounds pretensious, the later is more fitting, but i prefer to be know as my daughters father. again this film IS worth another viewing, from the perspective of a japanologist or just a avid
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North Shore (1987)
I saw a comment, panning this movie, HA, this was a film about the two young people not surfing, which is by the way as dull as golf!
29 January 2000
this film was about the young boy from the mainland learning about becoming a man, again not about surfing. as someone who has lived abroad and had cross-cultural relationships, the scenes portrayed are not too far from the truth, however corny or staged each seemed. this film is quite good and worth seeing again, from a man's point of v
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