
3 Reviews
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Barnum! (1986 TV Movie)
It's so full of energy!!
2 December 1999
Most people know Michael Crawford as the Phantom of the Opera. Absolutely anyone who has heard or seen him in that (Or anything else for that matter!), and even remotely likes his work should see this movie at least once. Preferablely twice, or three times if possible. It's that good.

The movie is actually a live recording of the London stage show, and musical fans will be happy to know that it retains that feel. The whole show positively throbs with energy, due to the catchy music, the lively numbers involving circus acts, and the extremely talented cast. Michael, of course, is fabulous. His voice is wonderful, his acting is superb, and he even walks high wire. Is there anything this man can't do? The lady who plays his wife is a good singer, and acts in a nice, sincere way. You believe her when she plays her part. The rest of the cast is energetic and really help to bring the exciting numbers to life.

The story is nice too, romantic, fun, and surprisingly black and white. At least in my case, I find my self lost in the plots of several stage musicals. Here it's easy to know what's going on.

Watch this movie. I don't think I can put it any more bluntly.
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
I had my eyes closed for much of it...(Spoilers?)
29 November 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Although I have a slight aversion to blood and gore, I had to go to this movie after seeing the previews. I would recommend it to anyone, even those with weak stomachs. (SPOILER) Most of the time it's easy enough to tell when the Horseman is coming since he has a few trademark sound effects (hoofbeats, sword-sound).

Besides that, I honestly enjoyed this movie. The atmosphere is great, and if you're not too jaded it's pretty easy to get sucked into it. Johnny Depp is fabulous, his facial expressions are the highlight of the movie. And what a face! He's really a good actor, and that's coming from a person who's never really seen too much of him before. Likewise, I'm not a Tim Burton fan, but I think that he did well with this. Some of the dialogue was kind of clunky, but it added to the atmosphere. I really can't comment on too many of the other actors; they kind of faded into the background for me, and I thought most performances paled next to Mr. Depp's. I couldn't even remember most of the other character's names.

Really, this movie is more funny then it is scary or suspenseful. It's a good one to see with your friends, you'll find yourself laughing a lot more. It does have some scary moments too, but nothing that anyone old enough to get in with the R rating couldn't handle.

I'd like to mention that I've never seen the Disney version, or read the original. You might be better off if you see it that way, since it's a lot easier to see it as an original story, and not notice all the things that were changed. If I had known any of the original versions, my review would probably be quite different.

Overall, a pretty good movie with a spectacular performance from Johnny Depp. Try and see it if you can, but don't kick yourself if you don't get the chance.
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Captivating - Even more so because it's mostly true...
29 November 1999
I was honestly left breathless after this. Period romances make great movies, and this is one of the best I've seen yet. Particularly because most of it is true, except of course for a few artistic bits here and there. The plot sucks you in, and moves along at a smooth pace. At no point did I ever find myself really getting bored with what was going on. Veronica is really a character that can make people (especially girls) stop and think. It can make your head spin to realize that women may have been put in similar positions many times in that time period. Catherine McCormack does a good job in the lead. For me though, the entire cast was overshadowed by Rufus Sewell. I've always been a fan of his, and this is definitely his best movie yet. He's a talented actor who puts a lot of passion into this part, plus he's not hard to look at. Besides that, the costumes and sets are really beautiful. But the love story is the best part of all. Even the coldest people have to feel something during this movie. I highly recommend it.
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