
2 Reviews
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A likeable movie
25 October 2001
I rented A Knight's Tale a few days ago, to watch the movie I completely bypassed in theaters. (Merely because I didn't have time, not because I didn't want to see it.) At the video store with a friend, he demanded that we rent A Knight's Tale because "It was totally awesome." Unfortunately, they were all out. A few weeks later, I was able to rent it.

I liked the anachronism. It may not have been "innovative," but I still liked it. Any movie that can make me roll in the floor laughing because a medieval crowd is stomping and clapping to "We Will Rock You," the winners of a jousting tournament are disco dancing to "Golden Years" (a favorite song of mine, nonetheless), or the William and his crew ride into London to "The Boys are Back in Town" gets a lot of points. The four sidekicks were ultimately hilarious, especially during the dance lessons scene.

The situation is not "impossible." I wouldn't be surprised that, if a knight was killed in joust, his servant would take his place. That may very well have happened. Sure, there were no "World Championships" of jousting, but it made for a good storyline.

I liked A Knight's Tale and I recommend it to anyone who isn't going to be Holier-than-thou about it. It's a good movie if you have 2 1/2 hours to relax with.
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Valley Girl (1983)
Not too bad
1 September 2001
I was born a year after this movie came out, so I couldn't relate to it right when it came out.

I just recently saw Valley Girl a few days ago on the WE channel. I thought it was an interesting movie... Many people say the slang is outdated, but I don't know how many times I've heard someone say that something was "rad" or "awesome" or if someone was "getting laid."

Sure, the characters are vapid and shallow. They're like, from the valley, like, you know? I loved the characters of Fred and Randy, especially. I know many boys that have the attitude Fred has.

Nicholas Cage was SUPERB as Randy. I just wish there were more guys like that character: a rough-and-tumble punk with a dopey grin.

I've got to say, any movie that makes me giggle from the style and makes even Nicholas Cage adorable (Keep in mind that I come from his "action movie only era") rocks.
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