
7 Reviews
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Scream 3 (2000)
Hmmm... Let's be thankful there won't be a fourth one
5 February 2000
Okay, firstly let me just say that I am someone who glances into the horror genre at times. I am not a die hard fan of the series, but sometimes horror is more entertaining than normal movies. I just wanted to say that so no one would think I am just some greenhorn critic who just didn't like the movie cuz it was "horror". Anyways, "Scream 3"... It was very BAD in the beginning. God, this was some bad acting. REALLY bad. ~.~ I was actually glad some people died. They were really annoying me. Especially Parker Posey. She overacted. o.O Despite the horrible intro and semi-middle, the rest of the film actually woke me up with some new details and elements. The comedy in this film had toned down from the last two IMO, but thas all right. The ending was the usual brawl, but it wasn't as bad as "Scream 2". I HATED SCREAM 2. Just thought you would like to know. Anyways, pretty good movie thanks to a decent ending. I just wouldn't wanna see this movie over 5 times. I'd then hate it.
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Seiju Sentai Gingaman (1998–1999)
Another sentai series is thrown into the clutches of Saban
21 October 1999
The story of Gingaman (to me) is rather vague since I have only seen raw, non subtitled but in full Japanese episodes. It was not that great nor original. The effects were kinda cool, but besides that the series has no strong appeal towards me. I am surprised Saban chose this to be the next saga in the Power Rangers series. It's tacky.
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Vampire Princess Miyu (1997–1998)
...the dark preys on the innocent yet light still sheds thru
21 October 1999
Let me write a better review for this great anime. Kyuuketsuki Miyu (Vampire Princess Miyu) is a television adaption of the underrated OAV series of the same title. In the TV version, Miyu, a vampire whose duty is to vanquish demons called Shinma, enrolls into a school under the name of Yamano. Being the Guardian and all, Miyu watches out for acts of the Shinma, who like to prey on the innocent and toy with their emotions and lives. Along with her allies- Larva, a good yet mysterious Shinma, and Shiina, a rabbit-like Shinma who can seek out others of its own kind, and the ghostly yet competitive Reiha -Miyu faces a long battle. The TV series, in my opinion, is extremely darker than the OAV ever could accomplish. Miyu, despite her rule of not caring about people but only the Shinma, begins to feel more human towards people and accepting their ways. The horror is increased heavily in here, giving some the creeps. Hopefully one day, this splendid series can reach the US for commercial release. It's too good to miss out on.
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Power Rangers can eat it- Zyuuranger rocks!
21 October 1999
As we all know, Power Rangers was created from a Japanese TV show entitled Zyuuranger (Beastranger). Well, the majority. The plot has 5 ancient warriors from dinosaur tribes resurrected to do battle with a sorceress, Bandora, and her henchmen. Bandora hates dinosaurs because of personal reasons dealing with her past and origin of her evil. Anyways, the five warriors are equipped with powers that enable them to become a color coded force known as Zyuuranger. They combat Bandora's wicked Doramonsters with magical weaponry and machines. The series is my fave out of all the sentai I have seen. It's cheesy, but oh wah! Camp is fun. Heh. And let me say that Zyuuranger was very popular in Japan.
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A Revolution In Anime
17 October 1999
As a child, Utena Tenjou's parents died, leaving their daughter as an orphan. A prince appeared and gave Utena a rose crested ring. He promised that they would meet again one day. From then on, Utena destined to be a savior, or a prince. Now as a 14-year old girl, Utena attends Ohtori Academy and is friends with Wakaba. After setting a challenge with one of the Student Council's members, Kyouichi, the two meet in the arena behind the school. (The other 3 members are playboy Touga, intelligent Miki, and the mature yet beautiful Juri.) There, the two commence in a sword duel over the master of the powerful Rose Bride, fellow student Anthy Himemiya. Whoever wins the duel will control the power, capable of revolutionizing the world, within her. Utena wins, only starting her strange journey into the world of the Student Council & their odd mission to change our existence as we know it... THIS IS A GREAT ANIME SERIES FOR ALL SHOUJO FANS! IT IS NOT A LESBIAN ANIME OR A GIRLY ONE EITHER! CHECK IT OUT IF YOU LIKE ANIME WITH PLOTS UNLIKE DRAGON BALL AND POKEMON FARCES.
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Cutie Honey F (1997–1998)
Ai No Hikari Cutey Honey! Yurusanai!
17 October 1999
Normal teenaged girl Honey Kisiragi is angered after a gang kidnaps her father. With a special device, Honey becomes the savior, Cutey Honey. Her special weapon- the ability to transform into multiple disguises and identities. This is very different from the OAV series which was released several years back, since it is more girlish (like Sailor Moon) and less nudity is involved. The theme song was changed a bit, but still cool. I like this series.
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Magic Knight Rayearth (1994–1995)
A Great Anime For Shoujo Fans
17 October 1999
Magic Knight Rayearth is about 3 girls sent to another world, where they must gain magic in order to save everyone from evil. This is one of CLAMP's (CLAMP is a group of Japanese comic artists) best projects. Okay, it is kind of a Sailor Moon rip-off in some small areas, but most of the series is pretty original. The ending is very shocking and this anime deserves a look.
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