
3 Reviews
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Not so much adaptation as commentary
21 September 2002
Lelouch's version of Les Miserables really isn't a retelling of the oft told story. Instead, the Hugo story is part of the background, while we see it applied to more current times -- in this case, 20th Century France, including the German occupation. Les Miserables keeps playing itself out in the lives of everyday people. That is part of what makes Hugo's story so powerful, that we are there -- or perhaps it's more accurate to say Valjean, Javert, Colette, and even the Bishop are in us.
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Dogma (1999)
Much ado about nothing
29 November 1999
I expected much more than the film delivered. All the hoopla of the protest gives the impression that this film challenges important religous issues. It doesn't. There's not much of importance going on, and all in all, it's not really even a very good movie. Funniest part is the disclaimer at the beginning. That's not a good sign.
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a personal journey of life to death
3 October 1999
A very meaningful look through home video of the few months of treatment and eventual death of actor/director/teacher Mel Howard. He and is wife Michelle Le Brun (who write, directs, and produces this film) keep their home video running through the turmoil of Howard's battle with liver cancer. Here is an honest look at the dying process complete with fear and frustration, sorrow and the joy of life.
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