
8 Reviews
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Sun Dogs (2006)
Sun Dogs sheds some light
9 November 2007
Sun Dogs is the heartwarming tale of the first ever Jamaican dogsled team. Yes, dogsled not bobsled. The film documents the rescue of 12 stray dogs from Jamaica and their formation into a dogsled team. It's a film about second chances, not only for the dogs but for the mushers as well. The mushers are offered the chance of a lifetime as they cultivate their love for animals while receiving an education and traveling the world. It also reveals the true Jamaica. Dire poverty plagues the country, yet the people are skilled, intelligent, hardworkers. It's a great film for the whole family to watch. You get attached to each of the dogs like they're your own. The film puts me in a good mood every time I watch.
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Ten Canoes (2006)
Ten Canoes transcends cinema
9 November 2007
Ten Canoes provides a surprisingly humorous yet in depth look into the aborigines of Australia. The film captures the beauty of Australia's Northern Territory as it opens upon the green landscape. Unlike anything we have ever seen about Australia before, Canoes brings us back 1,000 years ago before the balanda(white man) came. We would have never been able to see or experience a culture like this if it wasn't for this film. Director Rolf de Heer was inspired by Dr. Donald Thomson who first captured the aboriginal group with an extensive group of photographs, especially one photo of ten men in bark canoes, hence the title. The movie sends you to a land far away from that of Hollywood and transplants you into an enchanting hypnotic land. The "making of" bonus features allow us to see how difficult it was to make, but also how authentic it is.
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The Rocket (2005)
The Rocket takes off
9 November 2007
Roy Dupuis stars as "The Rocket" Maurice Richard in this epic hockey film. It is one of the best hockey movies I have ever seen, even better than Miracle. It doesn't matter if it's in French or if you don't even know who Maurice Richard was. You will get to know him during this film and want to know even more once the film has ended. It's an inspiring tale of one man overcoming hardships to prevail and show everyone how wrong they all were. 1950's hockey is portrayed with a gritty reality. Some of the most intense hockey fighting appears throughout this film. Dupuis really shines in Richard's relationship with his coach and his wife. Whether, you're a hockey fan or not, this movie is a must see.
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Old School (2003)
Funny? Yes. Original? No.
2 April 2003
This film is relatively funny. The masses, of course, all loved it. Ignorance IS bliss, apparently. For most of the people who see this film don't realize that is basically a combination of several other things. Take ANIMAL HOUSE, STRIPES (minus the military stuff), an aged Trent from SWINGERS, and some Will Ferrell SNL antics, add in straight man Luke Wilson and you've got OLD SCHOOL.

The college scenes were obviously heavily inspired by ANIMAL HOUSE, however, the blatant rip-off was of STRIPES. In STRIPES, a fat guy (sorry Mr. Candy!) mud wrestles hot chicks. In OLD SCHOOL, an old guy KY Jelly wrestles hot chicks. Hmmm. Just watch SWINGERS and you can see that Trent will probably end up something like Vaughn's character in this film...I mean, movie. I don't think I even need to comment on the SNL remark because it's so obvious.

Well, folks, there you have it. You can see this movie, and will probably enjoy it. But don't forget the things I've said here. If we allow studios to continually do this (don't get me started on The Hunted aka First Blood) than the truly original talent might get lost. And don't let yourself cop-out by saying "everyone rips off everyone else," because there is some true original talent out there. Try and find it.
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9 March 2003
I literally just finished watching this film. Throughout it, I was trying to gain meaning from the images I was seeing. But, I'm coming to the realization that this film was pointless. What was it trying to say? It has no plot, which can be great, but if a film is not telling a story, than it has to be showing something deeper. BLUE has incredible scenes of human emotion, but also has scenes that are utterly pointless. The film was never going toward something.

It was beautifully filmed and wonderfully acted, but those virtues don't make up for the above problems. I was watching it, knowing I was supposed to like it. As an intelligent filmgoer I read the rave reviews from both critics and movie buffs, but I just didn't get the point of it all.

The film is perplexing to me because I don't understand why people love it so much.

*Email me at if you'd like to argue with me about it.
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Vulgar (2000)
2 November 2002
This is one hell of a movie. At times it's funny, and at times it's sad.

Many people don't like this film because it's disturbing. Well, it is. But you just have to get over it. People hated this film being disturbing because they weren't expecting it, they thought it was a light comedy. So just go into it knowing your going to be changed.

For the fainter of heart, rent the Rated version. The rape scene is much shorter. But keep in mind, that wasn't the director's vision.

Great acting, great writing, great directing, great film.
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King's Story Was Misrepresented
11 June 2002
I saw this short and frankly, I was disappointed. The film was all right, but it kind of felt like it was the same throughout it. Like every scene and narration was the same. But I was not letting that get to me because; being a HUGE fan of the short story (in Stephen King's collection Night Shift), I was expecting the powerhouse twist ending.

It didn't come.

I won't spoil it, but I will just say that the story and movie did end the same, but the way they got to the ending was MUCH different. The story had a VERY strong and surprising ending; the short film did not. So my first reaction after seeing it was, "They screwed it up!" (I did use a harsher word than "screwed").
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Braveheart (1995)
An amazing film. With the best ending I've ever seen in a movie.
10 September 1999
Braveheart is one of the best movies I've ever seen. It mad me angry when the AFI didn't put it on their 100 best list. But, it's all right, they did make some good chocies. Three parts in this movie always give me goosebumps, but I wont tell them because I wouldn't want to spoil it for you who haven't seen it. If you break it down its all a great movie needs: Action, drama, romance, a comic relief, (Steven). I also think that The Academy did a good job with it's awards, except I think Mel Gibson should have won best actor for it. But I must remember that it won Best Picture, Best Director, Cinematography, and Music. So I think they gave it it's due credit. Well, all and all, it's a wonderful movie, with the greatest ending I've ever seen. I seriously recommend it.
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