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Astro Boy (1980–2004)
Fantastic series to show your kids.
16 April 2006
I grew up watching this show religiously. I'd get up before school at 6.00am and be awestruck at the animation and mature themes. There was an overriding feeling of darkness and despair whilst sitting there with the morning sunrise coming through the curtains of my home. The show had its lighter moments for sure, but scenes of robots with seemingly human like appearance getting destroyed (violently) was something of an awakening to me, especially since I was more familiar with the more kiddie friendly "Thomas The Tank Engine". "Astro Boy" was also very intelligent and philosophical for a show basically aimed at the young and this is why the show has held up very well.

A great series which has now been transferred to DVD in an excellent box set! Long live Astro!
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Riot (1996)
PM Entertainment succeeds again!
6 October 2005
As far as straight to video action films go, this is superb and is worth adding to your DVD collection, particularly if you are a fan of the other titles from PM Entertainment.

If you are a fan of hard-edged action films like "The Warriors" and "Judgment Night", then you will certainly appreciate the concept of this film. It is basically an on-foot chase movie through deserted streets, punctuated by superb martial arts choreography and action scenes. You will have to be forgiving of the acting in the film, which is quite atrocious and usually commonplace in straight to video fare, but most of the performances are done "tongue in cheek" which makes for a very fun night in! Gary Daniels has never been a very good actor, but he certainly looks great and has nice charisma. But what counts in a film like this is the action and it's fantastic, although maybe a notch down from PM's best work. This is understandable though, because it is more martial arts orientated, as opposed to their usual demolition derby style films.

The martial arts are superb and there is one amazing scene where Gary Daniels single handedly takes on numerous guys on motorbikes. It is quite reminiscent of the finale of "Drive"! The stunts are breathtaking and Joseph Merhi shows off some of his best editing yet, with well-timed cuts of people smashing through panes of glass or hitting the ground violently. The explosions are fantastic and prove why PM are the best in the business for blowing shite up! Cars don't just ignite, they flip over and land dangerously next to actors.

So watch with low expectations and remember that it is very low budget and you will have a great time. Get the DVD, its only $6.99!
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Toy Soldiers (1991)
Quite simply one of the most enjoyable b-movies from the 90's.
5 October 2005
This is one of the best "Bloke" movies from the early 90's and whilst slightly dated, its one of those movies that would never get made today, which makes it very special! In fact, a very similar movie was made in the 90's called "Masterminds" and it was a PG variation on the same theme, but it was nowhere near as fun or realistic for that matter.

So what's so special about this film? It's the comradre between the main characters and the against all odds theme of the film. Sean Astin is very likable and has starred in some of the most memorable films of the 80/90's, particularly "The Goonies". He also went onto greater things with "Rudy" and "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy, but "Encino Man" is a good trip down memory lane. Will Wheaton from "Stand by Me" lends nice support to the film and Andrew Divoff is a terrific villain. Louis Gossett Jr sleepwalks in his role, but he does add some brevity to the film, particularly his relationship with Astin's rebellious nature.

So how's the action? By today's standards, it's rather tedious and cheap looking, almost like a TV movie, but the production values are good and the violence is actually quite nasty for a film involving school students. However, the director makes up for the limited budget with some nicely suspenseful moments and well placed humor.

So park your brain at the door and enjoy this fondly remembered action flick, but don't expect Oscar material!
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Event Horizon (1997)
So brilliant its hard to believe Paul Anderson directed AVP.
5 July 2005
This is without a doubt one of the greatest horror films ever made! I wouldn't classify it as sci-fi even though it does pay homage (or some would say rip-off) to many of the greats, such as Alien and The Black Hole. This is a pure horror film and also has a b-movie charm. This is the kind of movie William Castle would be directing if he was still alive today, but much better! It is the best haunted house movie of the lot, but its set in a spaceship.

OK, the movie doesn't have the most complicated plot or character development, it works because of the atmosphere and Paul Anderson has pulled off a one-trick pony here. The atmosphere in this film is so friggin brilliant that you forget you're watching a movie and it physically affects you! James Cameron and Ridley Scott reached this level of brilliance in the Alien films and David Fincher with Seven.

I've seen this movie over 20 times. It is incredibly entertaining, with fine performances, amazing special FX, one of the best and creepy music scores ever, the best space production design ever, the best subwoofer explosions, the best cinematography, energetic and brilliant direction...I could go on....

It's also become a bit of a cult classic nowadays. I've loved the film since it was first released and every friend I show it to agrees and considers it a sleeper. It is also one of the only films I know that induces fear into the audience and provokes them to curse in awe. Every time my mates and I watch it, we are gobsmacked in its craziness! 10/10 - Easily in the top 10 horror films of all time! One of the most entertaining movies ever made. Paul Anderson has never surpassed this film and it will be the one he is remembered for.
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Ricochet (1991)
Sadistic fun.
5 July 2005
This is Russell Mulcahys best film along with the original Highlander. If you like your movies nasty and sadistic with some of the most gratuitous violence thrown on celluloid then give this film a try. John Lithgow is evil incarnate and is the best villain ever! This is a "bloke" film and requires lots of coke and spring-rolls to enjoy the experience! Park your brain at the door and be prepared for one of the most enjoyably nasty films of all time. Oh and Denzel Washington is in it too, but he is rather forgettable. It almost seems like Denzel had no idea what movie he was starring in. He probably thought it was some serious serial killer movie like Silence of the Lambs, but it turned out to be much more fun.
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Bad Taste (1987)
19 March 2000
I am a huge fan of low - budget horror, and I have to admit that this film has to be one of the most entertaining and brilliantly made films for its type. Peter Jackson ranks up there as one of the most interesting and brilliant directors ever, and I love all of his movies. I place him on a par with Sam Raimi, who created the fabulous Evil Dead Trilogy and of course the brilliant "A Simple Plan".

Just look where P.J is now! He is in the process of bringing "The Lord of the Rings" to the screen. This trilogy would have to be the biggest undertaking than the Star Wars films. If you can see what P.J can do with a low budget, than I bet we're in for a suprise with his next outing.

Now back to Bad Taste: A bunch of Aliens are terrorising a small town and a bunch of government agents (sporting tank tops and bad haircuts) must band together to stop them from using the human species as lunch. Yes, the acting isn't Oscar material, either is the cinematography, but this film packs a momentous punch in everything else. Some people believe the bad acting and New Zealand acents make the film funnier. Well i suppose it does, but it is the over the top style that P.J uses, that makes this a winner. There are countless scenes to be remembered: The agent rolling down the cliff and waking later to discover that the back of his head is cracked open and he is constantly picking up bits of his brains and lodging them back in. The agents automobile is a zany creation, with the "Beatles" pictures inside of them. The scene when an agent has to eat a bowl of mashed up human, and it looks like he enjoys it. And tones More!!!!

Go to your video store and rent this all time classic. I wish I could own a copy, but I can't find it anywhere.
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The Thing (1982)
John Carpenter has delivered a true classic!!!!
12 March 2000
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I saw The Thing, I was about 8 years old (Shame Mother!!!). I remember I couldn't even survive watching this past the Dog imitation scene. Several years later, (now 19 years old) I have bought the DVD. I can tell you this DVD is amazing, down from the documentary to the cool comentary with J.C and Kurt Russell. I am not ashamed to admit that this film still manages to scare me, and ranks up on the list with Alien, Aliens and Halloween. I must mention that I am a huge fan of J.C. I do appreciate his recent films, but not as much as his earlier ones.

I must also commend the amazing Rob Bottin. He is a true gem in the movie world and his special make up effects still stand up to today's standards. But J.C's direction is absolutely amazing. He truly manages to capture the horror in Antarctica, it's as if we are actually trapped in this desolate ice world with these twelve men. You are transfixed in a claustrophobic and untrustworthy situation, where the pace is relentless. The Blood testing scene still manages to get my heart pounding through my chest. Cudo's also to J.C for not giving us a "Happy Ending", because that is the format most Hollywood films go for. ****Spoiler*****I love the bravery of MacReady and Childs for preventing The Thing from escaping by sacrificing their own lives****End Spoiler***** - Truly remarkable! If MacReady walked off in the mist like a lone cowboy (As J.C puts it) and lives happily ever after, that would suck. The ending of Alien worked so much, because Ripley survived the Alien, but was nonetheless left alone in space (with her cat) to sleep.

Make sure you buy this DVD and relish in the John Carpenters remarkable masterpiece, along with Halloween.
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The Killer (1989)
A Cinematic Masterpiece!
19 October 1999
Every time I watch John Woo's The Killer, it get's better everytime. I have seen the film countless times, in many varied forms. If you do not watch the subtitled, widescreen and uncut version, than you are not seeing the true beauty of this modern art. The sheer intensity of the violence used by Woo, is to express the hero's acts against an unjust world, and when John (Jeff, "Numb-Nuts", Chow Yun Fat) accepts his fate, he is merily redeeming his life of violence.

I am often sad that this film has been placed into the action genre, as it is more than just an action film: But Poetry in action. John Woo has been down here in Sydney, Aust filming Mission: Impossible 2, and I wish I could have had the chance to kneel before him, as he is truly the master of modern cinema.

As one user said earlier, the film does have its flaws, however, the films strengths do surpass them. Just be amazed by the graceful ballet of bullets in the final church shoot-out, that took 60 days to shoot (10th Anniversery info), and almost blinded Chow Yun Fat. This is the kind of dedication Woo has to his art. This is a film that has you heart racing through the energetic action scenes, but also brings a warmth to your heart, as a beautiful character study of four lives intertwined with violence. It is a film of guilt, betrayal, honour, love and redemption, played out in the most outrageous, yet beautiful style ever.

John Woo has created a masterpiece that has become my number 1 film. Hard-Boiled equals and maybe surpasses it in the action department, but, it does not come across as beautifully. Don't let the subtitles and violence put you off, and appreciate every scene of this film.
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Gave me the same feeling as SEVEN
26 August 1999
Arlington Road is not your typical Hollywood feature. I went to see this film the day it was released in Australia, and I had extremely high hopes, and let me tell you - this film had me enthralled from the first frame. This film deals with a highly controversial subject matter, and twists it into a highly entertaining and thought-provoking film that will keep you talking throughout the week. I am tired of hearing comments that critisize Jeff Bridges for over-acting. I think it is the musical score that underscores his character. JB is right on the money with this one, similarly Tim Robbins and the talented Joan Cusack give chilling performances.

I recommend this film to almost anyone - although I wouldn't to anyone with a short fuse! 8/10
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Why Katie? Why?
26 August 1999
Disturbing behaviour is one of the worst films I have ever seen. The premise behind the story was the only interesting thing about the film. Katie Holmes would have to be one of my favourite teen actors, although this has certainly lowered my opinion of her. But when I saw her in "Go", I forgave her.

Disturbing Behaviour lacks what a "good" film should have -

1. Entertainment value 2. Characters to relate to. 3. A plausible script 4. A running time between 90 and 140 mins 5. An objective and clear audience.

The film didn't really have these qualities, and hence anyone who spent one dime on this film should be angry. The film does attempt to use humour and large doses of suspense, and almost succeeds - but falls flat, especially after the first half.

Stay clear of this film at all costs.
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