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Severely disappointing, not worth the wait
15 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a fan of the novel for quite a long time, in fact one of the publishing agents came to give a lecture when I was in college on the nature of getting your work published and kept citing the due to be released novel as an example and even then the premise he described sounded amazing. I finally got around to reading it when it went into paperback and it's a book I have recommended countless times to people of all ages and interests. It's a great example of not just a unique and beautiful story but a clever way of telling it.

The movie on the other hand, can only be described as a disappointing mess. First of all, it immediately removes the mystery of Henry's first meeting with Claire at the Library, when he is 28 and she is 20. Why? Because it was just literally yelled at us that Henry is a time traveler. Granted, that's the name of the movie, but it just made the whole encounter feel stale.

Which is sort of the problem of the movie in general. It presents many of the events of the novel, though many are left out as well, but it does so in a very bland "well here's what happened" sort of way. None of the humor or passion of the characters in the book is there, we never really get the feeling as to why Henry or Claire love each other, it all feels sort of cold, as if the characters had decided "well this is inevitable apparently."

One major thing missing though is how much of a hassle Henry's time traveling is for his own life and everyone else's around him. There's only one moment where he leaves for a long period of time, and otherwise it is just a nuisance for him and Claire. Gone entirely is his ex-girlfriend Ingrid, gone is the eerie recognition everyone around Claire has for Henry since he resembles the man she was occasionally seen with years earlier. Also gone is the fact that Henry witnesses his own death and also speaks with Claire's father and brother at the time, and Claire having arrived shortly afterwards having just missed the death too (actually to be honest, the way his death happens in the movie feels entirely avoidable). Oddly, though he is mentioned, Claire's brother is not even in the movie or at least has no dialogue.

A few things that are major events in the book are treated as non-events in the movie, for example, the fact that Henry's first time travel was out of the car when his mother died is the very first thing revealed in the movie, when it is something of a breakthrough mental moment for Henry in the book. His relationship with his father and his father's alcoholism suffers similarly, it's mentioned but not dwelled on and ultimately is swept aside.

OK, I don't want this review to just be "Here's what they left out from the book!" I understand that in order to make a movie out of a book you have to take stuff away. My point is more that things seemed cut simply for time sake and not narrative, and as such what ended up happening is that the soul, the essence of the book was removed with it.

On another note, the movie does a terrible job of tracking when things happen and how old the characters are. This wouldn't be so bad except that there's really not a lot of quality makeup work here so there's not a lot to distinguish the way Henry looks for almost 20 years of his life. A touch of gray hair and a need to shave does not make someone look significantly older, regardless of whether he or another character says "you/I look older!" The movie could have used some of that Benjamin Button magic, and perhaps even some titles saying the year and that "Henry is 28, Claire is 20" like in the book.
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Bottle Rocket (1993)
Repeal of previous comment
15 November 2004
I wrote a rather nasty review of Bottle Rocket when I first saw the movie, and posted it here accidentally under the listing for the short film. I don't know how to delete comments or if I even can so I am adding this as an appendix to what I wrote before. I regret having made such a nasty judgment on a movie that I just didn't "get" at the time. While it still remains my least favorite Wes Anderson movie, It's not nearly as bad as I made it out to be, and everyone should at least see it.

My apologies especially to Wes and Owen, if you guys find these entry, even though you don't know me, know that I feel ashamed of myself for having made that comment before. You guys made an excellent movie with minimal budget, better than some dumb kid who wasn't even a serious student of film at the time could even understand it to be.

Sorry again.
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An Eagle of a Golf Movie.
2 May 2004
I admit that I have a bit of a weakness for movies about golf. Happy Gilmore, Tin Cup, even Bagger Vance merited a watching on HBO for me. So I was probably a little more generous in my appreciation of Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius than some (most) people would be.

But I liked it. I don't think by any standards that it was a 'great' film, not one to be remembered most likely except by Jones fans, or by golf fans in general, and at times it does sort of fall into a zone of made-for-TV-movie mode, but it's heartfelt and well acted by Jim Caviezel.

It's safe to say that if you don't like golf, you won't like this movie. But if you DO like golf, you'll have a great time.
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Pleasantly Surprised
4 March 2004
Caught this movie at a sneak preview tonight. Probably wouldn't have gone if it wasn't free, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by it. It isn't art in any way shape or form, but it is highly entertaining. The fantasies of the Matthew character (played by Emile Hirsch) are hilarious, like when he first discovers that Danielle (Elisha Cuthbert) is a porn star and finds her on the couch with his parents. The interaction between the best friends is a lot of fun too, especially when they go to the porn convention in Las Vegas.

I really liked Elisha Cuthbert in this movie too. I've never watched 24, so my only real exposure to her was as the boss's daughter in Old School and the "Hot american girl who loves british accents" in Love Actually. I'll admit that part of my liking her is because she's very very easy on the eyes, but she's able to play this role and have fun with it, which is always a plus.

And it also has an awesome soundtrack. Gotta love a well placed inclusion of The Who.

Probably the best teen movie I've seen since the first American Pie.
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100 Girls (2000)
Decent college romantic comedy
19 April 2002
I caught this movie on late-night cable last night,(No it's not one of "those" movies) I missed the very beginning but it was pretty easy to understand the plot. I enjoyed the movie enough to not roll over and fall asleep like I usually do.

This was a pretty funny movie though, The writer/director, Micheal Davis, played a lot with stereotypes in it, because every character is pretty much labled as a certain type of person, like the Girl Next Door, or the Promiscuous Artsy Chick, or the Misguided Misogynst, but then it also shows how people don't fit into those roles perfectly.

I mean, it's not like some deep layer of subtext, the movie kind of beats you over the head with it, but its still a good message.

This isn't a movie I wish I'd seen in theatres, but it isn't one where I felt I'd wasted my time (which could have been spent sleeping) by watching it. It's worth renting, or watching on cable. I liked it better than the filmakers other movie I saw on another late night, which was Eight Days A Week.
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My piece on this 'Pie'
10 August 2001
A week after seeing Rush Hour 2, I embarked on a journey to the multiplex to see yet another sequel, to yet another comedy. This one was American Pie 2, the sequel to the 1999 teen-sex-comedy. And like Rush Hour 2, it is one of the better sequels out there. Personally I did not feel that it was as good as the original, of course one reason for that is because American Pie is a neo-classic. AP is one of the movies that is used when comparing other movies. American Pie is to today's teens and twenty-somethings, what Porky's was to our predecessors.

I will say that American Pie 2, is no Porky's 2: the Next Day. American Pie 2 is as funny as the original, and is true to the characters. No one has "turned over a new leaf" at college, and yet they do show some growth since the original. I will also note that despite the return of all the original main characters, American Pie 2 seems to focus more on Jason Bigg's Jim. Though he was also the main character in the first movie, it is often viewed more as an ensemble comedy. In American Pie 2, everyone else's storylines seem to be reduced to B-plots. The movie really focuses on Jim's lack of confidence in his sexual performance more than anything else, as he awaits the end of the summer, when he will be reuinited with Nadia, "the one that got away."

Screenwriter Adam Herz really had a task ahead of him in attempting to outdo his own outrageous scenes from the original movie. From the infamous pie scene, to the tainted beer, the original really made audiences stomachs turn and their mouths erupt with laughter. Herz came through quite well with the sequel, with some champagne that may have gone bad, and Jim's encounter with super-glue. I have to add that this is a sequel that really needs the original to florish, unless you've already become familiar with the characters from the first American Pie, you won't really know them in this one.

The American Pie movies seem to hit the chord missed by so many other Gross-Out movies, as while yes, many of the jokes are crude and without taste, they are jokes first, and not just an attempt to make you wretch. The trend has been, with movies like Scary Movie... to just stick something gross on frame and shock the audience. "look! a penis." The American Pie movies seem to be better at just infering something has happened, but not sticking the entire thing (so to speak) in your face.

My comment is, if you liked the original American Pie, you'll like this one. If you didn't like it, or haven't seen it, go see something else.
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Rush Hour 2 (2001)
Rush to see this
4 August 2001
Why does hollywood feel the need to make a sequel to every movie these days? It seems like for every movie that makes a little bit of money, a sequel is inevitable. What convinces them to do this? I think it must have to do with sequels like Rush Hour 2, which match, and maybe even surpass the original.

Rush Hour wasn't shakespeare. It wasn't an Orson Wells epic. It wasn't a Stanley Kubrick art piece. It was a summer-buddy-kung fu-police-comedy. And in that regard, it was excellent. Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker made an excellent pair, and the audience was wowed by Jackie's famous fighting, and they laughed at the humor of Tucker, as well as Chan's.

And THAT is what the fans of the first movie were looking for in the sequel. And THAT is what it gives us. Chris Tucker doesn't go through any major character development. Jackie Chan doesn't come to terms with his place in the universe. Tucker runs his mouth and Chan kicks some a**. The jokes are funnier than the first movie, and the action sequences are more elaborate. So, if the comedy aspect is funnier, and the action aspect is more intense, what more can you ask for?

Oh yeah, babes. The first Rush Hour was lacking in females, we had the kidnapped daughter, and we had Tucker's friend. In Rush Hour 2, we have Zhang Ziyi, as a femme fatale that quiet frankly, cannot have enough time on screen. (I would like to add that I liked her better in Rush Hour 2 than I did in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). Also heating up the screen is Puerto Rican beauty-queen Roselyn Sanchez, as a undercover agent with questionable motives.

To finish off my review, I will say that if you liked the first Rush Hour, you will like Rush Hour 2. If you are the sort of pretentious lot that can't fathom going to the multiplex, and just denies that movies created for our entertainment are still good movies, then why not just sit home and rent Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and keep a few more seats empty for those who WANT to see Rush Hour 2.
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Burton doesn't Monkey Around
27 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I got up this morning with one goal in mind, and that was to go see Planet of the Apes. The math was Simple, I love Tim Burton and I loved the original Ape movies. I have been drooling over this movie for quite some time now, eagerly awaiting it's release.

Was I disapointed? Nope. The movie was truly amazing to watch. Tim Burton truly knows how to put his movies together, in this case hiring amazing actors for their roles, from Tim Roth whose eyes just scream Evil, to Micheal Clark Duncan, who let's face it, already looks somewhat like a Gorilla.

It's the makeup by Rick Baker though, that really makes this movie what it is, Gone are the rubber masks from the classic sixties and seventies films. This is truly state of the art mask techniques, with ape faces that movie with the human faces, from frowns, to smiles.

The one part of this movie that I DON'T think was any good, was the ending!! I'm not going to discuss too much about it because I don't like to give Spoilers, but let me just say that the first Ape movie, the ending made sense, and it fit to the rest of the plot. The ending of THIS ape movie, comes out of nowhere, and makes absolutley no sense with the rest of the plot.
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Unbreakable (2000)
an underappreciated subtle work
17 July 2001
Let me just say first and foremost, that I understand that I am going out on a limb here and expressing an opinion that from what I have heard, I am the only person in america (or at least on the east coast, because one person in Seattle told me she agrees) But I really liked Unbreakable.

GASP! what's that? Yes! I sat through this movie that everyone told me was terrible, and I thought it was fricken awesome. That's right, fricken awesome. Not just awesome, fricken awesome. I loved it. It think M. Night Shyamabatayaharawalan really captured the essence of a comic-book character in real life.

Samuel L. Jackson never ceases to amaze me. Can I just say that? I mean he is one of the most versatile actors of today. From the badasses he plays in movies like Pulp Fiction and Shaft, to the quiet wiseman characters like Mace Windu. And here in Unbreakable, as Elijah Price... he plays a man who is a little of both. Elijah is not a loud man, at all. He is not a strong man, and yet, he is tough. In my opinion, Elijah the character almost speaks more of the Unbreakable title, than the David character. For while David's body can't be broken, his spirit has. But Elijah's is undying. And neither, I think, is Samuel L. Jackson's talent.

Bruce Willis, is sort of a joke to most critics I think. Which is understandable. Someone who got famous by yelling "Yippie Kai Yay motherf***er" is not exactly something that gets you respect. But for the Sixth Sense, and this movie, I think he has earned some. Except for one scene, this is not a movie for Willis to flex his physical muscles, but the mental ones. His David is a man who doesn't want to admit to himself the truth about his life. He knows, all along, that it is true. but he won't allow it to be. We see so much more of the mental actor that Willis can be, having caught a glimpse of that in the famous ending of the Sixth Sense.

One last thing I wish to touch on, is Spencer Treat Clark (why do child actors always have all three names?) Spencer plays the part of David's son, Joseph. I just want to say that I think Spencer is a talented child actor. It is a shame that hollywood has a bad habit of picking one child star they like for a while and gives all the parts to them (Currently it's Haley Joel Osment) instead of developing a talent pool of young stars, and helping them to hone their craft as they grow older. Spencer is a talented young actor, I admired his work in both this film and in Arlington Road. And yet I doubt anyone knows his name, or they jokingly refer to him as if he were the Poor Man's Haley Joel. This attitude is terrible for talented young actors like Spencer, and I don't think it's any better for the beloved ones like Haley Joel Osment. If you disagree with me that it's not a problem to only have one big child star at a time, look at a young woman by the name of Drew Barrymore.
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Cruel Intentions 2 (2000 Video)
A less Cruel chapter.
28 February 2001
When I first started watching this movie last night on Cinemax, I was shocked that it had been made. Cruel Intentions, in my opinion, was one of the best teen-oriented films made in years. This prequel had certain things incongruent with the original. (Sebastian's father married into wealth, then why does he have a rich Aunt on long island?)

Then I found out today that it was not really intended to be a new movie, but rather a television series, Manchester Prep. After hearing that, it made sense to me that it wasn't the same as the movie, just as Buffy the Vampire Slayer is different in TV form.

I think that Roger Kumble most likely added the ending that this movie had, AFTER the series wasn't picked up by Fox. It just seems like something that would happen too fast (Sebastian becoming the male version of Katharyn) and I just don't know where they would go with the next episode, since it wouldn't be leading to the 1999 Film (Which the newer ending is directed right towards.)

One thing I didn't like was that it suggested Sebastian and his father had married into the wealth, which isn't typically looked good upon in this area of new york, and sine Katharyn's mother was just an adult version of her, it didn't seem like something a woman in her position would do, marry a man not of her social class.

As a prequel this is fairly lame. But I would have been interested to see where this had gone as a series.
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A Great crime movie
9 January 2001
I would venture to say that this movie was definatley as good as The Usual Suspects, and maybe even better at parts. There are no sympathetic characters in this movie, or to quote the film makers, "No hookers with a heart of gold"

That just makes it feel a lot more like we are seeing real criminals. these are guys who have chosen the life of crime for themselves, not innocent men who are stuck in it against their will.

If you like crime movies, you will like this movie.

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If you like car chases, you'll love this move
24 December 2000
Sure it's not a film the caliber of American Beauty... but Gone in 60 Seconds is exactly what the makers of it wanted it to be, An adrenaline packed joy ride full of hot cars, amazing chases, and Angelina Jolie. If you like a good car chase, then this movie is for you.
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Bottle Rocket (1993)
Worst movie I've ever seen!
21 October 2000
I rented this movie based on comments on this page and thought it was absolutley god-awful and terrible. Yes the dialogue is littered with lots of subtle jokes. I got most of them, but they weren't that funny. The plot is dry and at many times I considered turning it off. The only thing that kept me from doing so was the paralyzing pain that this horrid movie caused me, so I could not lift the remote.

If you desire to see this movie, I recommend laying down in front of a truck as a substitute.
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