

4 Reviews
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H2O (2004)
Not bad, it's fiction remember
13 April 2005
Paul Gross stars in this self-styled Canadian political thriller which aired on CBC over the past few nights. The two-part series originally aired last fall but I forgot to catch it, and heard little in its aftermath. It's a rare thing - a Canadian political thriller... I'd describe it as vaguely similar to House of Cards (the exceptional 1990 British political black comedy), with hints of the ridiculousness of Canadian Bacon and even X-Files.

Upon the death of his father, the Prime Minister in a suspicious canoeing accident, Tom McLaughlin-- a seemingly decent chap-- outwits rival and unlikeable snorer Marc Lavigne (right away, that name stuck out as bit too much like mass-murderer Marc Lepine) to become Canada's new PM. Backed by a media baron-- part of a trio of corporate bigwigs with mischievous smiles-- McLaughlin rides a wave of popularity to start hatching a subversive scheme. It becomes apparent McLaughlin is about to sell Canada down the river by exporting water through a far-fetched (or is it?) water pipeline from Northern Quebec. It's necessary, he claims, or else the increasingly parched United States will end up taking it anyway. But it turns out McLaughlin has a gun to his head, and is a mere puppet for a pseudo-Bilderberg all-powerful group of old men who control the world.

Strangely this group seems to only have the resources for one secret agent: the elusive Daniel Holt, who is everywhere and nowhere. He knocks off cops who get too close to the truth, wiretaps the Solicitor General (Lavigne), tortures wrongfully imprisoned muslims, and recruits Cree youth in Northern Quebec for devious plots.

Meanwhile, the head good cop Sgt. Leah Collins, played by Leslie Hope, is busy figuring out who Holt is and trying to establish what really happened to McLaughlin Senior during his canoeing trip 'accident'. Mild flirtations with PM Tom McLaughlin and finally a pact with Lavigne bring her closer to the truth.

The opinions we form of the various characters are in a state of flux; with the burning question being: If your neighbour were thirsty would you not give them a glass of water? It would be nicer if the plot had a smoother flow - more a Saint Lawrence than Hell's Gate. But the film editing, sound and cinematography are luscious. Night time fly-by shots of Parliament Hill are interspersed with evil looking Gargoyles and the Rideau Canal.

Gross by far steals the show, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the heck he's going to turn into John Diefenbaker in the upcoming Tommy Douglas Story.

The conclusion is unsatisfying, but it's hard to say what would have been a happy ending. It's almost as if the inevitable, the unavoidable, the manifest destiny took hold. All in all, any political nut would find this at least mildly amusing. Somehow though even with the explosions, blackouts and murders this film doesn't rate with the 2002 mini-series Trudeau.

Someone mentioned that McLaughlin could not have possibly become Prime Minister in such a short thing. Well, actually one doesn't have to even be elected to be Prime Minister, legally (remember John Turner, briefly 1984). And this movie does take place over a period of many many months. This is fiction, folks, and it's not bad. It's by no means a great film, but it's entertaining.
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Karu süda (2001)
Exceptionally beautiful movie
10 August 2003
This was a very meaningful movie to me. The raw beauty of the landscape (astonishingly similar to some of my own country's), combined with the almost surreal, harsh, yet melancholic storyline has counted this amongst my personal favourites.

The symbolism is everywhere, the journey of self-discovery here is presented in a way that it never has been on-screen before.

I feel very lucky to have seen this movie when it came as part of a Baltic film series at our best theatre. As soon as I read the preview for it, I felt compelled to see it, as if by instinct, and am now yearning to see it again soon. But will it ever come back? Or be put onto a format which I can play here at home? I have tried contacting the Distributor and the Estonian Film Commission but have not received a response.

I can only echo the comments of others here, especially ise-2's review. This may well become one of the great hidden treasures of cinematic history.

The acting is so superb and sincere, it is as if they are not actors. The landscapes are truly wild and you can almost feel the dampness yet inexplicable warmth of the northern forest.

Some may find it slow and plodding, as I've heard. Pervasive underlying themes and sweeping journeys across the landscape aren't often readily accepted by a majority of movie-goers.

This is far ahead of any other movie about self-discovery. If there ever was a film that could leave a lasting impression on me this is it. And I don't even know Estonian!
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A good one-man study
10 August 2003
A good movie, especially for Harrison Ford's acting (probably his best acting to date). To look at this movie and try to shape any bigger picture from it (i.e: societal decay, the human condition etc) doesn't work for me though. Brainwashing, escapism and fanatical eccentricity aren't new, and this movie isn't going to singlehandedly change anyone's perspective on the world or the human condition. It is a fascinating character study though. I happen to think there are quite a few Allie Fox's out there, I know some. They all however, seem to exhibit an annoying propensity for wanting to be the centre of attention and constantly, obsessively trivializing everything but their own ambitions. One soon realizes Fox is doomed. He just doesn't quite get it does he? He's the genius that can't trap a mouse. Stubbornly denying any so called "burden" of human kind, he is convinced he has the answer and his way is the only way. Yet, his ways are so fundamentally flawed (the chemicals, the melting ice, the home at the mouth of the river), it frustrates you to watch them. I found myself half rooting for his ideals, and half cursing him for his unease and poor judgement with that which surrounds him. The other characters were-- frankly-- nothings to me, perhaps the eldest son and the missionary being the most notable. I thought the storyline was a bit bumpy and jumpy at times with a few awkward gaps. But the directing in general was sound. A recommended viewing I think, at the very least to keep your own ideals and relation to the world around you in focus. I'd say 3.75/5
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Magnolia (1999)
Good film, but not for everyone.
9 January 2000
Just saw 'Magnolia' tonight. I'd have to give it about a seven out of ten, earned almost exclusively through brilliant editing and acting. Many will leave puzzled, I did, what does it all mean?? One can't oversimplify this movie, it conveys many messages at many levels, towards everyone from child to dying elderly. The acting, as one would expect from such a cast, is brilliant: Tom Cruise seems to somehow fit perfectly as the 'man power' guru, and William H. Macy turns out another strong performance a former child-star, who's life has diminished into confusion, and low-self esteem. It is certainly in a league of its own, and will probably be regarded as one of the innovative cinematic triumphs of the nineties, by critics. That said, my butt was pretty sore after it, and lets face it, many people won't go for this type of film because of its 'slow' scenes. I don't need to bash those people, they have their tastes, I'll definitely be giving this film a second look sometime though.
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