
61 Reviews
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She IS a spoiled selfish little girl.
25 April 2024
Back in the day I kinda liked this movie. It had a lot going for it. But one of the biggest flaws was she was a Mary Sue. She made all the mistakes but everyone else got blamed and she was just a poor little victim. She had zero character arc because as far as the story was concerned she could do no wrong.

It didn't have to be that way. The story could've been mostly the same if only she'd learned an actual lesson from all her bad dangerous choices that inconvenienced everyone else and put them all at risk.

First Daughter did it so much better. This wasn't awful but far below what it could've been.
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Harmony from the Heart (2022 TV Movie)
Jessica and Jesse at their best
17 February 2024
I loved it. Even from the trailer I felt this was one where Jessica was going to shine and not just because she's an incredible musical talent.

Even my mother who normally doesn't like her felt this movie improved her opinion.

It wasn't perfect, the post dance scenes felt a bit weird timing eyes, but otherwise it was pretty great. I wish they'd highlight a bit more what music therapy entailed as it made it seem like it was just playing and signing which didn't play well into the idea that it was a graduate program type field.

But I thought the whole cast was great loved the characters of Desiree and Max as well.

I'm loving how GAF is giving some of the traditionally secondary actors chances to really shine as well.

I recommend this one and the original song was lovely.
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My Christmas Hero (2023 TV Movie)
Maybe not a rewatch every day, but worth a return to.
3 January 2024
This won't be a movie I become obsessed with and watch a dozen times in a week. But I did really enjoy it for what it did well. It was a little clunky at parts where they tried hanging the lantern on certain topics but otherwise it was a well made film made better by the unashamed references to the real reason for Christmas which is Jesus Christ. Hallmark has gotten too comfortable claiming all these tertiary reasons on what Christmas is all about while ignoring that all those things are offshoots of the One who is truly the meaning behind Christmas. It's refreshing that Great American Family is bringing that message back.

And the cast was wonderful as well, great to see several familiar and favorite faces while adding a few new ones that also excelled. I can't remember the last time Hallmark made me cry but GAF did it with this one. No the ideas weren't 100 fresh but the way they were portrayed drew out the tenderness in my heart and I got teary eyed several times when other movies had me cringing. The character of Landon played his roll especially well and really touched my heart.

If you too are unashamed of the Savior of the world, give this one a try.,
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A Not So Royal Christmas (2023 TV Movie)
Could've been good.
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've always said a great ending can fix a bad movie and vice versa. Sadly, the former is not true here.

I love Brooke. I didn't use to but she's really grown on me especially from the Dickens' one. And I like Will. He was great in Royal Matchmaker. And I thought they had chemistry. And the premise was good. The execution on the other hand....

They get points for having her actually apologize too, a rarity these days. But how it all played out wasn't good. She didn't miss a beat when confronted again with her own lie when accusing him and twice had the audacity to imply hers wasn't as bad. Which almost made her apology moot.

I have it a shot and they moved the mark. So this one is a miss for everyone.
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Double Holiday (2019 TV Movie)
I cannot explain why I love this one so much.
29 December 2023
It's a mystery to me too but I liked it when I first saw it, I recently bought it from iTunes. I've watched it probably 39 times in two weeks. Why? Don't know. Just dang addicted for some reason. I mean it's good enough to be really liked but I can't explain why this one is so addicting to me right. Perhaps, and the only theory I can come up with, is that unlike most Hallmark movies as of late it has the religious aspect to it. And I appreciate that. And I mean I love the dynamic between the leads. I love the writing. I think it was executed well but why this above others I have no clue.

I don't regret the purchase and I'll likely watch it again soon.
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A Winning Team (2023 TV Movie)
I dunno, I kinda really liked it.
29 December 2023
It has flaws, sure. But given Hallmark's trend as of late I expected to kinda hate it. But I don't. And I'm not shy about criticizing Hallmark these days so that says something.

His hair wasn't that bad despite the comments. It had good and bad moments but overall it worked for this character. The pacing, structure, and some acting were clunky at times but they've had much worse.

I actually liked the premise which shockingly they managed to balance. Neither lead had to be excessively torn down for the other to shine. They actually had two characters with strengths and weaknesses to highlight and overcome respectively. Actual character arcs for both.

I liked it, guys. And for not liking much out of Hallmark these days, I'll take it.
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Not starting off strong.
27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I like to wait until I finish a movie before reviewing but the awkward incompetent contrivance in just the first 20 minutes needed to be addressed.

1st of all, in what universe are customers and cashiers totally okay with ringing two people up at once? The closest I can think is at a restaurant but at a register like this it's just dumb. The clerk would take one at a time. It's more likely the customers would've fought over who was first but in their lame attempt to subvert expectations they went for the silliest option. So that unbelievable contrivance to get the cards switched was just ridiculous. A dozen other ways that could've done it that wouldn't have made everyone look ridiculously incompetent.

2nd, having worked a lot of places I guarantee most places aren't checking names on cards despite what protocol says. Not unless the pin isn't working and even then the customer would likely already have the card back when the error was discovered. Those people at the store and restaurant don't get paid enough to care.

3rd, what kind of idiot tries to have a convo about switched debit cards with one of the players while a hockey game is going? No one. It's not like he's likely to disappear on her given the situation.

Not sure I'll finish this but other people seemed to enjoy it so maybe I'll hope the writing improves.

And to the reviewer who complained about the 5th avenue line,
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A Biltmore Christmas (2023 TV Movie)
Finally, a return to what it should be.
23 December 2023
We all know the joke. "What has 15 actors, 5 scenes, 2 writers, and 1 plot? A Hallmark Christmas movie."

But even with that, every so often they create a few that stand out in a fabulous way. I thought those days were long gone after their contrived drama of the controversial commercial a few years ago (and yes it was obviously on purpose), their shift from "the heart of tv," and their intent and execution to drastically revamp everything that made Hallmark what it was using the fake drama to draw attention to their shift. And I can say they followed through to the point that I gave up hoping they'd make anything I'd enjoy again.

But here it is. Yes, this film has familiar Hallmark actors, but we got a beautiful untainted gem in this imaginative new story.

Kristoffer Polaha and Bethany Joy Lentz are two of the best as they are more than just actors, they bring a special something to every character they play. And they had pretty good chemistry. The movie wasn't perfect but what it lacked it made up for in fresh originality while tapping back into what made Hallmark great.

The rave reviews did set my expectations a bit high and my distrust of Hallmark after their disrespectful manipulation attempts for their core audience left me wary. So I didn't love it to a 10 star rating, but it ended up being a joy and I fully plan to purchase a copy on dvd or digital when it's released. I hope it is.

I do recommend it and plan to watch it again soon as I suspect it is one that will grow my fondness for it upon repeat viewings.

Let me be clear, I'm not upset with Hallmark for wanting to shift tracks in a shifting world, but I have little respect or patience for them for manipulating their audience with contrived controversy. So I'm not back for good. But after A Biltmore Christmas, I've cracked the door just a tidge in the hopes they do more like this again.

EDIT: I wasn't wrong. Repeat viewings make it better each time and so it's rating bumps up to a 10 after all.

And this movie is what Rip In Time had the potential to be if not for the disrespect of the past for the sake of modern arrogant sensibilities.
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Pearl in Paradise (2018 TV Movie)
Almost perfect.
21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You know what I love about a good romantic movie? When the guy apologizes for messing up (when it's a real mess up not a poorly written fake mess up). You know what I hate in a romantic movie? When the girl DOESN'T apologize for legitimately messing up by thinking the worst of the guy when he actually did nothing wrong.

Thus the one star docked on my rating. There are other parts that annoy but she has enough of a character arc to not be a Mary Sue.

All in all it's a good one. I like Kristoffer Polaha and Jill Wagner together. The makers kinda made the same annoying mistake of her character being obnoxiously pushy and arrogant in the first Mystery 101 movie (and the third and almost the fourth but fixed that one) but still love them.

This story is great for KP to step into a different kind of character with Colin and JW does a great job as the sincere if often selfishly unobservant Alex.

And except for the missing apology from her at the ending it was a very sweet ending.

I like it, I bought it, I recommend it.
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Hearts of Christmas (2016 TV Movie)
Almost perfect...
14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, I love this movie. I was so happy when I was able to get it on DVD though it took a bit of searching.

But it also frustrates the heck out of me because Jenny doesn't get it and the script won't let her. Matt is not perfect and he has that character arc where he learns it does help to get to know the people you have to make tough decisions about because it might lead to some inspired solutions.

But Jenny, oh, Jenny. She never quite understands the reality and practicality that money is finite. And I wish they would've had Matt spell that out for her or that she'd realize he's not horrible. They almost did in the parking lot where he finally gets fed up with it. I loved how he called her out about her thinking the world revolves around her. It's true, she does even when she justly trying to support her supervisor. But they ruin the moment with her getting the last word about him only looking at the data. Yes, Jeni, when you're running the books for a giant hospital that deals in millions of dollars, yes, you have to look at the data. The whole movie I'm siding with him because they wrote her as one who lives off fairy dust and magic. And all he tries to do is show her that you can be practical, and realistic, AND still be a giver. But while she can be your worst enemy, she does sincerely care about those she cares about. Kinda the two polar opposites of emotion. She cares so much about those she knows that she defends them voraciously. Unfortunately, she doesn't really she's writing off Matt the same way she accuses him of writing of the people he doesn't know. And I think he's less callous about it than she is. But their interactions do make for some great lines.

I do highly recommend this film because Jenny isn't completely horrible. I do like their chemistry and I love the story. I think they define NICU way too often as I think more people know what it stands for than not so a single definition would be good but she explains the acronym like 10 times (exaggerated but not much) and it gets a bit obnoxious. She just assumes everyone is dumber than she is on anything to do with the NICU. Could've removed one of those definitions to give Matt a chance to explain something to her that she doesn't understand and have her be left speechless at least once.

I know, I keep harping on parts that annoy me then say how much I love it, but I do love it. That's why I gave it 9 stars which I rarely do and I give even fewer 10 stars, often settling in at 7-8 unless it's a bad 2 or 5.

It's a great move in spite of the one real flaw and I loved that it was one of their outside the norm for Hallmark cookie cutter stories. Plus I'm a big fan of Kristoffer Polaha and Emilie Ullerop, both great actors. And the side characters and actors are a bunch of favorites as well.

EDIT: Upon rewatching I do see more of her character arc but one last frustration I have with too many Hallmark movies is the girl mishears something, misjudges the guy, blames him, but when all is resolved and they get together, she never apologizes for thinking the worst when she was wrong for having misheard something even once the truth comes out. He's the only one apologizing. And that is a point I can't get past.
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Not horrible, not great, as always these days for Hallmark, missed potential.
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some great actors, some not so great. Some great moments, some not so great. And far too many "trying too hard" cringe moments. Trying too hard to be modern. Trying too hard to be quirky. The real gems of the show often were over shadowed by the less than genuine attempts in other moments. Almost like those in those moments didn't buy it anymore than than the audience.

Amazingly the biggest pet peeves were the contrived problems like the car repair (no it does not take days to replace a standard windshield especially for a shop that advertises glass repair) and getting locked in the room just felt too dumb in the initial execution. Even Kristoffer Polaha who does incredible work in my opinion couldn't make the getting locked in moment not weird.

Sadly I'm constantly reminded these days of why after decades of wishing to get and having Hallmark Channel access, I don't really miss it now.

I've got half a movie to go but I've already fast forwarded through several too cringe moments. Who knows. I've long believed a great ending can save even a bad movie. Maybe this will be one of those.

Edit: okay finished. I'm not changing my rating though it had more sweet moments and a good ending except for the ornament. I'm now convinced the couple who owns the inn and the car shop lady are scamming people in cahoots with the marriage counselor by intentionally dropping a giant ornament on their cars. That's a way to get repeat business but I wonder what kind of kickback the therapist is getting. Another reviewer called it "cute Christmas magic." No it's vandalism and fraud, both severe crimes.

I liked that they had Pascale Hutton as the therapist but I kinda expected a simple tie to her other movie. No such luck.

I may watch it again since I bought it off Amazon digital but I'll skip to just the good parts.
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The Shift (II) (2023)
Excellent and thought provoking!
3 December 2023
I saw this the day before the official release and at the time I felt the pacing was slow and the story line quite confusing. I left the theater (grateful to have gone with a friend who also likes discussing movies) not sure if I liked it. I didn't hate it and I got the general gist but I certainly left with mixed feelings and mulling it over.

I had free tickets so I went again sooner than I planned and so glad I did. The second viewing made much more sense and I left feeling definitely liking it. Its message was great and I enjoyed the journey with a better understanding.

I like it so much and I get something new every time that I've seen it a third time and plan to purchase on dvd when released. Even between viewings I find myself thinking on it and having new insights.

Kristoffer Polaha, Neal McDonough, Sean Astin, and all the cast really did a great job.

Also, to the reviewer who claimed they lied about the religious aspect. They didn't. It's an Angel Studios film. They always do religious aspect to films and other ads show this. Just because you saw one where it wasn't as prevalent doesn't mean they lied.
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Lady Ballers (2023)
Not my usually movie but some fairly awesome moments.
2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So this isn't my usual form of comedy. I'm not really into more vulgar jokes. But given the subject matter it's hardly surprising.

Still it had some great moments. 1)The locker room convo with Winnie. 2) The final game. Adorable. 3) The twist ending. 4) The two unexpected cameos. 5) The expected cameos. 6) Matt Walsh smiling and hugging. Both awesome and unsettling.

I'm mean ultimately it had its flaws but still pretty impressive for a movie that went from conception to premiere in nine months. Hmm. Was that a coincidence? Imagine how those flaws could've been polished up with a bit more time.

Not exactly a family movie but it hit the real message without being cringe.

I know plenty who hate DW will disagree with that last part, but I've seen far more cringy stuff the last five years from the other perspective.

Everyone did well. Love it or hate it, you should see it before you judge it.
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Like they say, missed potential.
15 October 2023
I applaud Jessica Loundes for trying to step out of her type casting. Unfortunately this one didn't land well. I'd like to see her take her craft more seriously by getting a voice and diction coach to help her develop the power of tone and cadence. As another said, the valley girl voice was an issue. It tended to quickly pull me out of what could've been an endearing character. However, that was only one issue. Her character was a little too Mary Sue as well. She doesn't really grow as she doesn't see her hypocrisy and projection when she yells at Darcy for his behavior but plays the martyr when it comes to her own boss. More than once I sort of wondered if she wrote the script for herself. Just a vibe even if not true. Honestly I was a bit disappointed as Rick Garman usually writes very well. He's got a long list of films that I just adore. Perhaps what he wrote really was fine and her portrayal just didn't fit well?

She wasn't terrible but I think she could've done better and perhaps she was miscast without more work.

I like Michael Rady as usual. I think he did well in playing a quieter version of his roles, the careful and distant business man who is slowly drawn out of his seclusion. His portrayal of his growing attraction to Elizabeth helped make her a bit more likable. But that chemistry was still lacking between the two. He wasn't perfect but still more enjoyable and believable.

I'll admit it's all grown on me a bit but often I'll skip the less palatable parts upon rewatching.

I loved the supporting cast. The dialogue could've used a bit more work.

Not a total bomb. Good enough but I'll always wish for somethings to be different.
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The "Must See" phrase is cliche but 100% true here.
12 July 2023
It's been years since I saw a movie that felt worth it. But this is more than a movie. It's a call to action. While Hollywood is out there trying to change people by telling them their awful, the story of "Sound of Freedom" is calling real people to stand up, take notice, and be the hero but helping to spread the word on one of the two most vile things happening to our children in these modern times.

The story, based on true events, is compelling in its own right. But the cast and crew have managed to weave this story into a two hour digestible tale that will have you asking "what can I do to help?"

Jim Caviezel was already seen as a great actor but this film continues to show the breadth of his abilities. The moments when he is choked up in a scene you know he's drawing from a true feeling. He portrayed the real hero we all want to be but few go out and become.

Like all movies based on true stories the filmmakers took liberties but none that felt like it took you beyond what good people could do who saw something awful and were transformed by it.

Everyone in this project found the way to address a ten ton topic of importance without the lazy Hollywood gratuity. They drove home the point, engaged the viewers, without doing harm to the story but showing what didn't need showing. You didn't have to see what happened to know it.

A lot of filmmakers complain about scenes being cut because they think the audience won't get it without it. I've sadly seen or heard about parts of sexual assault scenes in movies that the writer s d director felt was necessary. You don't have to see a single but in this film to understand the horror of what's happening to the children of the world.

Please. Please go see this film in theaters. Take a chance that by seeing this film you might be better prepared to protect your own children or those you love, and help someone else's child as well.
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A Honeymoon to Remember (2021 TV Movie)
Absolute trash
8 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The female lead is absolutely horrid. The beach guy who falls for her is the worst ignorant simp. And her ex fiancé should've considered that bullet dodged but the writers somehow have no idea how to write a good story and likable characters. What were they smoking to green light this? I couldn't even finish it. Zero redeeming qualities and it appears my opinion isn't in the minority.

Why do modern writers write women and men like this? What happened to believable conflict? It's just lazy and insulting. The only people even remotely worth it from what I could stand to watch were her sister, ex fiancé, and sisters new boyfriend. But even they were lacking for not seeing how awful the supposed heroine of the story is. Someone please call her out. She takes no responsibility for her contribution to the mess, expects apologies at every turn and when her faults are pointed out she redirects back to the other person. Ugh.

Looked up the other credits of the writer. Maura sense now. It was completely immature because he's written mostly stuff for kids.
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Entitled princess despite her claims...
19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I appreciate the attempt to subvert some expectations. But the attempts weren't executed as well as they'd hoped. Problems with the execution include unanswered questions like:

What exactly dis she think was going to happen? She's the only child in a 500 year long royal family line but is completely surprised when parents come a-callin' with info about succession. Really? Sis she think mommy and daddy was going to live forever? Did she think the line would end with them in which case why was she surprise about him possibly abdicating? And really? She's the last in the line and she's allowed to run amok in NY until her child bearing years are almost over? And not once did this "total chill down to earth girl" think about what would come Next for her family. But she's not spoiled or entitled. Yeah right. She's so not spoiled in fact that her victim rant when her bodyguard tries to defend her by taking her side over dork earls comment is totally justified.

Only 30 min in and I almost can't stand it. I have to see how this train wreck ends but golly it's bad.
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The Nature of Romance (2021 TV Movie)
He's great. Lady ranger is great. Friend is great. "Leading lady" character is the worst.
5 February 2023
Seriously, who wrote this garbage? The leading lady character is 10000% unlikeable with zero redeeming qualities. Note I said the character not the actress. She was fine but no one could make the chapter they gave her good. This writing is terrible. No one actually thinks he's the problem right? She ignores all his advice, doesn't admit her mistakes, has the audacity to think he needs to improve the grounds, as though camping is meant to be glamping, all he is is nice to her and she acts like he's been rude while she's a holy terror.

Seriously? Worst one of this yet. Whoever wrote this please get some writing lessons.

I couldn't even finish she was too annoying to listen to. All she did was make him look even more incredible.

Such a shame that the writer gave them such bad material. It's not like "hate at first sight turns to love" hasn't been done before and worked great. This just couldn't.
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Seriously, not bad but still lost potential.
29 January 2023
That's how I feel about 99% of everything Hallmark makes today these days. Well, no most of it is bad but a few are lost potential. This was did a bit better. I enjoyed it for the most part but it always comes back to these days that no matter the disagreement the girl is never as wrong as the guy. Which is just tired and boring. Watching an imperfect man next to a supposedly perfect woman is so fake and obnoxious. I know people will disagree with me but I can't I see what do much if media is trying to push.

So for this movie the chemistry wasn't bad. I don't normally like this actor but he's growing on me a little. I've always liked her but this wasn't her best performance, or rather her character was a bit off putting. Arrogance isn't any more attractive in women than it is in men.

I liked the fresh take on the professions of the leads. Also, always good to have dogs. The young lady who played Samantha was exceptional. They kinda dropped the Sonia storyline which on one level was fine but for that reason it was pointless to have it to begin with. And the story line with her sister was removed but unresolved. You'll understand when you see it. Sonia and the sister's story lines had so much focus that it was weird to realize they fizzled pretty quickly.

Anyway, I give it a six overall.

It was good enough to watch at least once.
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Utterly painful.
24 January 2023
Everyone is unlikeable. The main girl is a ridiculous Mary Sue and everyone else is also arrogant and annoying. They pretend like they know all and all they do is perpetuate the idea of stupid hicks. Which is an insult to real farmers everywhere.

Seriously, I'm ten minutes in and I want them to lose their land.

It's like someone grew up on a farm and honestly thinks all farmers are good guys and everyone else is evil and so they wrote a screenplay with terrible pacing and in likable characters. They watched movies of others who did it better and mistakenly thought, "yeah, I can do that."

This movie has 7.8 out of ten stars and not one user review? I smell fake ratings by family and friends. No one likes it enough to even try to justify those stars.
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Royal New Year's Eve (2017 TV Movie)
He did nothing wrong and she's obnoxious.
11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not the actress. Jesse Shram can actually act fairly well when they don't give her an unlikable character to play and pretend it's fine.

But the prince repeatedly tries to tell her who he was from day one but she over road him every time. Then he has to grovel for her forgiveness until she bestows it upon him? She served to be embarrassed for her behavior. She's the epitome of the put upon Mary Sue. All this does is make him look perfect and she appears woefully unworthy.

Now that we've got the most obvious flaw out of the way, the accents needed work. Sounded like they watched a bunch of old time British tv shows to practice.

Also, the daughter, is she nice or evil? She's totally on Kaitlyn's side until her mother conspires to ruin it and now she decides to keep her mouth shut?

It had potential but the writing and plot progression and the character of Kaitlyn just made it mostly unbearable.
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Three Wise Men and a Baby (2022 TV Movie)
Hallmark: Where Potential Struggles to Survive and Often Dies...
3 January 2023
...and while this movie was not a total exception, it had a few gems sprinkled throughout.

Honestly, it had an excellent cast and some scenes that were just great. But sadly, it lacked cohesiveness. Which was odd given that neither the director nor the writers were inexperienced. The cast did a great job of making the great scenes awesome. But many scenes felt disjointed, clunky, and choppy. It's like they wrote a bunch of scene ideas on post-its, reassembled them in some kind of order, but there was no smooth flow tying them all together. And there was a lot of repetitious dialogue over and over again as they tried to share the moral of the story but in such a shove it down your throat way. Hallmark frequently has a habit of telling rather than showing, and I distinctly remember from my own film classes many moons ago, that for the medium, it should be show as much as possible instead of tell.

I'm glad I gave it a chance because in what they had to work with, Paul Campbell (also one of the writers), Andrew Walker, and Tyler Hynes executed it wonderfully. It was fun to see three leading and favorite actors play off of each other as brothers and bring to life some of the better scenes. They were all adorable in their interactions with the baby. It fell short in many respects but it was worth at least a watch. Might even watch again while skipping over the less desirable scenes.

And the final wrap up scenes were all just cringe with secondhand embarrassment. Awkward to watch but I'm glad they kept it real with the contest. But it could've been worse. Hallmark's proven they can do much, much worse these days.
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Undercover Holiday (2022 TV Movie)
Missed potential but not a total tank
31 December 2022
Honestly, I had hopes. That were dashed many times. It took 20 minutes for it to settle into a believable story. The set up was painfully forced. It started to get it's groove but every time it did they heavy handed The Message. What could have been a natural flow was pushed in an unnecessarily uncomfortable way. Instead of allowing us along for the ride, they tried to baseball bat us over the head. But it came back again for a moment or two before it came in strong again. Honestly, by the end I was ready to tank it good for all the back and forth where it almost did it well then sabotaged itself. I was settling on a middle ground but gave it a few extra points because FINALLY we returned to the idea that the girl sometimes has to apologize too. Especially when the bad idea was hers. Too many movies on the girl power train are giving us women who are treated as perfect even when they clearly mess up. But I appreciate they put that in.

Our leading lady in the beginning felt like she was trying too hard. Her performance got better though and by the end it wasn't her acting that was a problem. It was the lines the gave her. She can act but not over bad dialogue which is hard for the most experienced of actors.

So it wasn't fantastic. The writer hurt the story a few times trying to shoehorn in a heavy handed message and clunky lines. But it wasn't as bad as most of the other stuff coming out these days. I was actually able to see it through to the end on a hope. And that's saying something these days. Yeah, the chemistry wasn't 100% but I've seen worse. I think it was more the push of The Message that interrupted that potential as well.

So I give this 7 stars. Which is one of the better reviews I've given a Hallmark movie as of late. The last two years have been rough and I imagine it's going to keep on this trend.
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The Engagement Plot (2022 TV Movie)
Had potential, but one small hole let all the air out.
5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was a great premise. It was a fresh take on the over done Bachelor-esque reality tv trope. It wasn't surprising. It wasn't meant to be a twist surprise. It was still predictable. But it was still different enough.

But one little thing ruined it all. The lack of comeuppance for the producer. The worst he gets is a weak reprimand from the interviewer. The bad guys were cartoonish which was bad enough but this guy went evil to an extreme. Why have him push back at all against his boss during the show if he was going to go to this level of awful anyway at the end? They should've just had him be that bad from the get go. And then he gets chewed out in a way that he obviously could care less about and that's suppose to appease the audience?

Yes in real life he'd likely get away with it. But this isn't real life. So they had all the room to satisfy the audience. They chose not to.

And yes, I'm focusing on that more than anything because again, it's a small point that ruined the whole thing. Left me utterly disappointed.

One final point, evil producer catches Will off guard in an ally (like I said, cartoonish) and Will honestly thinks there are no further strings to the interview? Kelsie showing up was seen a mile away but we're to believe he and his lawyers wouldn't attempt to head off more bad press by smelling a skunk in the upcoming interview itself? And no one involved in the script caught the stupidity of that? Are they that dumb or do they think we are?

When you treat your audience like idiots they tend to not come back for more.
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Trying too hard...
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie tried too hard. I'm not going to doubt the faith of the filmmakers but not every movie was made for everybody and this one seems to be for an especially small niche even within Christian groups.

Some will argue that is because we were hoping for something we'd already seen. I wasn't. But the trailer certainly alluded to something quite different.

The pace was painfully slow. Often movies like this tend to be too artistic and end up boring the audience. It felt like it tried too hard to be deep. And ended up being a whole lot of nothing. Other reviewers will accuse me of missing the point but I think the movie did that for itself.

It was a cheap shot to the intelligence of the audience to try and lead them to believe he was the cheater when it was actually her. And it did nothing to support or advance the story.

Then there are the plot holes. What exactly was the point of claiming the man claiming to be God had died 12 years ago in Afghanistan? Just another trick to draw Paul back into the room one more time? Pointless. And what of all the whispered voices? How did that play in except to be "mysterious"? So much is left unexplained likely because the writer had no explanation.

And finally (as far as this review is concerned), the presentation of God was the most unrelatable I've ever seen. I agree that even to devout Christians there is still a mystery to God. But this didn't feel mysterious. It felt without support. Some will accuse me of wanting to see my idea of God and being disappointed. Many films have given various interpretations of God and how He might behave in certain circumstances. But the good ones draw on what we do know of him. This portrayal felt anything but connected. This representation was stumbling and sarcastic. Even if God were to speak to us in person and wanted to relate to us in a way we could understand, I still don't believe this is how He would approach us.

I was supremely disappointed. Kinda wish I'd only been left neutral.

I wouldn't recommend this. But to each their own.
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