
8 Reviews
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Ponderous and Overbearing
21 October 2017
So I'm not going to spoil anything and enough reviews have gone into some detail so I won't waste to much time on specifics.

Just coming off an evening of watching the original ("The Final Cut") and this back to back.

First let me say the original stands up quite quite well. Most jarring are the car effects and the presence of pay phones and absence of smart phones. :) Second... Wow... This sequel is visually stunning, captures a lot of the feel of the original but is way too much, way too slow, and way too loud! It is probably the first film where I have said it could have used a little dynamic range compression.

Anyhow let's just say my 7 probably could have become an 8+ with some tighter editing and about 20-30 minutes on the cutting room floor.

I think people giving this a 9 or 10 and gushing praise are a vocal minority. Fine film but with some post production flaws and no masterpiece, at least not yet. Maybe a "Final Cut" will save it?
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Well worth the time to watch - Great Scifi - Romance Blend
2 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I will fully admit pushing this from a pretty solid 8 to a 9 because I think it was a little underrated.

If you liked Edge of Tomorrow you will like this. I think Emily Blunt has a bit of a niche in Sci-Fi Romance nailed here. Chemistry between Blunt and Damon is nice and I always like Terence Stamp.

As an aside I always hesitate watch Matt Damon movies because I think he will annoy me but he always sucks me in... in a good way. I think I conflate him with Brad Pitt which is unfortunate.

I marked this as spoiler because it could have worked either way as a sad or uplifting ending and I think what made me jump it up to a nine was because, heck, we all deserve a happy ending once in a while!
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Pretty Disappointing...
3 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am not sure why I gave this a six. It probably deserves less. Maybe some of the acting was decent and at least there was no Jar-Jar Binks; although the stereotype Eastern "grandma" was rather painful (however, mercifully, she did not tag along).

As has been mentioned many times this is not a sequel but a *remake * or reboot of IV. One or two references might be considered an homage but the whole plot was basically lifted.

Also CGI battle scenes are over the top as usual in the last several outings.

I've now been fooled twice into seeing the start of a "new" Star Wars trilogy in the theatre. Shame on me. The last two will be in watch on a library disc or Netflix category...
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Rather Bad and Ultimately Boring and Forgettable
28 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK so first of all I'm not some sort of squeamish viewer who is panning this movie because of the comic book violence. Heck I quite liked flicks like "300" and "Kick-Ass". This film just doesn't know what to do with the tone and, similar to most movies these days, actually bores the audience with interminable action scenes and CGI. I actually checked my watch on the church brawl, yawn... I would have loved a good spy flick parody but this was just sad. There were a few good performances and the odd good laugh, and I really wanted to like it, but it is pretty much a mess in the end. If you haven't already seen it in the theatre give it a miss and catch it on streaming, rental, etc.

As for the IMDb rating, what the heck? 8.2!! #238 at the time I write this??!! Top 250 material this is not! The shill review corps is working overtime on this one.
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Frozen (I) (2013)
22 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First of all let me say I am completely basing my impression on proper context. I am a reasonable student and fan of animation in general and many Disney, musical style, movies in particular. For example I rate 'Mulan' and 'Tangled' quite highly. Also a big fan of 'Lilo & Stitch' and 'Finding Nemo'.

Anyhow it is tough to define what didn't work here. I just watched it and had high expectations from the hype so that may have set me up for a let down. I would say the biggest items are a weak dialogue and a few jarring plot items or twists that jar me out of my suspension of disbelief.

Probably the biggest one is the whole Elsa flight and ""Let it Go" montage. This was broken on a few levels.

First the good. The music is a reasonably catchy, pop power ballad and the visuals are well executed. However the whole premise is what ripped me out of the mood in the first place. How in the world has a young sorceress, who has repressed her powers basically her whole life and been completely untrained, able to craft the fortress of solitude etc. on the first try? One grants fantasy lots of things but if she cannot control her power to the extent of randomly freezing things mere hours before, where does the precision come from to craft high art and animate things? Maybe if she had been secretly training with the trolls for 10 years. Also why in the world the parents though it was a good idea to closet her away instead of finding some trainer is beyond me. Sigh...

Next was the almost giggling funny transformation from the regal attire to some sort of rather, well, shall we say sexy outfit. Apparently just revelling in the girl power, but it seemed strange and out of place.

Another minor irritant is the somewhat tiring, and sudden, appearance of the *another* comic relief... snowman? Also why the rather diabolus ex machina of the bad prince near the end. I know it set up the sacrifice but that could have been done is a less contrived way.

Well I hope I'm not coming across a demanding too much. I've got caught up in many other Disney offerings and not felt as let down; for example 'Brave' was an overall better offering in spite of that film's weaknesses.
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It's Space Opera; but it's fun Space Opera!
23 October 2008
I just watched this again for the first time in probably a two decades. Sure the CGI has been eclipsed but it definitely pushed the envelope at the time and should be considered an excellent evolutionary example. Heck I remember when Cray was synonymous with supercomputing and it was so cool to have a film rendered on one. The cast was definitely above average for an 80's flick and they, along with the movie in general, has aged rather well. The soundtrack is also rousing and satisfying for the genre. One thing I noticed this time is that I'll bet Luc Besson saw this movie and copied the "frontier" in 'The Fifth Element'. Oh, and I also caught the 'Dr. Strangelove' line before even looking at the trivia (although I was surprised that it was an actual audio clip from Slim Pickens scene). Anyhow a great little escapist movie for those who dream of the day their Centauri shows up and whisks them away to a glamorous and heroic new life. (sniff) :-D
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Hogfather (2006 TV Movie)
As good as I could have hoped!
26 December 2006
Which is not to say perfect but certainly a very good effort.

I just finished watching it a second time and am developing a serious crush on Michelle Dockery. She played an almost perfect Susan of my imagination. A strong, attractive woman: cold, cynical, and subtly sexy in a stern way; was what I had in mind and this pretty much delivered.

Death's voice casting was very good and Albert wasn't bad. I do think it would have been neat to use some effects to show Death from the point of view of most mortals who cannot see him "properly". Also, as I mentioned on the comment board, I think Tony Robinson could have been a good 'Albert' given his significant "sidekick to a dark figure" experience. The biggest disappointment was definitely the Wizards who were portrayed too much on the "Bumbling Fools" end of the spectrum. I see them more as lazy but also powerful and very suspicious men. IIRC Ridcully is the only Arch Chancellor to last more than one book in the highly "competitive" world of Wizards.

The story was quite close to the book given the limitation of the medium. I would have actually cut some more peripheral sections and tightened things up a bit at the risk of incurring the wrath of the very orthodox Pratchett fans. You will never please the most radical anyhow. For example why not skip the shower plot completely? Ditto for the "Oh God of Hangovers".

Anyhow enough kvetching. Great first outing!
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Titan A.E. (2000)
Mixed feelings...
1 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers

Like many of the previous comments I definitely have mixed feelings about this film. I had expected a little bit more. However I will not repeat most of the things that have already been said but make one brief observation.

For me the worst offence in this film is the blatant ripoff of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan in the last scenes. I mean come on; a nebula chase and then a planet forming device set off. A tad more originality here would have made the movie a lot better. If the Titan would have just been something different (like a generic device to manipulate energy hence the Drej concern or even a cliched super weapon or new star drive) then the ending would feel like a lot less of a hack and I would have been a lot happier. IMHO the end of a film is one of the most important aspects and in the case of Titan the aftertaste is certainly stale.
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