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One incredible film!
7 January 2003
If there was ever a doubt of Scorsese's talent and storytelling ability this film puts those doubts to rest. It is obvious from the first scene and the first line all the way through to the ending credits that Scorsese put every fiber of his being into the telling of this epic story of crime, politics, social class, poverty, and gangwarfare set in New York City in the midsts of the turmoil of the Civil War. The shadow of this grand historic event looms above the entire film, but the real story is told in the relatively small area of the Five Points slums and alleys where our characters live and die by ancient codes and rules that few outsiders would ever understand.

But Scorsese's will and talent is also backed up by an amazing cast of characters who give the characters a life and authenticity deserving of such a hallmark film. DiCaprio proves once again that he is a great actor as he takes us through all the actions and emotions of a young Irish hoodlum seeking revenge against his father's killer who takes him under his wing as a surrogate son. Truly one of DiCaprio's finest work in his young career but yes, what you heard is true, Daniel Day Lewis simply overshadows all with his brilliant performance in this film. His portrait of the neighborhood crime lord and local butcher is stunning and is the absolute best reason to watch this movie again and again. If ever there was a performance worthy of an Oscar, surely this must be it.

In the end Gangs of New York is really a timeless story set in a certain historical time and place. And I'm sure for most regular audiences it maybe hard to imagine that these people, places, and events could have ever been a part of real life in America. But not only is this an accurate picture of life in America of the past but in many ways America is still this way, people just choose to ignore those aspects as they have chosen to since well before 1846. Luckily for us we have a director like Scorsese with the guts to actually tell the story of the countless millions who have survived, lived, and rose above the worst of America's filth and poverty. This is one movie you simply cannot miss, go to the theater now!
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The new definition of "cool movie"
13 October 2002
Sure there's lots of action movies, and it certainly does seem the stunts in them get more and more ridiculous each year. But every once in awhile a movie like this one can make you enjoy watching one man miraculously defeat twenty or thirty enemies at once, all the while dodging punches, kicks, and 50,000 rounds of bullets. So how does The Transporter pull this off? Three simple things: great style, a cast of main characters with incredible talent, and of course the awesome chase scenes and fight a good tongue-in-cheek attitude about it all.

Simply put, if you've been looking for a great action film for awhile, this is definitely the medicine you need.
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Could have been better, but also could have been alot worse
13 April 2000
This film is pretty decent when you consider its genre. The story/plot is such an excellent idea, how perfection is not all its cracked up to be. But yes, just about everything else in the movie is a let down, and I have to agree with everyone that Gavin was alot more interesting than Stephen or Rachel. And they shouldn't have brought up all these diffrent plot points if they were never planning on explaining any of it, it could have been good but needed more info.

Having said all that, atleast it wasnt The Faculty, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, H20 or just about any movie in the genre. This film definately shines compared to all those others...

7/10 stars. Had alot more potential but decent none the less.
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Stepmom (1998)
Overall a great movie, but has many flaws...
17 March 2000
For starters the mother (Jackie Harrison played by Susan Sarandon) is just horridly mean to nearly everyone around her, I ended up completely hating the character and waiting for her to die already, which I would HOPE was not the intention of the film. She did soften up considerably at the end, but it was too little too late as far as I'm concerned. The daughter (Anna Harrison played by Jena Malone) was a snot-nosed brat who I wanted to strangle at times, but also cooled off and much better than her mother's character.

Most of the background including the dad (Luke Harrison played by Ed Harris) seemed to disappear from the film completely as it started to center around the two women fighting for/over these two children. The rock and roll songs were nice (a bit repetetive but Im sure Sonny and Cher fans will like it) but the score was inappropriate and its better to just tune it out.

All that being said this is STILL a great movie, an 8 or 9/10. Very touching story with good heart, even if it dosen't get its point across too well at times. The little boy (Ben Harrison played by Liam Aiken) is VERY cute and funny, a very promising young actor. But by far the best thing in this movie is Julia Roberts as Isabel Kelly. She has it all in this film and simply steals the show. If she performed this good all the time more people would take her seriously.

If you ever feel the need to cry, smile, or simply hate a character and yell at the screen, give this move a chance. :)
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Oh, God! (1977)
A good, clean, fun movie!
16 March 2000
Some pretty good laughs at times, and great performances by Denver and Burns. Don't look too deeply for any "spiritual truths" though, while the film basicly lists things people who belive in God (no particular religion needed) should already know on faith, any close inspection is both futile and irrelevent.

We can only hope that if there is a God, he is both as loving and charismatic as how Burns portrays him.
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Knock Off (1998)
Great Action Flick!
10 March 2000
I was surprised to see this film get such a low rating, sure Van Damme has had his share of bad movies (what actor hasn't?) but this is NOT ONE OF THEM! This movie borders on genius, great directing, great cast, the plot and script could use a bit of tweeking but most of all this movie is exciting. A little chaotic at times, but meant to keep you guessing. As far as action flicks go, this is a first-rate film! 9/10
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10 March 2000
Superhero movies pretty much always suck, and this is no exception. Its only redeeming quality is the fact the movie COULD have been even worse. I would put 'Batman & Robin' and 'Steel' above this movie, so yes it is that bad...

If your looking for a black superhero, check out 'Blankman' its not a "serious" superhero movie but at least its entertaining.
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Cinderelmo (1999 TV Movie)
A Waste of Good Puppetry
6 March 2000
Another lame attempt at a "politically correct" Cinderella story, but with Elmo in place of Brandy. It dosen't get much worst than this. If your looking for a GOOD fairy tale story, watch the "Happily Ever After" series, politically correct it may be but atleast their able to pull it off, and on a regular basis.
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The Worst of the Muppet Movies is Still Pretty Good
6 March 2000
While not nearly as good as "The Muppet Movie", "The Muppets Take Manhattan", and "A Muppet Christmas Carol" this movie manages to entertain. I'm glad Brian Henson and Frank Oz are keeping the art of puppetry alive, as well as the magic of the Muppets. Jim Henson would be proud.
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Almost a Good Movie
6 March 2000
Once again the book was MUCH better than its conversion to film. It had potential, but was turned into yet another bland family flick.

While not completely bad, both the scripting and acting were moderate at best. And though the special effects were better, it still dosen't hold a candle to "The Neverending Story" as far as imaginitive childrens films are conserned. If you like this movie I would probably recommend "Beethoven", "Fluke", and "Jack Frost".
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