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Good Ones left out; bad ones let in...
13 July 2004
This compilation of the 'rogues gallery' of modern day movie monsters could have been better. Of course you've got the Big 4 (Freddy, Jason, Michael, and Leatherface) along with those of well-deserved honorable mention (Candyman, Chucky, Pinhead, and the Tall Man). As far as the Guardian, 'Ghostface', Fisherman and the others goes, they should've been left out. Why you ask? They're not considered cult classics to me. They're not in the same league with old school horror favorites.

You mean to tell me that the producers and writers forgot about Pazuzu the demon from 'The Exorcist', Damien from 'The Omen', and the demon from 'The Evil Dead'? Also, they could've chosen a much better Jason Voorhees moment (of which there are many) instead of JGTH, which is his worst.

Hope those guys do better with a sequel if they decide to do so.
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24 October 2003
This movie alone is the epitome of awful. The, I mean the Sheriff is the most clueless movie lawman ever depicted. If you want to be entertained by this movie in some way, go and rent the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 version of this or catch it by chance on the Sci-Fi Channel Saturday morning. Their commentary on this movie is hilarious!

I'm laughing about it now just thinking about it, so here's a little sample:

A crowd of people are running from the spider, and one of them yells out, "THE PACKERS WIN THE SUPER BOWL!!!" If you haven't seen the movie already, you're not missing anything. But check out MST3K's version, and get ready to laugh for real.

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WiseGirls (2002)
A Pleasant Suprise, and Suprisingly Pleasant Film
24 October 2002
You never really know what you are gonna come across while scanning through the 200+ digital cable channels. A few times it happens to be a really good movie.

'Wisegirls' is an excellent depiction of a normal working life unaware of the actual dangers that fester inside. At first I, too, thought it was going to be a comedy, but was I suprised. Mira Sorvino is at her best as a quirky yet fiery young lady just trying to make ends meet in a legitimate establishment run by underworld factions. Arthur Nascarella shines as your typical cool yet vicious mob boss *Mr.* Santalino. And Mariah Carey...she can only get more and more beautiful (forgive me, she's always been my "Vision of Love") and she is truly a very good actress.

I recommend this movie for those who enjoy action, drama, and lovely songstresses all together in one suprisingly good package.
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Very Scary, and Very True.
9 August 2000
I've always believed in the existence of an 8 foot tall, hairy, foul-odored monster lurking in every wooded area in the U.S. This movie only confirmed that.

'The Legend of Boggy Creek' is a hair-raising, thought-provoking account in documentary-like format similar to 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' (see my comment), and is just as scary. I'm not sure if this is the one, but what really made my spine tingle is the simulation of the sounds this creature makes. A sound that I would never want to hear again.

A harrowing portrait of the horrifying realization that there IS something out there not human. This movie did not get any recognition, but it doesn't need it. Those who do watch will recognize only one thing...TERROR!

Take heed to the old saying: 'DON'T GO IN THE WOODS! Or even the swamp! 'The Legend of Boggy Creek' is merely a frightful depiction of the things we fear that are out there...for they really are.
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15 April 2000
'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. The title pretty much says it all, but the movie itself does all the explaining.

Tobe Hooper put forth this bone-chilling, mind-opening masterpiece that, to this day, still scares the s*** out of me. I watched this movie with an open mind very recently late one night, and I felt like I was eight years old again-when I first saw it-because I was a little hesitant to close my eyes.

This movie captures that 'creepiness' that horror movies of today seriously lack. The mood, the musical score, and the overall darkness (figuratively and literally) of this film defines pure terror. It makes you imagine and wonder what happens to people when you don't know what really happened. The chase scene near the end almost seemed endless, with the constant screaming of Sally Hardesty and eerie buzzing of Leatherface's chainsaw in the dead of night(no pun intended).

I agree that the sequels to TCM are inferior in terms of gore and sheer fright, but TCM2 just made me laugh. It was the FUNNIEST scariest movie I've ever...blah, blah.

'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' is an eternal classic, and perhaps the true innovator of the slasher genre. I give it a ***** out of ***** on the Horror Scale.

And to all of you '90s, Gen. X'ers out there who think that movies like 'Scream' and 'I Know What You Did...' are top-of-the-line horror flicks, I DARE you to watch this movie with the most open of minds, and tell me personally if you believe that this is REAL horror at its BEST!
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
Another '90s' Movie
4 April 2000
Yes, I liked Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich's version of 'GODZILLA'. Out of respect the original, they should have gave it another title. The special effects, the high-powered fight scenes and the thrilling climax were great, but... this is not GODZILLA!!

I'm used to the big, lumbering giant of the 50's through the 70's. Mr. Devlin and Mr. Emmerich gave us this smaller, sleeker and faster creation; typical 90's style. Don't get me wrong because it's pretty good, but the GODZILLA name should have been left out. Oh, and the acting was great, too. Matthew Broderick and Jean Reno carry this movie very well.

I have been a big time GODZILLA fan ever since I was a kid, and I have seen all of the new movies just released over hear from Japan. Now THAT is GODZILLA!! If Mr. Devlin and Mr. Emmerich are planning to do a sequel (which in my opinion is not necessary), they should take MORE notes from the Toho Co.

Still, it's a great movie all in all. *** out of ****.
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28 March 2000
When I first heard about this latest movie, I knew that it was going to be a good one. It is, and MORE! The special effects, the storyline, and, of course, the cataclysmic confrontation between the Big Green Guy and this malignant, super-powerful force of destruction appropriately named DESTROYAH! He smothers King Ghidorah as Godzilla's most powerful adversary after just one battle!

This truly isn't your father's Godzilla, and the sheer brutality of this new series proves it. With the creation of these movies, Godzilla has reclaimed something he hasn't had in a while: ATTITUDE! Meaner, bigger, and more powerful than ever, a true 'G fan' such as myself loves it!

The ending was a heartbreaker. Godzilla's body could no longer take over 40 years of radioactivity, as well as an ongoing war with Destroyah (he is one, bad...shut yo'mouth!) Now I hear that a new Godzilla movie is looming on the horizon. I knew that this movie couldn't be the last one. Godzilla is IMMORTAL! I would like to see him take on Destroyah in his vintage form.

On a Godzilla movie scale of 1 to 10, I give 'Gojira VS Desutoroia' a TWELVE!
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18 January 2000
This movie would be OK if it did not have the 'Halloween' marker. Not only did it stray from the original storyline, but it hardly made any sense. This is one mistake that ALL movie makers should avoid: NEVER CHANGE THE PLOT! 'Halloween' is about Michael Myers, not about an evil mask-maker bent on killing all children with subliminal messages.

I was very disappointed when I first saw this, ME, a true Myers fan! I haven't seen it for many years, and hopefully for many more! This is not one of John Carpenter's best, but there are always the other 'Halloween' movies (praise God for VCR)which I never get tired of.

I hear that the next installment of 'Halloween' is in the works, but they were thinking about taking Michael Myers out of this one, too. For the love of 'Halloween' fans everywhere, I hope that doesn't happen, because a few years from now, I'll be here again with yet another unsatisfactory comment.

I give this a 2 out of 10, and that's only because of the 'Halloween' name.
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14 January 2000
'Halloween H20' is a good, worthy sequel. It is definitely a '90s movie-sort of a 'Scream' meets 'Dawson's Creek' compilation-and it lacks the original creepiness of the first two, but a great thriller overall. Jamie Lee Curtis gives a much bolder performance against Michael Myers compared to her previous meek confrontations. I say ONE MORE! But, on a sadder note, this one misses the late Donald Pleasence. Without Dr. Loomis, there is a great void in the saga. But, as long as Michael and Laurie are there, it is still an exceptional sequel. LONG LIVE THE RAGE! LONG LIVE MICHAEL MYERS (and Laurie, too).
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Expected, and unexpected, of a HORROR sequel.
11 November 1999
I found the fifth installment of this series a worthy sequel, but, of course, not as good as the first. It may be a bad movie, but it's a good HORROR movie. Donald Pleasence gives yet another creepy, protagonistic performance as the ever resourceful Dr. Sam Loomis. Yes, I liked it, despite the changes that started with H4. The ending left me hanging for six years. As soon as H6 was released, I was there. In my opinion, the most memorable moment of the movie AND of the series was the scene when Dr. Loomis stood side by side with Michael Myers in the middle of the dark house. Even though there was no way of reaching Michael's evil mind, Loomis still tried, despite everything he said about him. This is a 'Halloween' to watch, and maybe even remember, over and over again.
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Rawhead Rex (1986)
30 September 1999
I don't know about some of you critics, but this is THE scariest movie I've ever seen in my life! When I first saw this movie, I slept with the light on, HONESTLY! That monster's appearance: his size, his power, and those EYES! They are what really spooked the (unowhat) out of me! And when Rex snatched the little boy in BROAD DAYLIGHT, I was done! To this day, when 'Rawhead Rex' is on TV, I am very reluctant to watch it; it's a movie that can really expose the fear that is in all of us!
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