
7 Reviews
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Practically as perfect as the original
15 July 2021
If you believe in magic, this film will not disappoint. Not unlike "The Princess Bride," the original Mary Poppins is considered by many as an untouchable film that no one should ever re-make; Dame Julie Andrews was long considered to be the unduplicatable Poppins, and there's no question that she did a stellar job. But this new incarnation of Mary Poppins is thoroughly delightful in ever so many ways. Emily Blunt's portrayal of the magical nanny was up-to-date and smart, and while much homage was paid throughout the film to the original story and characters, this Poppins is all Blunt's own. The supporting cast was delightful, every one; if I said all I wanted to about each one, this review would become a book. The songs were fresh and pleasing, and the choreography of "Trip a Little Light Fantastic" was... dare I say it? Better than the "Step in Time" which it honored. How lovely to see Dick Van Dyke step into the rôle of Mr. Dawes, Jr. And do some lovely soft-shoe at the end; so many nods to the original were capped by a lovely cameo by. Karen Dotrice (the original Jane Banks). This film had me toe-tapping, clapping, and shedding a tear or two. Mad props to everyone involved in the production of this magical gem.
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Brutal but fully on-point
4 July 2021
Jayzus bejayzus this was hard to watch, was well done. As short as it is, the film carries an important message and a powerful punch. Far too many kids feel like there's no way out, when all it would take is a listening ear or a smile or a kind word.
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A love letter to the fans
27 November 2019
This documentary by the producers of "Honest Trailers" is a heartfelt tribute to one of the most perfect films ever made. It was made by fans, for fans, and that's exactly what Galaxy Quest is all about. While I re-watch the original movie on a regular basis, this film made me want to watch it all over again. I did not mind at all paying a premium at the theater to see it, and I hope it wider exposure so that many other fans can enjoy it. My hat is off to the producers for a wonderful trip down memory lane.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
A lot to love, but immense potential squandered.
8 August 2019
This brief sally into the world of politics was breathtaking in its promise but failed to clear the last hurdle. The show starts off with a bang - literally - and thrusts HUD secretary Tom Kirkman into an unexpected and unwanted limelight as he becomes President of the United States overnight. Kiefer Sutherland gets twelve stars out of ten for his performance as the ethical-to-a-fault Kirkman who has his principles tested at every turn by the moral void of Washington and what seems to be a never-ending series crises that cross his desk and his personal life with the regularity of the apocryphal marching Chinese army. The first two seasons, produced by ABC, had me wishing fervently at every episode that there was really a Tom Kirkman at the helm of our nation. By the end of the third season I still wished that, but wondered if the horror of ambition and duplicity that is Washington would even break the golden heart of Superman. It may be that what I perceived as a disappointing ending to the series was simply more realistic than I was willing to admit.

I can find nowhere to indicate that George R. R. Martin was involved in this series, but the regularity with which characters were killed off or written out - especially in the last 10 episodes which comprise Season 3 - led me to speculate. Netflix seemed to haul out the budget-cutting axe when they took things over, and if I could ever have words with the folks who made certain of those decisions it would not be pretty.

I'm not sorry I spent a couple of weeks binge-watching this series. It was a wonderful ride for a lot of reasons; Sutherland and many of his co-stars brought a lot of heart and soul to their characters, but there are one or two aspects of the show that were powerfully disturbing and which I thought were supremely gratuitous, morally disturbing, and which added nothing to the overall value of what could have been a ten-star production. I won't say what they are, because your mileage may vary.
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Like the subject of the movie, a hidden gem
2 October 2006
So much of what passes for movie entertainment nowadays is hard to digest, and it's hard to fathom why anyone would have spent money to produce it. One goes to the video store and has to comb through aisle after aisle of violent, gory, immodest, indecent trash... and then you find a movie like this. The cinematography alone would make this movie worth watching. Add a beautiful musical score, some very fine acting, and a captivating plot, and you have a rare experience... a movie with heart, that entertains, and which even delivers a message without being cloying or overbearing. This movie is a must see if you're looking for something better than the average offering.
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Saving Grace (1986)
A choice gem
28 August 2006
This charming movie occupies a place of honor in my film library. Largely ignored, difficult to find, never transferred to DVD, this story touches and inspires. It's not a cinematographic masterpiece, nor is all of the acting stellar, but the imagery is pleasing and Tom Conti is superb. The story of a humble but isolated pope in the gilded cage of the Vatican, feeling more and more out of touch with the people he is supposed to be serving, and his extraordinary adventure with the poor villagers of Montepetra, this film brings tears to my eyes each time I watch it and lifts my heart with its message of simple humanity. Someone somewhere must make the effort to get this film onto DVD where it can be enjoyed by a wider audience.
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Crazy People (1990)
I laughed until I stopped
5 November 2004
Truth in advertising... if only it were so! No, it's not the slickest film and the performances are just a bit flat, but there's a lot of good material to work with. The "R" rating is for a lot of scattered profanity (which really isn't necessary, but.. wait! wait! here's a slogan for Hollywood screenwriters: "We're really stupid dullards, but we say 'F---' a lot so you'll think we're smart!"), but if you can stand it, this movie has a lot of funny moments. Darryl Hannah playes a cute dysfunctional inmate who falls for a stressed-out and temporarily committed Dudley Moore - there's a lot stolen from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" here, but it's entertaining enough that you shouldn't mind. Worth watching at least once.
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