
4 Reviews
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Jacob's Ladder (I) (1990)
A scary movie, and somewhat difficult to follow.
26 November 2004
This film was very difficult to understand. I watched it last night with my girlfriend and it scared the hell out of me. I understood the plot up to a certain point, but at the same time it seemed almost Tarantino-like in it's jump from past to present; which is also what made it difficult to understand. As the previous person stated, was his unit in Vietnam experimented on or was it all just a dream? If it was just a dream, how could the ending have taken place? That's what I don't understand and maybe another enlightened IMDb user could help me with that. I think it was well done, but I would've liked to understand the plot better, so I think I'll go and read the book, maybe it'll make more sense after that.

Hope you enjoy!!

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The Grudge (2004)
Scary as hell!
9 November 2004
I'm not really one for scary movies(had to have my ex-girlfriend with me to see this one) but I must say, this film was extremely scary! It scared the living daylights out of me and I know it scared her. I was a little confused about the plot though, however once the story progressed, it got a little easier. Overall, it was a great film for any horror buff(I'm not!) and they did open it up for a sequel and I'll be interested to see it. Out of 10 stars, based on fear factor alone, I'd certainly give it 10. So if you want to get scared, please go and see this movie. However, if you are a 15-17 year old girl, you probably won't be able to get in without an adult and you shouldn't, because you'll probably end up screaming your head off and annoying the rest of the people in the theater(there were several teenage girls who had to be escorted out of the theater for screaming). Have fun and enjoy! You'll jump out of your seat.

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What an awesome movie.
17 September 2004
Stand By Me is a classic!! One of my favorite movies of all time I must say. All the actors were great and I must agree with the previous fan that I also would have liked to see behind-the-scenes footage of the boys having fun and playing around. But great movie, just wanted to throw in my 2 cents! Oh yeah, also, whenever I see long railroad tracks, always makes me think of this movie(and I always think about what it would be like to walk them and see how far they go!). :D The scene in which Gordy is describing the story of Davie Hogan and the Barfarama is great!! Well done. I think Rob Reiner did an excellent job with this film, right on!!

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Fall (1997)
I thought it was great....
10 August 1998
I really enjoyed the movie. I enjoyed how the movie mixed both passion, sex, poetry, and how much the heart's contents; when reflected, can affect two people, who want so much to be with each other but find that such a desire is an impossibility when one of the two has a prior commitment. I think it also allows those who have viewed the film to understand that sex and love do not mix. Sex is a byproduct of the love two people share; between two people who wish to pleasure each other. I think this movie also reminded (well, me at least) of the fact that the heart's contents will always prevail over skepticism. What one knows to be right is what they should move with, and use, for it will serve as a foundation for something more.

Thanks so much for allowing me to add my input....

Josh Clark
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