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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)
A positive review show that proves Star Trek just keeps getting better and better...
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine proves that, while having the occasional episode that isn't "as good" that this dark side of the Star Trek universe is still a fun side. In recent years, the show has tackled dilemmas such as racism, murder and subversion while maintaining an interesting overall story arc. It will be sad to see this gem leave the airwaves (firstrunwise) in 1999. Give this show a few episodes; it will grow on you. And it has some of the best characterization around.
Star Trek: Voyager (1995)
This is a well done television series
Star Trek: Voyager is an excellent journey into humanity and away from the far reaches of space. The producers know where they are taking the show and try their best. Some highly recommended episodes include "The Gift", "Living Witness", "Drone", "Timeless", "Eye of the Needle", "The Killing Game, Part I" and "The Killing Game, Part II", "Year of Hell, Part I" and "Year of Hell, Part II", "Deadlock", among others. It has great special effects and excellently continues the Star Trek tradition of going where one has gone before.