
9 Reviews
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Excellent, but really not for kids
23 June 2001
I'm a big fan of the TV series so was looking forward to the film of Digimon, and I wasn't disappointed. I'm not going to go into big plot details, but the way the story panned out was more intelligent than a lot of supposed 'adult' action movies. There were some really beautiful touches to the animation - Willis in the meadow; and the white silhouettes of all the kids coming from the e-mails spring to mind. It was moving, and the emotion expressed seemed genuine without lapsing into being overly sentimental. Some of the humour was obvious, but most of it was laugh-out-loud funny. My one problem is the same as the one I have for the TV series - it really is not for children. I watched it with a friend (we are both in our twenties) and were shocked by some of the scenes - there is a lot of violence. Now I don't mind violence in films at all, but the producers should consider what's appropriate. Someone, even if it is a monster, having its head split in half with a sword, and limbs being blown off the lasers doesn't really strike me as suitable for young kids. In all, this is an exciting and moving film. It's funny, it draws you in and gets you emotionally involved. Just don't let your kids watch it.
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So much better than it should be
6 January 2001
I watched a couple of episodes of Digimon near its beginning and dismissed as derivative rubbish. Then, a few months later and rather bored, I turned it on again. I couldn't believe it. This supposed kids' cartoon had one of the most dramatic, engaging, even shocking story arcs I've seen. This programme deals with love and loyalty, life and death, fear and self-doubt. The 'Digi-destined' children fight with their parents, who have trouble understanding the sacrifices their children have to make. One child finds out he's adopted. Characters sacrifice their lives to save others. The children get scared, and doubt their own ability to save the world as they are destined to do. If this had slightly better animation, and was billed as adult animé, no-one would question it once. So much more than just a kids' show.
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A cut above everything else
2 July 1999
I didn't watch Homicide from the very beginning, and I can only wish that I had, because it's simply amazing. The performances are always excellent, even the guest stars who come in for one episode are totally convincing.

The on-going plot with Luther (surely one of the best villains ever written) and Georgia Ray Mahoney is fantastic. Most of all, the writing is totally naturalistic. Take Pembleton's stroke for example. Any other programme would have hinted at it (headaches etc.), even ones like ER or NYPD Blue (both of which I rate extremely highly). But here, he was just interviewing a suspect and collapsed. Totally unexpected and all the more shocking for it. Just superb.
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Urban Legend (1998)
One of the better slasher films
23 June 1999
A lot of criticism has been levelled at Urban Legend for cashing in on the teen horror craze. While this is undoubtedly true, it is carried off with style. Unlike the passable I know what you did last summer and the dire I still know... Urban Legend has something a bit different. It's a good idea and well-executed (I swear that no pun is intended) and Joshua Jackson, Alicia Witt and Rebecca Gayheart enjoy their roles. I could have done without the presence of Jared Leto, but while Urban Legend isn't a masterwork it's more than just a cash-in.
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Volcano (1997)
How did they make it so boring?
23 June 1999
Considering the subject matter, I thought that this film would at least be enjoyable, if stopping somewhat short of a masterpiece. I was wrong. I was still waiting for something to happen and it finished - I thought that the finale was the bit that happened before it got exciting. The only reason I gave it 2 instead of 1 is because the effects guys deserve some recognition.
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Absolutely brilliant.
26 April 1999
This is perhaps the scariest film I've seen. It practically set up the rules for the slash-horror genre. Unlike Scream and kin, (which I love, don't get me wrong) this is just a straight horror, and all the better for it. Incredibly atmospheric, with great performances all round, and a chilling ending.
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The best Star Trek series
18 February 1999
This is by far the best Star Trek series. TNG is boring, with no sense of plot continuation and is largely only worth watching to laugh at the mad, wittering Troi. Voyager is alright, but Kate Mulgrew needs to stop trying to be Katharine Hepburn.

This, on the other hand, has a huge over-arching stoy-line that continues from episode to episode (see Klingon war, Cardassian alliance with the Shapeshifters). In the Jem-Hadar it has some of the best villains invented for a long time.

The characters are fully developed with good interaction, and the script has some great touches of humour. The recurring characters, such as Garak, are just as developed as the main cast.

On top of all that, it has Nana Visitor enjoying herself no end playing Evil Kira when they go to the other dimension, and the superb Louise Fletcher as Kai Wynn.

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Titanic (1997)
What, oh what, was the fuss all about?
28 September 1998
This film was alright and nothing more. Granted, the effects were fantastic but that doesn't mean a lot. The story was tired and not exactly original. What's worse is that Leonardo DiCaprio used to be excellent (What's Eating Gilbert Grape?) but just phoned in his performance here.
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Cube (1997)
Explanation not really needed as the film worked.
27 September 1998
I thought that it could have been explained better why they were in there, but then I figured that no explanation would be quite right, so it was probably better to leave it as was. Other than that I thought this was a very good film, if a little depressing.
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