
4 Reviews
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It's a No-Brainer...
20 September 1998 enjoy "Mary", which is just about the most fun a mainstream flick has been in a long time. Take your girlfriend, take your boyfriend, take both: there's something in this delightfully crass and tasteless film for everyone. Ben Stiller, Matt Dillon, and Cameron Diaz obviously had a blast making this movie; and nobody wears hair gel like Ms Diaz!
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Hustler White (1996)
Bizarre, Sexy, and Sweet: la Bruce's Best So Far
20 September 1998
In HW, the always-entertaining Bruce la Bruce has produced his most appealing film to date by far. Model and former Madonna boy-toy Tony Ward is sweet and funny as Monty, the object of ice-queen film-maker Jurgen Anger's (played by la Bruce) instant love. The graphic, fetishistic sexual encounters of Santa Monica Boulevard hustlers and their johns are merely clever sidebars to the main story of Monty and Jurgen's collaboration and romance. HW is far too bizarre for mainstream moviegoers; a pity, as its themes are universal and their exposition right on target.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Whole is Much Less than Sum of Parts
20 September 1998
I don't get it. Although I'm a sucker for well-crafted appeals to universal heartstrings, I was mildly repulsed by Hanks' Gump and his dim-yet-supposed-to-be sage insights on the major events of modern American life. Technically, FG has the right stuff, but the overall effect is all wrong. Gump should be likable, but he just comes off as either clueless or a hollow witness of events. I'll leave this sorry box of chocolates for someone else, thanks.
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Preaching to the Converted, but How Sweet it Is
20 September 1998
TST is like Harvey Fierstein himself: you love it or you loathe it; I love it. Preachy and heavy-handed as "Torch" is at times, it's also a brilliant, hilarious, and truly heartfelt look at how gay men love each other and their families. Arnold Beckoff, like Harvey, apologizes to no one for who and what he his, and his pride is infectious. And Matthew Broderick, as Arnold's model lover, has never been more appealing.
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