
2 Reviews
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Out Cold (2001)
Far from perfect, but very enjoyable.
5 December 2001
If you've read any of the other comments for this movie, then you've probably realized that this movie is far from perfect. It's easily one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. But unlike the "critics" and a majority of the other people who have commented on this movie, I think that's a good thing.

I like stupid movies. Dumb & Dumber, Dude Where's My Car, Naked Gun 33 1/3, BASEketball, A Night At The Roxbury, Tommy Boy, Big Daddy, and Mallrats are examples of irreverent comedies that have received an IMDB rating of 8 or higher from me. I've recently added Out Cold to that list. If you enjoyed any of the above-mentioned films, then you'll probably like this one too.

The story is pretty simple; Anthony lives in a small Alaskan town and spends most of his time snowboarding with his friends on the neighboring mountain. A big city businessman comes to town, buys the mountain, and quickly turns the town into a ski resort. His daughter is actually Anthony's long lost girlfriend, so Anthony must choose between winning her back and getting a secure job at the new resort, or keeping the traditions of the mountain (freedom and fun) alive with his friends.

Of course, the plot isn't important. What is important are the humor and the characters. Personally, I thought this was a very funny film. It isn't as funny as many of the movies I listed above, but it's better than many other comedies I've seen (BLACK KNIGHT, ME MYSELF & IRENE, and BILLY MADISON for example). I was laughing fairly consistently throughout the entire film. Once or twice there was a joke that fell flat, but overall it delivered. The characters were very fun too. Anthony's friends include a pothead, a crazy guy, a cool ex-girlfriend, an in-the-closet gay man, and more.

I don't snowboard or watch snowboarding on TV, but I've been playing SSX on my PS2 a lot lately. If you want to see this movie because you want to see boarding action, then you should probably find something else. The film starts off with two really cool snowboarding sequences and from there it's pretty much snowboard free until near the end. In-between we get the above-mentioned plot and several funny gags, many reminiscent of American Pie.

Parents should be warned. This film is rated PG-13, but it's pretty close to an R. Almost all of the jokes are Sex/Drug related and this film contains a surprising amount of nudity. The nudity consists of women taking their tops off, and we can clearly see their breasts, but their nipples are blocked from view. There is also a shot of a man's butt and a lot of scenes contain a statue of this bare-assed man.

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Pearl Harbor (2001)
A Great Start To The Summer Movie Season
3 June 2001
I wasn't going to see this movie at first because I had heard how a majority of people didn't like it, but my brother and a friend wanted to see it, so I went along. I am glad I did.

First, I'll say what I didn't like about the film 1. Too much time was spent on the love story. They should have spent less time on the romance and more time on character development 2. Not Enough Cuba. Cuba Gooding Jr. only has 4 scenes (I think), and he should have had more 3. Not historically accurate. I don't need movies based on actual events to be 100% accurate, but they have to be fairly realistic. This movie many inaccuracies and it simplifies the events leading to, and following, the attack 4. Some corny dialogue. While I didn't feel this was nearly as bad as everyone else says, it's definitely there 5. The weird lenses in the infirmary scenes. Rumor has it that these were used to make the gore less graphic so the film could be sure of getting a PG-13 rating. I found them annoying, and the fact that the makers of this film want to show us the attack, but shield us from seeing the aftermath is pretty bad.

Now the good 1. The love story isn't all bad. I just wish they spent less time on it, and that there was better dialogue to express the characters' feelings 2. The audio and visual effects are some of the best I have ever seen 3. There is a lot of emotion and human drama in the last two hours. If the last hour of Titanic got to you, then the bombing sequence will not disappoint you 4. The last two hours of this film are intense. This is one of the most intense movies I've ever seen (next to Saving Private Ryan).

I give this film a 7.5 out of 10
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