"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" Together Again (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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the biggest problem with this season is..
pizzahutch1111 April 2020
It's the last season. It's unlikely that Star Wars will return to the clone wars/skywalker era (besides the Kenobi and the Cassian show) for some time, which is by all means a good thing, but at least go out with a bang, not a whimper.

The bad batch arc was good enough, nice to see Echo and Rex of course, but overall was kinda pointless for a 4 episode arc. They could have done all of that in 2 episodes. With a short 12 episode season already, they aren't making the most with short time.

This arc is pretty irrelevant, and ended as such. Ashoka doesn't really learn anything during this arc from the sisters, and all we learn is that she rides a dinky bike. The last 5 min of this episode preview whats next for her, so hopefully it ends better.

So now, there is 4 episodes left of the siege of Mandalore arc, which likely won't have much of Anakin, Obi Wan, Padme, Palpatine, Rex, and all the others. Ashoka and Maul will be a focus, but overall a big waste of the few episodes they had to really cement this shows legacy.

Disappointing for sure, I'm sure that the last arc will be good, but they have continued to throw out their chances for the last season. Hopefully I'm wrong in the end.
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SuperReviewerSwede10 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well what can I say...

It has been a rough couple of weeks with a few episodes that were by no means bad but huge letdowns from what I was expecting. Now this episode was actually refreshing and interesting and it made me more excited for the Siege of Mandalore that will begin next week

A pretty great episode
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At least its not as bad as last 3 episodes...
ultroks11 April 2020
Did last episode even happened? Episode 7 was probably worst CW episode but it forced some progression upon characters at the end of it, the progression this episode clearly ignores. At least its finally conclusion for this awful arc with probably most annyoing characters in SW, Martez sisters. Storywise its still big waste of time to tell is she still respects the Jedi, they could have condensed the last 4 episodes into 2.
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nathanhalliday-1308910 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was much better than the previous 3 but the fact that 4 whole episodes in a 12 episode final season was used to set up one scene so we know how Ahsoka gets to Mandalore is utterly absurd. There is no way this couldn't have been covered with a couple lines of dialogue in the Siege of Mandalore arc and we could've actually gotten another proper arc instead to tie loose ends and bring a fitting conclusion to all of the various characters and storylines of the show. The Bounty Hunter arc would've been the best choice showing what happens to Cad Bane and Boba taking the mantle of best bounty hunter. Or even the Yoda on Kashyyyk arc if not only to explain how Yoda has good relations with the Wookiees.
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"Together Again"
lassegalsgaard10 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This arc has been a weird one. I get that the idea of it was introducing Ahsoka again, and getting her to a point where she'd have to get involved with everything going on, but to do that in a storyline that was so incoherent and boring, seems like a missed opportunity. The Martez sisters were interesting characters, but they didn't get nearly enough do to in these last few episodes. This episode literally started off exactly where the last episode did, both literally and metaphorically. All of that combined led to a final scene that didn't feel quite earned. However, this episode did have a lot of good ideas and a lot of cool action. I like where they are going with Ahsoka, and they are starting to plant the seeds for what we can expect in the final episodes. The reintroduction of Maul was exciting and I'm looking forward to see how far they're going to go with him as an antagonist. Is it for the rest of the season, or only for the next few episodes. Hopefully, a lot will be explained in the coming weeks, and even though I wasn't particularly excited about this storyline, I am excited to return to Mandalore and enter the final run.
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Over and done
akusameli27 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Finally this story arc is over! For that only this episode gets 7 stars. Also we get to see Maul again so that's good. But yeah this was the best episode of this stupid story arc.
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Thank god
cockerilldominic10 April 2020
I thought I was gonna have another 25 minutes of boredom and just plain lack of fun, however this one was SOLID some good character development and fun. But the sisters were in it so can't be perfect.
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humbertirons11 August 2020
Meh. Bit of a clown fiesta but at least it was better than the last ones...
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4 Episodes
BluesBrother-5710 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Massive spoilers ahead!!!

This episode was better than the last one, honestly not a high bar to jump over. So what did I not like?

More of Trace being insufferably dumb, which is weird since she grew up in the sublevels of Coruscant. We see her make the same naive mistakes again and again that are so frustrating to watch over a four episode story arc. Their fight scene at the loading dock was mixed. We get these incredibly weak group of aliens that Trace fends off, kind of, but honestly barely.

What did I like?

Rafa's fight at the docks was more fitting, more risky, and above all fit her character so well. She was deceptive and actually tried to fight, and killed someone. We also get Ahsoka being a total badass for the nth time in the whole show. It's so satisfying, its pure Ahsoka. We even learn more about how Maul is using the syndicates, and we finally seem to be moving on from the Martez sisters.

To quote Lom Pyke - "How unfortunate that your stupidity is so authentic." If any line from the arc sums it up, its this one, being directly said to the sisters. RIP Lom Pyke, I hope Maul is merciful.
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Together again
Trey_Trebuchet1 August 2021
The ever episode of this arc. As I said before, this was at least two episodes too long. At the end of the day, I kind of liked the sisters but not as much as I had hoped? I can only assume they were introduced in this season because they'll get their own show or at least appear in something Star Wars in the future. If not then... What really was the point?

What really would have made this arc better was actually more Ahsoka. I get that she's hiding her Jedi past, but it just makes this entire arc feel a little too empty for comfort.

All of that being said, this one was a little more in line with the rest of the show. The voice work was all fine and the animation has seriously never been better. Bring on the last four!
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Good music and character development
s_yancey10 April 2020
Better than all 3 of the other episodes in the arc combined
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Finally a somewhat decent episode
Sismanski24 May 2022
It's not a great episode, but definitely not a bad one this time. It one of those episodes, I've expected from a final season that is supposed to tie stories together.
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Better episode than the last but still disappointing for a final season
Krawia13 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think the biggest mistakes with the two story arcs so far is that they both introduce more than one new character. That would be great and all if this wasn't the final season but since it is, introducing and developing these characters comes at the cost of the characters that already exist which is why everyone is watching the show in the first place.

An example of this is Ahsoka's decision to aid Bo-Katan and the mandalorians retake Mandalore which would likely cause her to have a confrontation with the Jedi. Ahsoka is clearly hesitant and this should be a moment that shows that although she claims she has left the Jedi, she is still very much a Jedi at least in their values, instead it is crammed into a 30 second scene that didn't really give justice to the moment. Having the two sisters fight scene was apparently much more important than developing Ahsoka's character.

The main issue with this story arc was that it was tooooooooooooo stretched out and then crammed in the last 3 minutes. This would have honestly worked much better as a 2 or if I'm being generous, 3 episode arc. I understand an Ahsoka walkabout was needed to be shown before she returns to the fight but I wish we had Maul's escape replace this or the bad batch.
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So much better than the last one.
davisn-6347310 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This one was an improvement from last weeks episode. We see that Darth Maul has started Crimson Dawn. We also see Bo ask for Ashoka's help at the end. This is all obviously leading to the Siege of Mandalore. This arc was overall not terrible, but very weak. Can't wait for the Siege of Mandalore.
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Crimson Dawn
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic7 October 2020
This is a strong final part of the arc which teams up Ahsoka and the Trace sisters. We see how the spice dealing with the Pykes links in to Maul's criminal activities and Crimson Dawn. We also see Bo Katan's Mandalorians and Ahsoka embark upon the next stage of her story.

This links in various stories of the Star Wars universe and does so in an entertaining way. I really enjoyed it.

My rating: 8/10.
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I don't get the hate, this arc was great
cohan5 June 2023
I'm not being sarcastic, I really loved this whole arc, all four episodes, so imagine my (sad) surprise when I came here and discovered so many people disliked them for apparently being "pointless" and "fillers"... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

First, I found the character development of the sisters very well done and realistic, 'till the point that for a time I came to think that they were based on real people.

And the way they both seem to be oblivious to danger but in different ways makes for great character dynamics.

Other aspects of the episode were also great examples of good writing, like,for example, the way the Pike leader shows real desperation because he knew what was the price of failure. I was worried for the man and wanted to know more.

I get that people may be was looking for more epic action, of the kind of the last arc. I personally was expecting the Utapau arc that was shown in previs back in 2015 or the «Son of Dathomir» arc that made its way to Dark Horse Comics, but I can't complain the way others are doing it, because I really liked this 4 episodes about the Martez sisters and I'm pretty sure they will resurface in the upcoming «Ahsoka» live action series.
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Just annoying
ojh-1296218 March 2021
At the end of the last episode Rafa concedes that their situation is her fault and she shouldn't have taken the job, then we start this episode with her blaming Ahsoka and trace all over again. So annoying to see character traits get reset after development, some decent action and foreshadowing of something more interesting but really annoying writing right at the start of the episode.
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Not at all bad.
wms-9274131 December 2020
I have to wonder if those reviewers who called this arc the worst of The Clone Wars series remember the episodes featuring R2D2 and C3PO, or those featuring (shudder) Jar Jar Binks. This 4 episode arc showed the seedier side of the Star Wars universe, and I found the Martez sisters likable enough and was engaged by the plot. Like most other fiction, the bad guys are always lousy shots, but aside from that it wasn't a horrible way to spend a couple of hours. Was it up to par with the best of The Clone Wars? Not even close. Was it torture to watch, like some of the prequel trilogy? Also, not even close.
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wetmars11 April 2020
Yay, good character development! Haha.

Great episode I should say.
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Together Again
kaden_lewis4 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In March of 2021, I decided to watch Star Wars for the first time. I chose to watch it in the timeline order, and watch everything, including the cartoons. I am so happy I did, because with the exception of Star Wars Resistance, they were all amazing. But my favorite is 100% Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It is just amazing. I didn't have my IMDb account at the time, so I couldn't review it. That is why I decided to re watch one of my favorite seasons, season 7, and review it.

This was a decent episode. It had relatively the same pace as the other three in this series of four, except this one set up the final four episodes. Nothing much happened in the episode besides Ahsoka and the Martez sisters trying to escape Oba Diah, again. This episode was a little more entertaining, and was the best of the series of four. Maul had a cameo in the episode, his first of the season! There was also a big reveal with Bo-Katan at the end that sets up the final series of four.
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hyperhyper-3334710 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Basically nothing of consequence happens in this episode, just like the previous 3. Starting to think that #clonewarssaved was a lie, this is probably the worst clone wars content since the movie. The new characters continue to be forgettable. Just like Solo, Maul randomly showing up does NOT make something better.
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Incompetence vs Incompetence
Badger121013 February 2023
How can you sum up the Martez sisters story arc?

Incompetent writers writing incompetent characters who do incompetent things.

Truly the fight in this episode has been the fight between the ever so incompetent Martez sister and the incompetence of the bad guys. Best line is when the Pyke says to the sisters, "How unfortunate that your stupidity is so authentic.", that sums up the sisters and the writers of this story arc.

The segway from this episode to the next arc is fine enough the only good thing in the episode but it is poor storytelling when the good guys win because they are not as stupid as the bad guys.
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