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Very easy viewing. It manages to brighten up a grey December afternoon.
Sleepin_Dragon6 December 2019
Don't have expectations for hard nosed, gritty drama, expect forty five minutes of light, harmless fun. It's perfect for the afternoon slot in December, blue skies and sun both something we're not seeing much of in the UK. The duo are good fun, nice they've swapped it around, and made the Brit uptight and precise, and the German chilled. They were wise to go for a well known face in the first episode, Aidan McArdle, he never disappoints.

I enjoyed it, nothing too taxing, all you'd expect in the afternoon.

It served its purpose in setting the scene, and introducing the main characters, the pair are very different, it's going to be a fun series. A good start. 7/10
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Fine at best!
harrykivi17 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"The Mallorca Files" is yet another series, which I started to watch randomly on TV. I don't usually pick TV shows to watch, the wisest would be to say that these shows find me. In terms of crime shows I am definitely the most critical of them, because I love the genre so much. That being said, I had fun with the first episode of the show, even though "Death in Paradise", which is quite similar to "The Mallorca Files", is a way better show. "Honour Among Thieves" is not a great entry to the series, but is enjoyable enough to keep watching the series.

Let's start with the good aspects , shall we?

. "Honour Among Thieves" is a well- directed episode. It's visually very appealing. I personally never knew that Mallorca was so beautiful. The music fits the scenery and the acting's mostly fine. Elen Rhys is good, so is Aidan Mcardle, but Julian Looman easily gives the most compelling performance.

. The case is enjoyable as well. The main characters are well -introduced as well with Miranda Blake being particularly plucky.

That being said....

. The story gets a bit too predictable at times. The twist about Niall Taylor being actually alive was not that hard to figure out at all.

. The dialogue is not always spot on and can get exposition-heavy.

. Wasn't sadly keen on any of the superior characters either. Tanya Moodle and Maria Fernandez are bit too akward in their roles at times.

Overall, a fine first episode.

6/10 HK
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Pleasantly surprised
weebugger25 November 2019
Had never even heard of this until 5 minutes before the first show aired...wasn't expecting much with its 2.15pm slot, hardly prime time! I enjoyed it, nice locations, a bit of chemistry building between main characters and some action and mild comedy....reminds me of Death in Paradise with different policing stylesa being thrown together in a "far off" lands.
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Honour Amongst Thieves
Prismark1030 December 2019
The BBC afternoon slots has a nice run of afternoon crime dramas with a touch of comedy. Father Brown, Shakespeare & Hathaway. Now it is The Mallorca Files. Slightly grittier and with sunnier weather.

It has been created by Dan Sefton who has done various shows ranging from The Good Karma Hospital , Porters and Trust Me.

DC Miranda Blake is in Mallorca to escort a wanted criminal Niall Taylor back to the UK. However someone is on to Taylor, he is shot dead, pretty soon his associates are also killed.

Blake who narrowly escaped death, stays behind in Mallorca to investigate what just went wrong. She teams up with German detective Max Winter who is in Mallorca as part of an exchange program. He is the one who saved Blake's life.

Blake is rather uptight in this first episode. Her superior back in London is the opposite. Winter is a wise cracking ladies man who is enjoying life in Mallorca.

This first episode sets up the character and the setting. There is a twist to it and probably a running arc. There is some good use of Mallorca setting and Winter so far is the more interesting character.
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Attractive leads and scenery
susan509612 August 2020
I'll keep watching for the attractive stars and the spectacular scenery. It reminds me of "Death in Paradise" with less appealing supporting actors and bad writing. The Met supervisor comes across as unprofessiona, incompetent and weird. Who would have sent a single, female detective to transport such an important witness internationally. What if he had to pee? The Mallorcan boss can't carry off the the role. It desperately needs a Danny-John Jules - type sidekick and a good theme song.

They should spend a few bucks on more able British guest stars. Aidan McArdle gave this episode a lot of weight.

The lead should never be absolutely stupid. Miranda should have shot McArdle's character in the leg(s) before saving her partner from falling down the cliff. It would have required better writing but she wouldn't have looked unable to make a good decision in a crisis.

I really like Looman. He has a light, teasing touch and he's very easy on the eye which makes him head and shoulders above the guy who plays Hathaway.
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Entertaining, undemanding, good-looking and fun
hindsonevansmike16 April 2022
OK: the first thing to say is that you need to suspend disbelief. This first episode of season one has potential.

Shot pre-COVID in 2019, the filming is beautifully-framed and the action is well-stunted. My wife and I already plan to look for the subsequent episodes.
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Lots of fun
safenoe21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Elen Rhys plays Miranda Blake, and Julian Looman plays Max Winter in this series I've heard of just only recently, and I'm glad I've started watching it. Sure, there's a fair degree of police international unrealism, but so what, we're not watching a documentary, we're watching feel good TV and really, who can complain about that init.

The beautiful sunshine of Mallorca, the cozy mystery, it's all fun and I'm certainly hooked based on Honour Amongst Thieves. I look forward to seeing more episodes because it's a lot of fun. Dan Sefton has created a winner, as I also like Good Karma Hospital which he also created.
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Hopefully it will improve
denise-dargan3329 November 2019
Watched episode 1 hopefully it will improve as the two main characters start to interact. Cannot believe they have done a second series without having feedback from the first
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Clunky and Inept
cruzarts-7394627 November 2019
This plays like a formulaic American effort, but worse. This is a hokey presentation that reeks of plot convenience, which means it requires zero brainpower to soak up the corny proceedings.

Does "daytime TV" in Britain mean that a show is suitable for preschoolers? There are procedural gaffes, stupid set-ups, and hilarious oversights galore. A situation goes down and police immediately descend on the scene from all directions; but nobody gives chase after the perp. It's stupid.
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Watched half an hour.
ZinQ28 January 2020
Then deleted the lot. I cannot abide farce, and this is all this is. Not even some aesthetically pleasing actors. Sorry, really not for me.
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