"Veronica Mars" Chino and the Man (TV Episode 2019) Poster

(TV Series)


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Why the hatin'?
blt161131 July 2019
As witty as the original, V & her dad's classic snark is still on point! Plus Logan & V are still kind of a mess but we keep rooting for them no matter what ;-) I love that JK Simmons is in the cast, he's fantastic in everything he does. Great writing, great acting and a stellar return of one of the smartest shows around.
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Chino and the Man
bobcobb30121 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode got more on pace with what the show needs to be and brought back some fan favorites to the mix as well.

Making this only 8 episodes was a good move as there will be enough story to tell while not dragging things out.
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Unworthy of the name 'Veronica Mars'
alexshawas28 July 2019
For all the criticism the Veronica Mars movie gets for being "fanservice" and "nostalgic" (as though either is a bad thing), it was still 100% Veronica Mars. Veronica was still our Veronica, but she was also something more: she was, at long last, a hero. Veronica has not been a hero since season 1; she lost all her positive traits in later seasons. The movie managed to still keep her as Veronica, but also enabled her to grow up and become a hero again.

In season 5, she is once again, a Hero in Name Only. She is paranoid, abusive, insensitive, inconsiderate, dismissive of other people and their needs, and generally exhibits no real desire to change herself. But the biggest change though is her immaturity. This season completely disregards the growth Veronica had in the movie and the two books and returns her to the same place as her childhood: self-destructive in every way. At over 35 years old, she has learned absolutely nothing.

I will not spoil the ending (there are plenty of other ways to do that). But I will tell you that it was absolutely HORRIBLE. This did not need to happen. Veronica did not NEED to experience needless tragedy, just when her life was finally looking up. To give you an idea of just how bad the ending was: More than 2,600 fans (in counting) have specifically said they will *not* watch a potential season 5 unless the final twist is undone.

Hulu, if you are reading this, please do not reward the lazy and self-projecting writing of Rob Thomas. Please do not renew Veronica Mars.
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From Golden to Garbage
misterzellers31 July 2019
As of this second episode of the "4th season", anyway, of what was to me a masterpiece of a series for 3 seasons, it plummeted to pathetic disappointment-a sad shell of a corpse of all it once had been. And I certainly approached this "resurgence" of the series 12 years later with an open, even optimistic mind, which episode 1 maintained, more or less. RIP, Veronica Mars.
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They should record Veronica's dog groaning for theme song
pkpera24 April 2021
Yes, even that would be better than what we had misfortune to hear here.

And video part of theme song was poor too.

What all happened in this ep. ? Must admit that really don't remember, week after watched it. Yes, there were some beach, bar scenes, some investigations, blood on Logan ... well, pretty much the usual thing.

What if this was first season of Veronica Mars ? I'm sure everyone know answer - nothing from fame, fans, just another average show.
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