Dave Not Coming Back (2020) Poster

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A bit too polite and light on story details
HEFILM25 June 2021
If you don't know anything about this story, one that has failed to be made as a feature but now does get told through a feature length documentary--though one that uses recreated material almost more than real material recorded during the real events. The story is interesting and as one written account of the events explained well, this story almost doesn't sense unless you believe in ghost stories. And this film isn't interested in telling and showing the more ghostly elements and that's a failing as what's left is more routine and at a distance.

The trouble is if you search around on line a bit you'll find more complete versions of this story told in less time, both in print versions and an early shorter video version. Some of the unpleasant details need to be included and are left out here. They spend a bit too much time with pretty shots and recreation/reenactments of minor details while leaving out some admittedly horrible details that explain and give the true story real punch in it's critical moments.

The filmmakers want to respect the privacy of the tragedy, perhaps because they interview the real life people as part of the film, but this leaves out the drama in favor of a safe distance approach to these people's feelings. It doesn't challenge the people about if there is a legitimate reason the story happened at all.

There is a real question as to if Dave's quest was more to prove something to himself or really just give himself a bigger thrill, to find more worlds to conquer than it was some humanitarian effort. In bits filmed at the time Dave is shown being just a bit self aware and what soon proved to be overconfident in his own abilities. For one thing he doesn't really seem to be in very good physical shape.

Dave wore a camera on his head and eventually the film is building towards showing that point of view footage to explain and experience what his friend don says is in part a Snuff film. They end up showing so little of this footage that you are never really in Dave's shoes, Dave is trying to recover and body and the filmmakers seem intent on not showing you that body so only the murkiest parts are even shown and with very little explanation as to what's happening. Again others have done a much better job of handling the graphic and explanatory elements of Dave's mistakes and end, so it's not like an impossible task, just one this film fails to do well.

The film doesn't really come out with an answer if all this was worth it, though it suggests fairly successfully that diving is in a sense it's own reward, but in this case it's the survivors who really pay the price for that.

The center of this film is really Dave's friend Don and on that level it is at it's best.
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We'll produced, but a bit self-serving
jeffdstockton12 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The film is interesting primarily in the first half, for getting to know, cursorily, the people and, mainly, this kind of diving. The latter part of the film, the dive itself, elevates Don, a principal driver behind the film, and also reveals just how poorly the project had actually been prepared.

Dave, ostensibly the main focus, us quickly if temporarily dismissed. Don's rescue effort of Dave is terminated with a simple comment that a "critical piece of equipment" (strapped to his wrist) "cracked under pressure" (water pressure at depth), and there's is NEVER any further explanation about how or why this was so critical, or why there was no backup, whether or not this equipment had been tested by the team or was known (was this failure shockingly unexpected?). There are several instances when processes and events could have gone better (safer) if divers & equipment had been tethered to the main line. Apparently, Dave's death is at least in part because a usual action was impeded by the wearing of a camera and helmet which he usually did NOT wear, but again, practice (rehearsal) could have revealed this danger.

Overall, though sympathetic and dramatic, and week made, the film ultimately shows how badly this project was planned, executed and managed.

It's inexcusable - and never explained - how the film from Dave's camera was leaked to the press - for an 'exclusive' - and how the press knew before members of the dive team had been notified. The leaks had to happen VERY fast, and it bears considering who would benefit from such publicity. To me, it's important who didn't participate in this part of the film, in addition to his it was just skimmed over.

It's worth viewing, but I encourage you to consider afterward what was not included, who funded this film (and the dives), who profited from the film (maybe no one; I don't know); the absence of complete review of the dive & what went wrong - how could bad outcome have been prevented; who was accountable, including Dave's motivations AND the parents of the person whose body Dave was trying to recover. Why was this SO important to risk lives of 6 or 8, or so, other divers, and involved so many other support people, resources, etc. These things are not explored, thus, despite protestations made in the film, this IS about casting these people in roles of some degree of heroism.

But, heroism doesn't really reside here. As in so many other 'passions' on many contexts, these activities (ultra deep diving) is selfish - self-directed, not in service of others or the larger good. I say this as a climber, knowing & fully acknowledging that it, too, is a selfish pursuit. So, my perspective is informed by experience in other contexts, of many other people who try to build heroic narratives that ultimately fail under the burden of reasonable skepticism that asks for clarity and completeness.

See https://youtu.be/X-6HeB1olp8 for some very helpful missing information, though I certainly don't agree that the original recovery effort of the diver long since memorialized was "noble". It was, in fact, a vainglorious waste. The number of people who could have said 'no', including the parents, is shocking. I'm sure several people who were solicited did decline - and probably counseled against the project - but we certainly don't hear anything about them.
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js-6613011 September 2020
Spoiler alert: don't read the title.

The life of scuba divers in search of depth seems more like a death wish. So why the hell tempt fate for what appears to be very little reward? That question is never really answered, yet we are introduced to several characters who unflinchingly espouse their devotion and unwavering dedication to the activity.

Boesmansgat is a deepwater submerged fresh water cave that punctures the South African Kalahari Desert. It is the monster's mouth that invites intrepid divers to test their mettle. It is where records are set. It is where people die. In 1994 twenty year old Deon Dryer perished there. A decade later Dave Shaw discovered the body at 270m. Shortly after, he enlisted friend and fellow diver Don Shirley for a recovery mission. This is the story of Deon, Dave and Don. You can't write this stuff.

As documentaries go, revealing a large part of the mystery from the get go is unusual practice, but here it works. Splicing original footage of the recovery dive, with re-enactments, director John Malak avoids the creepy sensationalism television favours, unfolding the story in a tense, beautiful and technical manner befitting the subject matter. The intricate preparation, endless logistical details and a spider web of planning is extraordinary, but when things go wrong, it is the in situ reaction of the team that ramps up the drama.

Diving down is easy, coming back up is not. Same with this movie.

  • hipcRANK
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Better told in online videos
Gabbo7 July 2021
I was interested in this based on a video I saw online. I liked the 12 minute video version better for reasons outlined in other reviews. You can find that video by searching for: QXIR Diver Lost Footage

If you like that then maybe this longer documentary with less detail might be right for you.
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Parts are excellent but...
scofieldalison4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this film. Well, I can't really say that I "enjoyed" it because the world lost an amazing individual. Dave Shaw was a proficient diver who sadly got into trouble trying to fulfill a promise to another lost diver's parents. I found it somewhat educational since I'm not, in any way, a diver. And it definitely showed the danger in scuba. The one thing that I found was that I occasionally could not understand people who had different accents. Sure, I know it's my hearing but film makers should think about this if they want their film to be honest and seen by many. Regardless, it touched me greatly.
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jellopuke23 May 2023
Some cave divers find a body during a record dive and decide to go back for it. Uh oh, one dies and another nearly does.

The whole time I'm watching this I can't help but think how monumentally stupid the whole endeavour was and how insane the people are for wanting to do this at all. To die to bring back a dead body? What a stupid, stupid thing to do.

Apart from that, it's well put together enough and the explanations for newbies is helpful. But the whole concept was so dumb, why did all these people go along with it? Oh yeah, hubris and insanity.

This is worth seeing although I hear that it leaves a lot out for people that know more about it.

Certainly makes me never want to cave dive!
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Disjointed and as dizzy as one of the divers
andrewdobbo5 December 2022
The documentary starts with a well filmed overview of the site and appears as though it will be interesting. From there we seem to go all over the place. Back and forth, present day, historical, recent past... It just got a little confusing. Not sure if it was in the editing or the people in in it, but apart from Dave's wife, did not feel a real connection with some of the divers in it. Not saying the people weren't engaging or nice people, they just didn't come across engaging on the camera or documentary. There was another really well made doco with Scandinavian divers who retrieved a body from depth and that was compelling, interesting and gave a sense of the claustrophobic underwater surroundings but this just didn't have that same connection with the viewer. Shame really. And no disrespect to the lost divers.
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Beautiful film of the joy and risks of deep diving
tom-varljen29 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why would anyone do this? Because they are modern day explorers. This film shows the juxtaposition of the human drive for adventure and the hubris of ego. It is true to the subject with an unflinching eye to document the price of those who fly to close to the sun. It is a beautiful film of what the ultimate sacrifice may be for those who chose to risk it all in extreme explorations. Its beauty is in the way it explores its subjects, those lost as well as those who came back. The film does not sensationalize or seek to exploit sympathy from the viewer. It is raw; meaty and yet delicate and sublime. You feel as though you can see the thoughts of those involved. Loved this film. I am a recreational diver who will never understand how a human body can survive at those depths. This film is listed as 2020 film however I will swear I saw it many years ago.
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A Thriller with immersive experience
parinjoy7 November 2022
A brilliant recreation of the actual events by the divers tailored with the actual archival footage. Must watch for anyone with interest in cave diving or technical dives as it brings about multiple aspects regarding the same. Knowing such events have actually happened and the ever present risks in diving add an immersive dimension to the film. The music at times is also noticeably appropriate. Technical Dives are for people who are absolutely passionate about this hobby but some dives should better be left to "The Best Divers on their very Best Days." The movie also brilliantly captures the emotions of the people around this project bringing about a feeling of personal connection. This movie can at times really make you cross your fingers and hope for the best.
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Slow and vague
generic230-14 September 2021
I agree w other reviews that this film is short on details and long on self-aggrandizement.tthe divers were ill prepared and infuriatingly casual about the risk. When Dave says he's not really there to retrieve the body and giddily relates he's just doing it as a fun adventure. Don is lucky he's alive.
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Home video masquerading as documentary
gareth-769991 November 2021
What should have been a gripping breakdown on the many perils of cave diving and the people who risk their lives doing it instead delivers a sketchy collection of disjointed interviews, re-enactments and talking heads. Basically, if you weren't in Dave's immediate social circle you'd have no idea what was happening here. The filmmaker is working on the assumption that everyone watching is fully aware of the backstory, protagonists and the incredibly complex technical aspects of cave diving equipment.

Who are these people? What do they do? Where are they from? What did cave divers outside their circle think of this expedition? (The cave diving world is tiny). How does a re-breather work? How was this cave formed? (It's in the middle of the Kalahari). Why didn't they consult a coroner or pathologist to determine the challenges of removing a 10 year old corpse. This list goes on...

On the plus side whoever scored the music for this film did a first class job, it's excellent.
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