Home video masquerading as documentary
1 November 2021
What should have been a gripping breakdown on the many perils of cave diving and the people who risk their lives doing it instead delivers a sketchy collection of disjointed interviews, re-enactments and talking heads. Basically, if you weren't in Dave's immediate social circle you'd have no idea what was happening here. The filmmaker is working on the assumption that everyone watching is fully aware of the backstory, protagonists and the incredibly complex technical aspects of cave diving equipment.

Who are these people? What do they do? Where are they from? What did cave divers outside their circle think of this expedition? (The cave diving world is tiny). How does a re-breather work? How was this cave formed? (It's in the middle of the Kalahari). Why didn't they consult a coroner or pathologist to determine the challenges of removing a 10 year old corpse. This list goes on...

On the plus side whoever scored the music for this film did a first class job, it's excellent.
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