Sniffers (2017) Poster


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Funny and strange short!
Irishchatter22 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I found out about the movie from Marlene ever since I subscribed to her Youtube channel recently. On nearly ever video she uploads, she always refers to her fans as "sniffers". When I heard it at first, I thought it was weird but when I came across somd of her videos, she told us we should watch try to the movie she did. I was very surprised because I didn't expect a underrated youtuber like her would do this! Boy I was wrong!

i like how this movie was set in a "suppose to be" AA meeting but this time, it's to do with people who are addicted their pet parrots. I thought the fella with the beard and ponytail stood out because he's like the jerk who you don't like but rather be friends with. Luckily I don't have a parrot for him to steal so I'm glad about that haha! That fella is a really good actor!

The reason why I'm aldo saying this short is strange because really, this type of movie never happened before, like i never seen a movie involving parrot group threapy instead of alcohalics group threapy. Marlene is definitely such a creative and sweet person who uses her time to look after her birds. I was even so happy that Jersey, Vinny and Picasso were stars of the short, they were so good!

Well done Marlene and birdies!
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