"The Good Doctor" Mount Rushmore (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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"Mount Rushmore" (#1.2)
aaronredis12 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It was adorable when Shaun threatened to throw a rock through the window when he had a tough time getting Carly to give him a patient's labs! I truly love how Shaun's past still influences his life today and is still such a strong component of who he is and who he is becoming. I also love how Steve's story will continue.

While "Mount Rushmore" was not at all a bad episode, it certainly did not uphold the quality of the show's previous. As we are still in the "getting to know you stage," I can except it to move slow for a little while. I am still enjoying how everyone is slowly being developed.

Shaun faces even more struggles in "Mount Rushmore." When he struggles to find someone willing to mentor him, he is forced to sit on the sidelines. He is also struggling with his bedside manner and his ability to completely relinquish some things that bother him. But Shaun isn't the only one in the wrong.

When Shaun arrives late to his first day of work, Dr. Melendez is not afraid to call him out on it. But Shaun attests that it wasn't his fault . . . the bus was at fault. I loved this scene and I must admit that I cracked up a bit.

Dr. Melendez is also not impressed by Shaun's willingness to order crazy expensive tests, and due to this, he assigns him to Nurse Fryday to look after him treating patients in the ER. This proves rather interesting.

When a woman named Stephanie comes to the hospital, we learn she has a tumor. The tumor is in a difficult place and the tests were inconclusive. Shaun comes up with an idea for how to tackle this, but neglects from sharing with Dr. Melendez.

Dr. Kalu, though incredibly hot, is clearly that one person in every work environment that everyone cannot stand . . . you know . . . the one person who is not afraid to take all the credit for himself, not caring about anyone else but himself and his career in the process. I sympathize for Shaun when Dr. Kalu took credit for one of his ideas.

Shaun, however, did claim a victory when he was able to scrub in to save a patient who had more than just a stomach ache. Shaun was, of course, influenced by Steve's lesson about selling himself and convincing people to listen to him. Although he didn't get to do the whole surgery from top-to-bottom, if it wasn't for his willingness, the patient might not have survived. I absolutely love how much Steve continues to influence Shaun's decision even far after his death. It really is touching to see.

I said it before, I will say it again, I truly feel for Shaun after his idea was stolen. I can only imagine how often he has been underestimated and taken advantage of and how often it will continue to happen. If Steve were still alive, I have a feeling he would stand up for him. The only one left for Shaun that is close to what Steve was is Dr. Glassman, and even that is a stretch.

"Mount Rushmore" was a pretty enjoyable episode of "The Good Doctor," but I am bothered by the continued hospital politics. I am hoping for more medicine next time and less office politics. Time will only tell!

I give "Mount Rushmore" an 8.3/10. Keep up the good work!
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The narrative delves deeper into the hospital environment, as Dr. Shaun Murphy begins to navigate the complexities of his new role
fernandoschiavi23 August 2024
In the second episode of The Good Doctor, titled "Mount Rushmore," the narrative delves deeper into the hospital environment, as Dr. Shaun Murphy begins to navigate the complexities of his new role. The episode opens with Shaun struggling to adapt to the social intricacies of hospital life, particularly the expectations placed on him by his mentor, Dr. Aaron Glassman, and his fellow residents. As Shaun faces his first full day at St. Bonaventure, he is assigned to a surgery with Dr. Melendez, who remains skeptical of Shaun's abilities.

This episode expands on the interpersonal dynamics within the hospital, focusing on how Shaun's condition affects his interactions with both patients and colleagues. The script does an excellent job of juxtaposing Shaun's clinical brilliance with his social difficulties, creating tension and drama that feel organic to the narrative. Highmore continues to shine in his role, bringing a vulnerability to Shaun that makes his triumphs and setbacks all the more impactful. The direction by Mike Listo keeps the episode's pace brisk, ensuring that the various storylines-Shaun's struggle with the hierarchical structure of the hospital, his connection with Dr. Glassman, and the unfolding medical cases-are seamlessly interwoven.

The cinematography in "Mount Rushmore" effectively uses the sterile, high-pressure environment of the hospital to mirror Shaun's internal state. The editing is particularly effective during the surgical scenes, where the tension is heightened by quick cuts and close-ups that emphasize the precision required in the operating room. One of the standout moments in the episode is when Shaun, overwhelmed by the chaos of the hospital, retreats to a supply closet-a scene that poignantly captures his isolation and the challenges he faces.

Despite its strengths, the episode does stumble in its portrayal of some supporting characters, who continue to be defined more by their skepticism of Shaun than by their own personalities or motivations. This can make certain interactions feel repetitive, as the show leans heavily on the conflict between Shaun and his colleagues without fully exploring other aspects of their characters.

Nevertheless, "Mount Rushmore" successfully builds on the foundation laid by the pilot, deepening the audience's understanding of Shaun's world and the hurdles he must overcome. The episode is effective in maintaining a balance between the procedural elements of a medical drama and the character-driven narrative that makes The Good Doctor unique. As Shaun begins to prove himself, the series continues to explore the broader themes of acceptance and the value of unconventional approaches in medicine.
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S1.E2 - Shaun's redemption [9/10]
panagiotis199322 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(S1. E2) My Live Reaction / Review for The Good Doctor Season 1 Episode 2 ''Mount Rushmore''. The previous episode was good and I gave it a rating of 9/10. Let's see if this one is better or worse. The doctor that Shaun calls arrogant, Dr. Melendez is really annoying, he treats Shaun like he is inferior, I hate that. I love how Shaun cant understand sarcasm. Shaun saved this girl's life. He wants to do his job the right way but Melendez wont let him do it, its frustrating. Shaun sees his brother as someone he couldn't save so he doesn't want other people to die and he does everything in his power to save people. They saved the woman with the tumor but all of it was Shaun's idea, they should show some respect to him. Overall this episode was good and I enjoyed it. My rating is 9/10.
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ABC's The Good Doctor just went one step further into medical complications that I have never seen Grey's Anatomy gone before.
aryamans-614653 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show has managed to touch me in ways that few shows do in their second episode leave alone the first season


I loved the way they narrated the scene where Shaun and the parents of the girl were taking her to the hospital and at the same time in the past Shaun was carrying his brother to a Hospital. It was just so perfectly edited and written. It was the high point of the episode and I absolutely loved it.


I think this episode was an excellent build-up from the premiere and now I am absolutely certain that this show is going to reach great heights in terms of dramatic tension. The first episode was about to make me cry and this one went one step further.
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The Worst Doctor
Dr_Sagan4 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK. I've made a mistake. I wrote in my series review that I won't watch another episode of this crap, but unfortunately I did.

In this episode the Good Doctor is late to his first day at the hospital and it is ...the bus to blame. Also he is scaring patients and he is smelling ...farts.

For some, still unknown, reason Richard Schiff's character is keep insisting (and even betting his position as the president of the hospital) that Shaun is a "Good Doctor". In my opinion as an actual MD, he should step down immediately because he's confusing what a good doctor really is...

A doctor cares about the feelings of his patients. He never lies to them, but he is never insensible. Also he cares about the budget of the health institution he is in, and about its schedule and its efficiency, and also he cares about his colleagues.

A doctor is human and humane. Shaun is more like a COMPUTER, trying to find solutions based on pure facts and protocols.

Very conveniently the script writers are "giving" to him cases that other doctors "miss" or can't "handle". Honestly I wonder why. Why you supposed to accept a professional who is UNSUITABLE for a job. Someone who may be good in one aspect of his profession but fails miserably in all the others.

If this is a "Good" Doctor than this is a "Good" Series. Unfortunately this is not the case. He is the WORST Doctor and this is a bad series. An unnecessary melodrama with annoying music.
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Spectacular Performance From Freddy Highmore
Glenn_K94 October 2017
I found the first episode had me instantly pulled in. I find the bullying of a character who appears autistic in appearance be treating so despicably by a member of a high-class profession such as a surgeon. This episode was draggy and disturbing to watch. I can say with Freddy Highmore's acting in the episode alone rates it a 10 however the story-line was a disappointment to watch the first episode where he is a hero thrown into a position that on a typically normal person is deplorable considering the profession. I could not break this episode down to a believable situation. Storytelling 10 story-line 3.
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