"Real Detective" No One Is Safe (TV Episode 2016) Poster

(TV Series)


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A horrible episode
visser_matthijs1 December 2019
This episode is so bad. Directing and acting is so poor. The story is a tragedy, and they don't take it seriously. A shame for the victims and the real cops. Asking stupid questions and chewing gum and eating food all the time. This one was really bad!
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Acting was hard to watch
lfyt26 February 2021
The actress playing detective menina was awful. Often cringey comments being made and she tries to give off a tough cop image which fails at every moment.
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Did Mannina just completely screw the witness?
pilmolb3 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While the case itself is interesting, the really interesting thing about this episode is the glorification of detective Mannina, and the complete failure to recognize that she completely ignored the seriousness of the danger that she put the two witnesses in. I mean - she eventually had their trust and she used it to bust one major gang member, and then completely let her guard down. Especially after the leader turns himself in and she acts like the case is over. That it is only in hindsight that she considers the fact that he could easily have the witnesses targetet from prison. Well of course he could! I am completely astonished that the witnesses did not have 24 hour protection, but she only advised them not to go back to the property. Terrible judgement and this episode made me so mad that I stopped watching the show. She threw them under the bus and the show presented her as a hero.
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