"The Amazing World of Gumball" The Girlfriend (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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Not so amazing episode of Gumball
ChristianShow1724 May 2018
While there was some funny jokes in here this episode is the weakest episode of The Amazing World of Gumball. If you don't get this episode message it's basically if you're in an abusive relationship stay in and say nothing. And honestly I know that the writers are smarter enough and I honestly do believe that they can make this episode work but in the meantime when that happens this episode definitely shows me that there's a lot of stuff that isn't amazing about Gumball.
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There's not a "good message" between the lines.
bannanaaaa2 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The episode revolves around Darwin saying that Jamie just needs time to get better, and how standing up against her isn't a good idea while being quiet and submissive is the best thing you could do in this scenario. And while others commenters say that this is not the true message of the episode and that it gives a better message at the end, that's not what happens. In the end, Jamie suddenly realizes her wrongdoings on her own, like what Darwin said would happen earlier in the episode. At the same time, Darwin shows up and takes Gumball's advice by speaking up against Jamie, which just gets him a punch in the face, implying that it was a bad idea. So the episode inadvertently tells us that staying quiet is the right thing to do because Darwin is never proven wrong, HE IS PROVEN RIGHT. That's the major problem, if the episode ended with Darwin standing up against Jamie and giving a good message about how being submissive towards your abuser is NEVER a good idea, it would be a good episode, BUT THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN.
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People Can't Read Between The Lines
gooodjohndoe27 August 2019
This isn't telling you stay silent if in an abusive relationship. Words like those ARE indeed spoken but the episode itself presents it in a more ironic kind of way. Heck, the climax here is shot like a godamn HORROR MOVIE. Could the message have been handled somewhat better? Definitely, I agree on that front, but taking that issue(again, not a real flaw since, AGAIN, it isn't presenting Darwin's actions as an inherently good thing) aside, the episode's still as funny, creative, well animated and well directed as the show's become known for being.
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Worst Gumball episode ever
ImmortalSpy11 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is horrible! I was cringing within the first 10 seconds! Which is already a pretty awful sign. So we start with Jamie assaulting everyone. And she realizes she needs a sweetheart, (really?) and she chooses Darwin. She's obviously a very abusive and short-tempered girlfriend. Which is pretty ugly to watch. Then we get to the lunch scene, and when Gumball asks why he isn't saying anything about her obvious abuse, he says this: "The problem is is that she doesn't understand love, so the best thing to do is to wait quietly until she figures it out for herself." Wait, what? That is bad advice! It can get you hurt if you stay in a violent relationship! We get into another scene with Jamie being angry at Sara for just saying hi. Then we have an annoying scene with Richard that lasts 20 seconds of him making random noise, and then Jamie stuffs a lacrosse stick in his head. Gumball is begging for Darwin to say something, but refuses to in honor of his horrible advice. Then we see Jamie not wanting him to be with Gumball as she considers Gumball to be Darwin's boyfriend. So Jamie chooses to make Gumball her boyfriend to. Oh god, please no! And Jamie doesn't even ask for consent, she just says, "you're now my boyfriend" against Gumball's will. This causes a horrifying chase scene with Jamie creepily following Gumball everywhere he goes. And after the chase scene ends, Darwin says to Jamie, "love is not something you take but something you earn." But Jamie was offended cause she thought she looked stupid for him saying that, and punches Darwin out cold! Then we see him injured with Gumball saying that Darwin should've kept his mouth shut. Really? A lot of people debate that the message isn't bad as it shown the results of what happened. But regardless of if you think this episode's message is "good", it's still a cringeworthy episode! (I did like the coconut joke tho). But please think twice before watching this. I was cringing all the way through!
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Cruel, Unfunny and Downright Terrible
damiontatum8 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode generally is so cruel and hard to watch. Jamie is the Most unlikeable character In this episode and she is so irredeemable. Everyone was tortured for no reason and Darwin acts way out of character here.
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gabrielgollihue2 November 2021
This is not only the worst Gumball episode, it's also one of the worst cartoon episodes. It is so terrible that Family Guys Brians a bad father seems more tolerable to watch. Hell, you know what? SpongeBob's One course meal seems more tolerable than this. That's not good. Now, please don't hate me for this, but I think Gumball as a whole is trash. I'm sorry. But this is more than trash. IT'S ROTTEN!!

Here's the problems.

Its characters are not likeable.

It spreads adult party humor.

And lastly, its message... where do I begin with that?

I will say, trying to get a girlfriend is a nice thing to learn about. But the advice... Oh my word, the advice... The advice it gives us is abysmal.

"If your ever caught in a love situation," I think that's what it said, I could be wrong. "Don't do or say anything." .......... NOOOOO!!! JUST...... NOOOOOO!!!

That's not right. How did they screw up that badly? No seriously, tell me, HOW? Strawinsky and the mysterious house's message was more relatable than this! Here is some good advice for you that should have been what the message was. If you are ever struggling in a relationship, you stand up for yourself and try to speak. That way she might end up liking you. Like the boy from Winnie the pooh said: "You are braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Don't ever agree with what these guys have to say. Let's just agree that this is the worst Gumball episode.
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Overhated and Misunderstood
FairlyAnonymous30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My guess as to why this episode is so hated is that it came out during the heydays of Steven Universe where every episode was about relationships, boundaries, consent, and having morals at the end of every episode. Most of the complaints I've seen about this episode seem to represent it as something that it isn't and I feel like a lot of people missed the point and had expectations of a message and moral, which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what TAWOG stands for. TAWOG is always about anarchy and having ironic lessons.

Almost EVERY episode of TAWOG has extreme acts of violence. Banana Joe get killed frequently, the toast kid literally has an episode where we learn that he gets brutally murdered everyday, Sarah gets melted on a regular basis, Nicole should be charged with child abuse, there is even an several episodes dedicated to all of damages and evils the Wattersons have done to the community. I find it odd that THIS is the episode where people start to find the violence too extreme or uncomfortable.

The basic premise is essentially this: What is a horror movie villain tried to date you. That's it. It's not trying to say anything deep or profound, it's merely a comedic set-up that is the equivalent to "What if someone dated a T-800 from Terminator".

The second main joke of the episode is that Darwin's strategy is terrible. This is made very clear by the fact that Darwin is the one who gets beat up at the end and Gumball mockingly tells him "You shouldn't have said anything" due to how much everyone else has had to put up with Jamie's incredibly violent behavior. This point is made clear even earlier in the episode where Gumball compares Jamie to a charging gorilla, which Darwin says is nonsense, only for Jamie to start acting like a gorilla later on in the episode. The episode is VERY CLEARLY trying to show that Darwin's strategy is dangerous and not recommended.

The other point that people make is that Darwin is being violently abused by Jamie, when there aren't any instances of Darwin being attacked or hurt in the episode. The only people Jamie attacks are Darwin's friends who try to help him, which Darwin seems to think is okay for the sake of getting Jamie to learn, only for Darwin to get his comeuppance at the end for not doing anything sooner. I understand that Jamie is still being abusive by being controlling, but the focus of the episode isn't on the morality of abusive relationships, but more on Darwin's stupid "non-confrontational approach" to getting out of a dilemma.

I vaguely understand some of the hate this episode gets, but the way it is shot and told makes it very clear that the episode isn't trying to have a moral of any sort, but is supposed to be interpreted as comedic hijinks where Darwin's inability to be confrontational leads him to be dating the cartoon equivalent of a serial killer.
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Worst episode ever
camjsam6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst episode of the show, the reason why this episode sucks is because of the way Jamie is, and on how Darwin handles that situation, And the episode starts off so weirdly, I cannot even stand this episode, I'd say jamie is my least favorite character of the show, I just dislike jamie, as for Darwin, he just sat on the bus when Jamie said she needed a sweetheart, but instead Darwin did nothing, I'm mostly on Gumball side in the episode. Gumball handled it well, meanwhile Darwin just didn't handle it correctly, And Jamie is just a nightmare, At the beginning, she literally empty's Alan's balloon knot.
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One of the worst ideas for a Gumball episode ever - which says a lot considering stupider things I have seen from this show.
adampkalb17 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I never understood why anybody liked The Job, The Finale, The Rival or The Brain and pretended as if The Amazing World of Gumball could do no wrong in regards to good comedy and storytelling, but I am happy to come across something else many of us can agree is very bad. It is just too sad, depressing and painful to see Darwin's naivety get him in danger when he thinks that saying nothing to Jamie until she works it out for herself will solve the problem, and just lets Jamie shout at everybody else who tries to talk to her or Darwin. It ends in one of the cruelest punch lines I have ever seen from this show, with an actual punch included. Darwin's plan of long-term silence almost works when Jamie chases after Gumball, wanting him to be another boyfriend for her, then suddenly comes to the conclusion that love is something you earn. Darwin finally gains the courage to tell Jamie the same thing, but somehow THIS is the one time Darwin should have kept his mouth shut. Jamie learned nothing and does not practice what she preached because she did exactly what Darwin expected she would do to him. She punched him out for trying to teach her a lesson about being a healthier, less abusive girlfriend. All she does is be a rude, despicable person who shouts at or hurts everybody who gets in her way. She is a despicable, narcissistic bully, which is not unusual for her character, but The Girlfriend is a very heinous episode because it misses the point of how it could have resolved its own conflict much better by having Jamie learn why she should stop doing what she did to hurt everyone who disagrees with her, even if she thought it was fun.

The only funny parts of The Girlfriend that make it slightly more bearable to watch are the running gag of when Jamie gets frozen in thought and makes a hilariously ugly, confused face. I can pretend to tolerate the aforementioned episodes if I turn off my brain or pretend to take nothing The Amazing World of Gumball seriously, and The Girlfriend would still be indefensible because it is just that unfunny, even when it is intended to be funny, and it gives kids the worst advice ever on how to handle an abusive girlfriend or boyfriend who is just a bully. Following a potentially serious message with a cruel joke where Jamie punches Darwin for doing what he should have done along is not funny. It is just sad! A storyline pitting a naive boy like Darwin against an abusive bully like Jamie is a horrendous, unhappy idea on principle doomed to fail. It is like the Spongebob Squarepants episode Pet Sitter Pat having Patrick be the worst pet sitter ever who almost kills Gary several times. Storylines that pair up characters who should never be together can be funny, and as a general concept it can make for lots of good comedy, but not when that comedy is as shallow or predictable as...the baseline of abusive or idiotic danger that we would already expect to come from it. All Pet Sitter Pat and The Girlfriend do is go through the motions of abusing and torturing Gary and Darwin with Patrick's idiocy and Jamie's cruelty. Were those episodes intended to be hated by all of us? Because they are, and I hope the mean writers who wrote them and the mean directors who directed them are happy with how angry or sad they have made us from them.
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I dont understand the hate at all
piotootoip6 February 2023
I LOVED THIS EPISODE!, is it a highlight of the 4th season? No, but it was really entertaining as any episode of the amazing world of gumball, en maybe the message wasnt the best or it wasnt done very well, but still, i found it a funny, simple, and enyojable 11 minutes, i dont think it should be rated as the WORST EPISODE of this show, there are some that i think should take the spot, but this is just another episode that you'll see on the tv channels that will give you a laugh or two, it has its downs, jamie was very weird this episode, darwin acted different as how his character usually is, but still, it is far from a bad episode in my opinion, way to overhated.
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