"The Man in the High Castle" Revelations (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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So much suspense
tylerfarmer-2513611 July 2019
I loved this episode so much it had me on my seat and don't see why people are hating I like this show SO FAR it does a great job on giving us a world of the axis powers won the war
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The first payoff of the series arrives
zahorskyakos-979816 August 2020
This is the culmination of the previous 3 episodes, the rebels are shown to be morally gray instead of the "mysterious herous" trope. The Japanese zone is starting to get nuanced, which is great, I hope that we get to see the Reich in the later episodes in more depth.
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Moving Again
mbloyd9 August 2017
The title Revelations is an overstatement, as there aren't exactly any revelations made at any point in the episode. However, after both Sunrise and The Illustrated Woman stalled, Revelations does offer the series some momentum again. The cross-cutting suspense sequence that serves as the episode's finale is certainly a step in the right direction for the show. The episode's final ten minutes are the best the show has been since the pilot. Frank's final scene of the episode adds a higher level of mystery as to what is next for him. It is, however, time for the show to make more clear what Tagomi and Wegener are trying to accomplish. Juliana's final scene of the episode does at least give the idea the show has somewhere that it is progressing toward. Getting away from Canon City at some point would most definitely be a good thing.
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Just apreciate the art
javel-3740827 June 2020
I gave this episode a ten. I know, there isn't anything perfect, but you can tell when something is excellent. I will just focus on the finale of the episode, and the momentum that the creators have accomplished, with the music, the slow motion, capturing and transmitting all the emotions that the characters showed. Fantantastic, superb!!
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Ed is the best
temuukaaaaa14 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone needs friend like him, he's one in million
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Extremely unrealistic writing/plot in this episode... no logic at all
0w06 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
OK so... you don't drive a truck like a NORMAL human-being would, if that human-being was being shot at? OK, I guess some people can be TERRIBLE drivers, so I'll let that one slide... so, you ditch the perfectly fine and undamaged truck, and decide that you're going to outrun the bad guy on-foot...

BUT THEN... you sneak up behind the bad guy, who is about to kill your girlfriend, then you whack him over the head with a piece of wood, then simply run out of the room?! WHO WOULD DO THAT?! Why didn't you shoot him in the head with his gun, OR AT LEAST TAKE HIS BLOODY GUN FOR YOURSELF!?

Literally 20seconds later, the bad guy is recovered from the hit that he took to the head, and hunting you again... WTF?! You should have killed him, it was so damn easy...

Horrible script writing... 3 massively illogical choices in literally the first 10minutes of the episode
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Increasingly predictable and stupid
presto21128 March 2018
I really want to like this show but there are just too many predictable things going on and too many inconsistencies and situations that lack logic. I'm unable to suspend my disbelief. So disappointed.
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A bounty hunter is after us, yeah, no worries
petegallows22 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I am Joe and me and Juliana are in a kind of a pickle - this dude is after us, he acts like he's dangerous, because he talks funny and he's got a shotgun...wow, that's so unique. I also happen to have a gun, in the truck, but nevermind that.

So this guy is shooting at us, I tell Juliana to run, as I reverse the truck, instead of just reversing further and driving away...or running over him...and this bounty hunter is after her. I run after them - but I leave my gun in the truck...as you would.

So I catch up to them, just as he's about to shoot her and I smack him over his head with a blunt instrument of some sort. Then, instead of taking that shotgun of his and just killing him, or at least tying him up and leave him there/take him away, whatever...I leave him there - with his gun - again, as you would.... If you were an absolute m 0 r 0 n.

So then we spend the rest of at least this episode running from him, instead of doing absolutely anything else. Hello, I am Joe, and I am obviously just not very smart...

If Joe didn't want to kill him, because the bounty hunter works for the Nazis, maybe he could have just told him that earlier. Grab that shotgun, wait till he wakes up and talk to him "take a hike son and don't interfere with my super secret Nazi mission, otherwise obergruppenfuhrerichschwitzewiediehure Johnny Smith will be very mad at you" , while Juliana waits outside, because you asked her to. What a nonsensical writing.

But seriously, back to this guy with the shotgun - all those black guys in the forest also have rifles, obviously it's not super hard to get one, he's not a lawman, he's just a guy who probably weighs buck 50 and has this one firearm. One day, when he's sitting in that dinner, eating pork chops as tough as leather, come up to him from behind, and shoot him in the head...or smack him over the head with something, tie him up and slap him across the face with a sock full of quarters, until he is no more. Because what's he's gonna do? Threaten you? If there was a gang of thugs like him, 3 of them, 5 of them, that would be something else. But he's just one, with one gun and he's cocky, he's not expecting it.
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