(TV Series)


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"It shouldn't be this hard for a husband and wife to spend time together"
skteosk18 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Are we actually supposed to find Sonya at all sympathetic here?Because she kind of loses any semblance of the moral high ground round about the time she practically forces Bailey to have a meeting with her when she's supposed to be spending time with Jarrod.Toadie is a bit dumb suggesting she go away for a bit though.

Josh's attentive boyfriend bit doesn't last long and Amber's soon spending more than quality time with Daniel.Daniel's tirade at Paul is long overdue and, after initially suspecting a scam, Karl is now questioning Paul's competence.Unfortunately, the expected narrative vagueness around whether or not the whole street knows Paul is/might be a murderer means it's hard to know how to take this.
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