"Star Wars: The Bad Batch" The Cavalry Has Arrived (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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A beautiful ending
max_kirchi1 May 2024
The Bad Batch struggled enormously to live up to the expectations of its predecessors "The Clone Wars" and "Rebels".

A lot of time was invested in the much criticized filler, a long-lasting story was interrupted again and again and the characters also took up a lot of time for themselves.

A development that more than pays off in the highlight of every Star Wars animated series, the finale, and so it is here.

Over the seasons, a connection was created that grew from episode to episode, developed steadily and allowed the writers to play with it in this final episode of the series.

It may not have the greatest emotional impact, especially compared to the other two series finales, to be constantly aware of its greatest strengths and weaknesses, but it is this perfect imperfection that defines the show, as well as its main characters.

I myself had an incredible time watching this finale, seeing the Bad Batch give their all for their family and the final scene feels incredible even to me, how the target audience must feel watching this is hard to guess.

Let's hope that good things continue to be done with it in the future, the space for that has certainly been left open.
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Seeing them grow old instead hurts just as much
movieturtle20131 May 2024
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With this final episode the Bad Batch has come to a close, and while they all made it, time is still moving.

Tantiss has fallen, the empire has relocated their resources to building the death star, Omega has officially slipped through the cracks and gets to live a peaceful life... until of course you realize that the empire is still reigning the galaxy and Omega wants to fight them alongside the rebellion.

Seeing this show end is bittersweet. On one hand, I could have gone through more adventures with the Batch, on the other I wished them to get a break, which they get. However, seeing them grow old, the underlying factor of their accelerated aging, hurts just the same. The war is still going on. But at least they got to live out the quiet life.

What I can say overall to the episode: it was a deserved finale, despite the pacing issues. That it was 50min long definitely helped with wrapping everything up and you get the feeling that the writers took their time with this season, even though I feel they could've been more daring with the execution of the plot, involve the clones more, dive even deeper into the conflict.

But in the end, it didn't disappoint. It found a way to keep the tension, have the viewer feel like the characters were in danger and hit the emotional beats. We got an ending that is satisfying and hopeful. A happy end for a group of soldiers that knew nothing but fighting their entire lives.
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A Beautiful Finale for The Bad Batch
danielmols1 May 2024
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'The Cavalry has Arrived' belongs with the best of the Star Wars episodes. It is a gripping, emotional finale to a great series.

The Bad Batch finale is a spectacular, emotional and visually-beautiful masterpiece. Nearly every scene contains beautiful shots that still feel very 'Star Warsy' and helps fans to make this farewell even more memorable.

In a surprising turn of events the story does not contain as many tropes as one would expect from a Star Wars show. There are surprises around every corner (literally) and the show's ending will make any fan long (even more) for more animated Star Wars shows.

The mesmerizing score that accompanies this finale feels like Kiner Music poured their hearts into it to bring any fan to tears.

The Cavalry Arrives is a great sendoff to the beloved series and will definitely be rewatched many, many times. Clone Force 99 might be over, but they will live on for a long time in the hearts of fans.
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Sacrifice and Dedication, Selflessness and Valor, Making Mistakes but Taking Responsibilities. Family and Human Spirit...and Never Giving Up!
szabbee961 May 2024
The best ending of any Star Wars related content for me. There were many good star wars animations and episodes throughout the years.. but this one is the closest to my heart.

The whole episode was holding me on the edge of my seat, the action was top notch, and I also shed some manly tears.

Many people didn't like "The Bad Batch" for various reasons, but for me, i liked it the most. I liked all of the personalities of the "Batch" and the unit as a whole. I even found the "filler episodes" interesting, because it felt like just as random as real life situations can suprise you or go wrong.

I liked that there was no "special" amongst them like jedi stuff, but every one of them was still special in their own way, and still human.

Sacrifice and dedication, selflessness and valor, making mistakes but taking responsibilities. Family and human spirit...and never giving up!

That is the definition of "The Bad Batch"!
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Unlike so many series finales-
metdvls-11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike so many series finales- the Bad Batch delivered on all fronts. It completed the story of Clone Force 99 started in season 7 of The Clone Wars. The loyalty and dedication of the squad to themselves and their clone brothers made it a deeply rewarding and emotional story. It closed the story not just of The Bad Batch- but that of the Clone War story.

I will say I am glad that Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair got to retire in peace after fighting their war. They risked everything for their sister Omega and the other clones. They bested Hemlock and Seeing him shot by Hunter and Crosshair after Omega distracted him - was extremely satisfying. Now the old warriors kicking back leading a normal life feels right.

I will say- I am glad Filloni didn't go Winter Solider with Tech. His death in season two was meaningful and not a gimmick.

The final scene with Omega sneaking off to join the Rebellion felt right. She had grown into a woman who was not forced to fight- instead she is now choosing to fight the Empire.

I hope her story shows she survives the war against the Empire and returns to her brothers. I have a feeling her story is just beginning.
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Worth all the buildup
jamesurech1 May 2024
This episode delivered on everything you could want in a finale. Not only are their satisfying wrap-ups for the characters, but there are also actions scenes so tense and impactful that I had to go back and re-watch them multiple times.

The buildup of the entire series and especially the last few episodes paid off in spades. In a vacuum, this could have just been a generic Star Wars rescue mission, but the rest of the show before made sure every character and every action had meaning, keeping you on the edge of your seat the entire time.

So much of it is done so well that I just couldn't help but smile throughout the entire ending. I'm glad to have stuck with this series since the first episode aired, and it gives me hope that Star Wars, and especially Star Wars animation, can still deliver heartfelt stories with compelling characters and meaningful action.
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A finale that delivered!
and_mikkelsen1 May 2024
I must admit, i was a bit worried that they wouldn't stick the landing with this show, cause we only got build-up in the previous episodes!

However.. I was proved wrong! This episode had everything I wanted and expected, delivering a thrilling and emotional farewell to this show, and the journey of clone force 99!

This episode had some amazing action, and scenes i will remember for a long time! We see the culmination of all they have been through, capturing the core of the show: the clones putting Omega before themselves! It was brilliant and it was satisfying!

The final scene was beautifull and had me really emotional, in the best way possible!

The ending means a lot to a shows legacy, and I feel the legacy of this show is secured with this episode!
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That was so perfectly beautiful!
reiyx20002 May 2024
I was concerned about the finale, not only because of the runtime, but also I think this show is one of the most original things in SW. So what could be an appropriate goodbye? The Bad Batch complete their mission once again. Not only counting the stunning animation details, but the story as a whole, it was everything and more. What heartbreaking-uplifting to the point episode it was. It was perfect! The show itself, the BB was the greatest gift the Clones Wars gave us, and I honestly just feel thankful and a bit sad for such an amazing show to end. They are gone too soon, I'm really going to miss those 5 clones.
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Might not be the best ending but still cried a lot
matisolomon1 May 2024
I really don't know why I got so sad, it really hit the spot in my heart with the ending might not what we really wanted with the hopes of Tech return in the finale, but still the ending we get was amazing, and I really started to cry in the end, might been the music and seeing the clones growing old, as we have along with the Clone wars and the Bad batch I was 10 when it all started and haven't skipped a heart beat of the shows. But I feel still sadden by the ending, knowing we all grew up with these heros and now its time to let them go, like with Omega, to find new adventures and new heros in this vast galaxy.
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Hats off to Dee Bradley Baker
scorving1 May 2024
I'm glad it was a double episode as it really gave them time to wrap the plot up well with a genuinely moving finale. After a bit of a shaky start The Bad Batch really hit its stride in the final two seasons. Similar, in a way, to how Rebels course corrected midway through, with both series wrapping up the main plots while leaving enough threads for future stories. The visuals, especially this season have been spectacular, the sense of scale in this last episode was amazing and really felt like classic 'Star Wars' with the extra wide aspect ratio giving a cinematic feel to proceedings. Likewise the music, both orchestral and the more 'electronic ambient' that originally debuted in the final arc of the Clone Wars, adds a huge amount to the atmosphere and ominous feeling of dread that kicks in when it is used. Finally, as my title says, all praise to Dee Bradley Baker for making each clone and member of the Bad Batch feel like a completely realised character, so much of this show rested on his shoulders and he carried it off incredibly well.
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yusufhassanx1 May 2024
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After reaching tantiss clone force 99 put up one more final fight. Crosshair hunter and wrecker all steal the snow in this episode start to finish.. without giving too much the series how's back full circle with the inclusion of echo as he is one of the first clone troopers we see in the clone wars being promoted to arc trooper and now leading the final fight for not only clone force 99 but also all the clone troopers It was a spectacle to watch offering a satisfying conclusion. The time jumpp. At the end really knitted things together and one final hurrah for the clone force 99 and the clones.
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Good but not great.
cacarosella1 May 2024
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Overall, I am okay with the ending but this could have been much better. There were quite a few interesting possibilities that were set up throughout the season that had zero payoff: who was Clone X, Asajj Ventress, Rex and his group of clones. I was glad Crosshair made an amazing shot, but characters losing a hand in Star Wars is the definition of hackneyed. What really annoys me, though, is that in the Disney Star Wars universe, characters like Reva and Sabine Wren survive being stabbed with lightsabers, but Tech is gone from a fall. Maybe Filoni is setting up a future Clone show. Idk. I am probably the only person who does not want Omega to show up in a live action show. It can only do damage because Disney is terrible at live action Star Wars.
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This show ends as it began, underwhelming...
jasjkasjkasla2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I know most reviews here are extremely positive however I disagree with all of them. This finale isn't good, it's extremely safe and wastes a lot of potential it could've had at being good/great. I got nothing out of this finale other than some cool visuals and action which would be fine if there wasn't a whole season of buildup to it. It's truly upsetting because it had the potential to be so much but due to the show's issues with character building, conflict creation and making complex plot points a lot of the potential here is missed. Regardless I did enjoy watching this episode and show I just feel like it should have been so much more and should have done so much more.
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A great end to a great series
garethbishop-885341 May 2024
Firstly, Disney is producing so much content for Star Wars and marvel now that, even the most ardent fans, are getting tired of the 'quantity over quality'.

That said, the Bad Batch was a refreshing series of honor amongst a brotherhood (with a sister) that created a group of characters that you actually cared about.

Not all heroes carry lightsabers in this universe and this was a good example of clones understanding that the empire was wrong. Like most series there were a few 'fillers' along the way but overall a recommended series that finished at the right time and on a high.

The last episode will go down in one the Star Wars universe greats and like the empire strikes back (still the best) it had a blend of sacrifice, loss, triumph and tragedy that kept you rooting for all involved.

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The moment when I exploded in tears during the Bad Batch Finale...
rusgeorgecristian1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was worried that this finale won't be able to give us a satisfying ending because there were so many unsolved plots, but how wrong I was.

A word to describe this would be BEAUTIFUL. They managed to bring all of our characters arcs to a perfect ending, especially for Crosshair. The Batch finally got to live a peaceful life. They deserve it after all the wars they fought.

The zillo beast rampage was insane. Emery finally did the right thing. Rampart was killed by his own arrogance. It was so cool seeing all the clones fighting the empire. Also I liked the darkness of this show, the clone assassin cutting Crosshair's hand.

I loved all the connections to the OG trilogy. Hemlock's death makes Tarkin put the Empire's money into the Death Star and also we find out that Omega joined the Rebellion. Her story isn't over.

I feel they should have made Omega use the force, but maybe that's just me. I'm sad Scorch died because he is such an unexplored character.

The music was phenomenal and we must give credit to Dee Bradley Baker for voicing the entire Bad Batch.

This finale carried so much emotion from all the past seasons and episodes, all building up this final episode, and with that final scene of Omega getting in her ship and looking at Tech's glasses, it was too much for me. I exploded in tears.

Overall, this finale shows us that you don't need to kill main characters to have a interesting and memorable ending. Felt like true Star Wars.

This was the best ending Dave Filoni could ever give to this great series. I honestly didn't want it to end.
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Simply just an incredible ending to the Clone saga
manserikwigstrom1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This ending is just perfect. Echos departure tears me up every time. Just wow. It's and incredible ending to the Clone Wars saga. I wish they would make more. Dave Filoni is a mastermind. The zillo I loved. I love the "evil" clone force 99 with those sabers and electrical staffes and that they are evenly matched makes it even better. I wished an appearance by Vader or another dark side user but I know they would be too overpowered but just imagine clone force 99 battling against Vader, WOW. Overall the bad batch is an amazing series which i heavily recommend. If your in to Star Wars WATCH IT NOW.
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Best star wars finale we've had in my opinion
charliebittan1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The character development has built up for this finale and everything payed off, everything that happened was damn satisfying to say the least. The music was on point throughout, the fighting scenes we really well made and animated, and brutal too. It also leads well into other content we've already got from the star wars universe so it fits into place quite well.

I do wish Rex had shown up, but fundamentally this wasn't his show so it didn't take anything away from the episode and it actually allowed us to focus more on our main characters which is always important for a finale. I'm also glad tech stayed dead, while he was my favourite character they really did need to start keeping characters dead, because it had happened too often when a character came back when they shouldn't have done.

Overall pretty much everything was perfect imo, everything was summed up they didn't make any outlandish reveals, they kept it simple and true to the message of the show.
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saruse-174521 May 2024
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This season was set up amazingly and as much as I miss tech I'm actually glad they didn't do the back from the dead twist. It's more meaningful that they ended the story the way they did. The animation in this episode was outstanding and the plot hit like a clone wars finale episode. I admit some emotional baggage and conversations felt like they were rushed but I think this still exceeds all my expectations for how I though the finale was going to be. This episode sent me on such an emotional roller coaster I legit made this account on IMDB just to rant about how it needs respect. Was it completely flawless no, but was it amazinggggg and did it break my heart that its the last episode? Yes! It came together so well and I love how they connected it in with the law. Omega becoming a piolet to help the rebellion makes me think about all the small story's that make up the bigger movies and was just *chefs kiss*. I would watch this series another 4 times just to have the satisfaction of the ending.
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One of the Best
bookworm981 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When these characters first appeared in the Clone Wars, I hated them. I thought that they were a waste of time, and I wanted to get back to the story that that show was telling.

Even when I initially started the first season, I stopped partway through and it took me forever to get back to it. I'm so glad that I did.

This entire show has been the greatest things Star Wars has ever produced. Is a beautiful story that adds so much to Star Wars.

I, like many, also disliked the number of the characters early on. I loved them all by the end of the series.

This finale was perfect. It gave us nice closure and still told a wonderful story about these characters that we've come to love over the past several years.

I haven't felt this much joy watching a bad guy die since I watched Joffrey die at The Purple Wedding. Dr. Hemlock was a delightfully evil villain who enjoyed, experimenting on and torturing children. He got what he had coming.

Getting to see all these characters have their happy ending was really the perfect way to end the series.
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Phenomenal Ending For The Series
lukegreenman-008981 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Dave Filoni Has Given Star Wars Fans The Best Content Amongst Lucasfilm Again And Again, The Bad Batch Finale Was A Phenomenal Episode And To No Surprise Especially When Coming From Dave Filoni It Exceeds Expectations. First Off I Was Concerned Their Wouldn't Be Enough Time In A 25-30 Minute Episode To Conclude The Story Which Is Around How Long The Episodes Usually Are. I was Hoping This Episode Would Be Longer Like The Final Episode Star Wars Rebels Was, Luckily This Final Episode Was 51 Minutes Long And Gave The Time Needed For An Excellent Conclusion. The Finale Did A Very Good Job Not Only Ending The Story Of Seasons 1-3 But Also Gave A Solid Closing For The Bad Batch Themselves. Hemlock Went Down Trying To Do Everything He Could To Succeed And Would Not Accept Defeat, Ultimately Leading To His Death. Despite Arriving A Bit Later In The Show Hemlock Proved Himself To Be A Worthy Villain. Rampart Was Also A Great Villain, I Think His Death Really Showed That His Loyalty To The Empire And His Continuously Foolish Series Of Actions Is What Ended Him Up Killed. In Many Regards I Think He Was Similar To Many Others In The Empire Who Seemed to Be Blinded And Ended Up Failing For A Cause That Was Flawed And Never Going To Succeed In The First Place. He Was Trying To Fight For The Empire Even After Getting Betrayed And Failing To Oversee The Elimination The Bad Batch Again And Again. I'll Use An Example For What I Mean When I Say He's Similar To Others That Failed Serving A Flawed Empire. Tarkin Died On The Death Star, He Had To Much Faith In A Cause That Was Bound to Be Defeated As People Would Not Stand For It. After The Batches Victory On Tantiss They Were Finally Able To Stop Fighting And Just Live A Free Life - Take Care Of Omega. The Batch Really Did Earn It For Themselves As They Would Not Stop Fighting Until Omega Was Safe And The Empire Would Stop Hunting Her/They Won Victory. What Happened On Tantiss Really Was A Massive Defeat For The Empire, Tarkin Seemed To Pretty Much Understand That Hemlocks Project Couldn't Continue Any Longer As It Had Already Been Delayed For Too Long Thanks To The Clones. The Last Scene Was A Nice Suprise I Wasn't Expecting. It Shows That Years Later The Bad Batch And Omega Are Still Living Happily On Pabu And That They Were Able To Live The Free Life They Wanted. Dave Filoni Has Carried On George's Legacy With Everything He Has Done For Star Wars And I Know That Whatever He Makes Next Will Continue To Do So. Who Knows Maybe Well See Hunter And The Rest Of His Squad Again I'm Sure They Still Have Some Fight Left In Them "Live To Fight Another Day" Long Live The Bad Batch And 99/Tech Rest In Peace.
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See ya around, kid
Trey_Trebuchet2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very good finale.

I will say that it did feel pretty safe. The title characters all made it to the end. Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair get to live the remainder of their lives peacefully, Omega chooses to fight the Empire on her own terms, and Hemlock and all of his allies died. Aside from Emerie, who also gets the ending one might have hoped for and expected.

All of this being said, I don't know that I'm mad about it being such a risk-less ending. The Bad Batch got to finally put the war behind them, free of worries. I do love to think they likely just ended up passing away peacefully and together. Seeing Hemlock get what he had coming for him was relatively satisfying. He was such a great villain.

The show did leave some things open, either for interpretation or for another animate series that'll likely be announced on May the 4th. I would like to know what became of the remaining clones, not just Rex, Wolfe and Gregor. Like, when will we see Commander Cody again?

Honestly, I wouldn't even mind if Disney just dropped a special or a short movie about Cody and Rex and the loose ends here.

But it was still a pretty satisfying finale. The action was actually quite exhilarating, it was super well directed, Kiner's music is as excellent as always, and the voice work really is quite great. It was actually intense and really fun to watch.

And this isn't a complaint so much as just a thought, but shouldn't Omega actually look a bit older at the end of this? Aside from her height, she didn't seem to actually age all that much.

This season was good overall. Probably could have been a few episodes shorter, but I enjoyed it all the way through unlike the previous season. Next stop, Tales of the Empire!
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The main story is quite good, BUT! Warning: Spoilers
Like many others I dislike that they made scorch from the game Republic Commando a loyal imp. In the game they were ...well... a lot more like the bad batch than regular clones and had minds of their own.

Scorch would never have tolerated imp practises he saw at that facility, but even ignoring that Delta Squad was such an elite squad and he's just supposed to die like a chump? Just for a reference that people who will understand the reference won't like?

Him being there is one thing, but he'd have grown more and more uncomfortable with the situation and then discovering the team and the similarity to Delta he shoulda joined them.
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Stuck on repeat till the end
jaxxds2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So the bad batch is finally over. And how did the finale go? Pretty uninteresting in my opinion.

Omega and the kids execute their plan to escape their lab by rewiring the medical droid to knock out the only scientist staffer who is watching over the children which is just silly since we have seen countless scenes of the whole observation area above the vault crawling with scientists before. Omega releases the Zillo Beast for it to rampage and act as a giant distraction. Echo dressed as a TK trooper and Emerie go to the vault and by the time they get there, Omega and the children are already gone so they now have to track them down. They eventually do and they have Emerie take the children to Pabu while Echo and Omega go free the clones and look for Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair, who were captured by Hemlock's clone assassins. They break out all of the prisoners, including Nala Se and Rampart, and all the clones agree to help Echo and Omega. Nala Se goes to the lab to destroy the data and Rampart follows her and forces her to tell him about project necromancer. He thinks he can use the information to bargain with the empire but she had a thermal detonator that she activated before he shot her so they both die and destroy all research along with them. Echo and Omega eventually find the rest of the bad and save them but only after Hemlock takes Omega with him and Wrecker gets hurt even more (how he didn't die in this finale is insane). Hunter and Crosshair go after Hemlock and of course shoot and kill him while he has Omega hostage because she was able to distract Hemlock by stabbing him in the thigh with the medical tool she used to create an opening in the vault wall. They then escape the planet with the rest of the clones seconds before Tarkin and his star destroyers arrive (he came because he got reports that the Tantiss lab was under attack and they had lost control of the Zillo Beast).

Tarkin recognizes Hemlock's failures, shuts down the use of the Tantiss base and diverts all funding to "Project Stardust". We then see that everyone is on Pabu, with Echo and Emerie going to Rex and eventually Senator Chuchi in order to help find places for the clones and also tell the senator of what Emerie saw while working in the Tantiss lab. We see that Crosshair got his hand chopped off and that Wrecker is still injured so this must have been right after they escaped Tantiss. The show then fades to black and then shows Omega all grown up getting ready to leave to be a pilot for the rebellion and an old Hunter yet again not wanting Omega to go because it's too dangerous but of course she tells him she's not a little kid anymore and she wants to do more so he just says that she's still a little kid to him and he lets her be on her way.

So here are my critiques: first and foremost, this does not feel like a finale besides Hemlock dying and the Tantiss base being destroyed. I think this probably stems from the fact that the show has had way too many instances of the Bad Batch having to rescue Omega from the empire after she's recaptured during the show's lifespan. It just isn't that interesting when you've already played out almost the exact same thing multiple times. This wouldn't have been an issue if Omega had either been trapped on Tantiss for this whole season or just wasn't captured as frequently. My next critique is Emerie. Apparently she decided to help Omega and Echo because she was wrong about the Tantiss lab. Like I said in my review of the previous episode, was she brainwashed or did she just not question experimenting on clones up until now? It's never explained but I guess she just had a random change of heart when interacting with Omega. Also, we still have no explanation as to why and how she's a clone yet female. Next up, this was a fast 48 minute finale; it feels like the show really didn't want you to be able to take a breath while watching the episode (maybe to trick people into thinking that a lot happened despite being 95% action and 5% wrapping up loose plot threads). Then there's the issue of the empire. Omega tells us that now that Hemlock is dead and his data is destroyed, no one will be coming after her or force sensitive kids anymore. Really? Is no one in the empire responsible for figuring out who destroyed the Tantiss base or did Tarkin just chalk it up to the Zillo Beast? And then there's the future stuff. First of all, Omega looks about 19-20 in the future, assuming that she was 8-9 during the rest of the show and has no accelerated aging. If that's true, then wtf were they doing on Pabu for 10-11 years??? Just hanging out and leeching off of the locals again? And I find it hilarious that they don't even show us future Wrecker, Echo, and Crosshair because I guess the show deems them unimportant compared to Omega and Hunter *sigh*.

Ultimately, an uninteresting finale that is honestly just confusing in the end. I guess it fits with the series: a bunch of ups and downs, yet somehow always managing to flatline at the worst possible times. It probably doesn't help that Hunter and Wrecker have no character outside of Omega, Omega is annoying, Echo is stuck in side character mode despite him being apart of the batch, and Crosshair is actually interesting but is never explored enough (his shaky hand was never properly addressed, it just got chopped off in the end). I will not miss this series. If you want to watch a series that actually develops clones properly, watch The Clone Wars.
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A merciful ending for a hell of a ride
kajc101 May 2024
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Starting from a simple CW cameo, we have really grown fond of these characters over the years. We weren't short of beautiful and interesting personality developments, drama, loss, darkness. Definitely was not a child show. I was stressing through the final who we have to lose now, but I'm happy that the writers were merciful and gave us a happy ending. Also glad that Tech was not revived, this way his sacrafice forever lives on. Music score was also top notch as usual.

I was hoping for a spinoff announcement at the end for a clone rebellion / Ventress arc, but still cannot be disappointed, we got a closing for a wonderful journey. They deserved their peace.
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End of an Era
orlandovm1 May 2024
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Honestly, bravo to Dave! Man has been consistent with Clone Wars content ever since 2008. Although I started Star Wars in 2013, as the years go by and as I get older, I realized that Clone Wars is going to end but not like this. The finale was a perfect sendoff to both The Clone Wars and George Lucas. All the clones freed, the band all safe and sound, yeah I was fine with Hamlock and Nala-Se's death but most fans will disagree on Scorch. But Omega is now grown up and exploring the galaxy on her own. The finale is amazing and enjoyable.

Thank you George and Dave for 22 years of The Clone Wars!
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