"Young Sheldon" Funeral (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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Best Depiction of Grief and Loss I Have Ever Seen
williamshavkey18 May 2024
Seldom do I write reviews for TV shows, but this episode killed me. Stab to the heart. Hit way too close to home. I lost my mother on February 5, 2023. She was 37 years old, I was sixteen. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't give to have her back. She was one of the kindest people the world has ever seen.

I knew this episode was coming for years and I didn't think it would be that emotional, after all Young Sheldon is a comedy, but one couldn't be more wrong. Funeral's depiction of grief covers every base out there. Not a single personal emotion, and it spans everyone in the series. Personally I was like Sheldon Cooper when I lost my mom. I constantly thought back on the last time I saw her similarly unexpected passing. I always think about how different would it be if I just talked to her a little more. Gave her one more hug, fought a little less. Even knowing that the past can never change, it's equally worth thinking about. My Dad reminded me of Missy, not exclusively because of the anger, but because of the emotions. Missy shows it the most, and so did my Dad. Missy's character throughout being so naive and sheltered at times really tore me up, especially when she asks "Why are they laughing?" at the funeral.

We never did a ceremony for my Mom, we invited everyone to view her body and say goodbye, but we were too broken and too rushed to plan a ceremony. At my Mom's funeral I saw people I hadn't seen in YEARS come in to pay their respects. That's how this episode feels too. We get to see characters who have been gone for SEASONS revisit and give their final goodbye. Mr. Givens? Brenda Sparks? Welcome back!

Seeing people care is what made it for me. It's been easy for me to forget how so many other people cared about me during the grieving process. I broke down in front of so many people who merely wished to check on me during the following weeks. Seeing Dr. Sturgis and Wayne come in and say the exact verbatim phrase "if you ever need anything, I'm here" all throws me back to those succeeding moments. I can't help but continue crying writing this because this episode felt like a one-to-one recreation of the situation I was in; The situation my entire family was in. There were an abundance of similarities between my situation and the Cooper's: younger parent, still a kid, unexpected, many visitors, southern charm. They made an episode about my life. How can it not be one of the greatest ever made?

Loss is so hard. Losing my mother at sixteen changed who I was as a person. This episode makes me feel so seen. Nothing in this I would've changed (except them making Wayne a joke). Beautiful episode, television peaked on May 16, 2024.
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I have never been so emotional in my life.
costicamataru17 May 2024
In my life i have watched a lot of TV shows and movies but i never felt like this before , even tough all the people we see in this Tv show are not real they make you fall in love with them like they are .

I have never actually cried on a Tv show or movie in all my life , but i really could not hold it in with these last episodes.

Honestly the ending of this series was done in a beautiful way and i will always remember it . Because in a lot of scenarios you can relate to it , and it can teach you what you should do in life... These last 3 episodes taught me that!

I will always miss this series because it truly was amazing , but im glad that at least we're getting the Georgie and Mandy spin off .
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The hardest episode to watch in my history of watching TV series
ImelBook17 May 2024
The hardest episode to watch in my history of watching TV series.

I had to pause this episode so many times to do something else. And returned watching again just to pause it again. I tried so hard not to be emotional, but I failed.

Pausing didn't help. I need to skip 10 seconds forward just so I finish watching it.

This is supposed to be a comedy. Why I'm not laughing? In The Big Bang Theory, when Howard's mother died, it was emotional, but still some scene are extremely funny as hell. In this episode of YS, every scene is so emotional.

Was it because the series has ended? And I'm going to miss this series.
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19 year old man bawls his eyes out for the first time in ages
tobiastsp17 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was extremely well made. Everything. The acting was top notch and the writing was absolutely stunning. The way everyone reacts is on point.

I was scared that they were just gonna make everyone sob, that's it, which I feel like we see a lot of on television these days. I really hoped they would try to make this more impactful, include different reactions which is the most realistic option, and I was so glad to see that they did it that way.

Meemaw and Georgie were comforting and worried about everyone, Mary was praying, Missy was angry and all she cared about was her father being dead ... And as an introverted guy who has gone through something similar, I can deeply relate to Sheldon. Confusion, thinking about something else as a coping mechanism, rewinding the last moment again and again, trying to fix it, getting back to reality and realizing you can't fix it. It's done. Over. Finished. It's too late, and you can never again tell that person that you love them. You can never apologize to them.

As it was a comedy, it also had humor, but it was used in a good way, and it never felt off. It was always used carefully.

This is now and will remain one of my favorite television episodes of all time.

I haven't sobbed like this in such a long time.
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Extremely strong depictions of grief
maxsteg17 May 2024
I would have never expected Young Sheldon to be the show to get me to cry, I never cry to television. Grave of the fireflies wasn't enough, hachiko nearly did, but this got me there. It does an extremely good job of depicting how different people grieve, especially how children and young adults deal with it. I want to give special praise to how they depicted Sheldon's grief and how others react to it. Extremely well done.

Intermitting the points of grief with comedy allows the show to really breathe. You get to appreciate the character development that has gone into the show. Rarely does a season finale get to be this complete.
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Im not crying your crying..
mkarnazes17 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Man....what a fantastic show. This epsiode really hits home and makes you realize love who you can, while you can. Tell your mother you lover her, your father, your best friend, family.. we never know when its our time. Sheldon always seemed to lack the emotional awareness that most people take for granted, but we finally see him reach his breaking point and regret not tellimg his dad how he felt and that he loves him. If i have leanred anything from this show is we all can be so absorbed in our own worlds, our finances, relationships, hardships that we forget to cherish the time we get to spend eith the people we love. I myself forget sometimes that my mom, dad, brother womt be here forever and I need to remind myself to enjoy the times we do have and have had. So please tell someone you love them today, tomorrow is no gurantee.
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Amazingly Well Done
johnnynic-121 May 2024
There are enough words that can say what a great job they did on this episode. It hits every point on the emotional spectrum. I've done my share of crying at a few really sad movies, but this is my first time bawling during a sitcom and I'm sure I'm not alone. The writing in this episode is stellar. The way the writers were able to tug at your heartstrings from start to finish was epic. But the acting of all the primaries was even more stellar. I can't say enough about the quality of the performances of all of the actors. They hit it out of the park with this one, every single one of them. This episode will go down as one of the greatest sitcom episodes of all time.
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A poignant, tearjerking, emotional, and satisfying episode
gblosser-0585218 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am a 42 year old man who, like Sheldon, is on the autistic spectrum. I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when I was 3.

Like Sheldon, my father and I had very different interests. In a twist of irony, my interests are more in line with those of George. I enjoy baseball and football. I like a good beer and some bbq. My father, on the other hand, was an aerospace and aeronautics engineer. He had a brilliant academic mind, and, much like George, despite having differing interests from mine, did his best to be supportive and loving towards me, even though there were times he really wasn't sure how to handle his oddball of a son.

My father also passed away of a sudden heart attack. He passed at the age of 60 in 2011. And, much like George, he passed away while not with his family. My father had his heart attack while hiking in Thailand. I was the last person in the family to see him. I dropped him off at the airport, and the last thing he said to me was "Take care of your mom. She loves you." I found it a little weird because when I would take him to the airport if he had a business trip, he usually would say "Be good for your mom", even after I graduated high school and had a job. I guess it was part of being a dad. Maybe on a weird level, he knew something was up.

Throughout this episode, I found myself in tears many times. I could relate to Sheldon in so many ways. He misses his father. He wishes he could've had one more moment with him. And he's also remembering all the times he shared with his father, despite their differences. I cried when they flashed back to when George helped Sheldon cope with his fear of flying. It reminded me of when my dad helped me cope with my anxiety before baseball tryouts when I was 12.

When they showed Sheldon get up and give a very heartwarming speech about his father, it reminded me of the eulogy I gave at my father's funeral. At first, I was disappointed when they revealed that Sheldon only now wishes that's what he said. But, I remind myself that he is 14, whereas I was 29 when my father passed.

All in all, this was a wonderful episode for a thoroughly enjoyable series. And it especially hits home for anyone who lost a loved one. It made me reflect on my relationships in my life, and gave a wonderful reminder of how life is fleeting and we need to savor our relationships with those that we love.

Bravo to the entire cast and crew for a job well done.
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Most emotional episode as it hits so close to home
arman-7296017 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A comedy has made me, a 21-year-old male who has had trouble not being able to cry for years, bawl his eyes out for 1 straight hour.

Especially because it is so relatable to everyone and their relationship with their parents, they are not perfect but damn they give their entire lives for us without a second thought, and as their kid you want to do everything possible to make them proud for the wonderful times they have given you.

All I can say is, time is too short, appreciate your loved ones, love them, care for them, and know that your time with them is limited.

Take that care ride with them to school :)
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Simply devastating
the_hughman_spider18 May 2024
I'm not even a long time fan of Young Sheldon or the Big Bang Theory but my brother is so I dip into it sometimes. I've also watched lots of clips online for a while and I always enjoyed this family and these characters so my heart was torn in half after George Cooper's death. Due to this tragedy, me and some of the fam sat down to watch this episode and it was honestly so difficult to contain my emotions. So many scenes from Missy looking at George's empty chair to of course the funeral itself, I just wanted to burst into tears. Because of my attachment to these characters it really felt like I was there during the funeral.

This genuinely was one of the most devastating and heartbreaking episodes of television I've ever sat through. I find it odd that such a comedic and lighthearted show has ended on such a depressing note, but we all knew it was going to happen.
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bmilazzo-3908218 May 2024
What can I say? After we all had our hearts ripped out last week it was so good to see the first act with the characters not in tears but delivering the comedy we have loved since day one of this show. Then the scenes with George Sr. Started and what could Sheldon have said to his father that he didn't. Very poignant. Also seeing many of the characters making final appearances even if for a second was a real treat. I was especially happy to see Brenda and Billy Sparks. The scene with Billy and Missy was so precious.

Then comes the second act. The funeral. I cried. Everyone I've talked to that watched cried. What a powerful show all of us fans have fallen in love with the Cooper family because their story is real and it hits so close to home.
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mltmnz17 May 2024
I watched this just a few days before my own father's 2 year anniversary of his passing. My wife walked into the room and asks me what I'm watching (I'm not sure she's ever seen an episode...not her style of TV). I can't explain as I'm bawling my eyes out. This blubbering fool tried to sum up 7 seasons and made no sense at all.

It was so well written and true to the heart. Whomever has lost a parent whether suddenly or after a prolonged illness can related to the feelings the writers so accurately convey to each of the characters. Incredibly well done.

Rest in peace George. Raising one in your memory.
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I had to write the review!
amlish200310 June 2024
Whoever did not cry watching this episode would be a robot. Overall a great great season especially this episode has made me to love the directors of this episode. Its really intense and how they made it so sentimental. Another shout out to the writers of this episode as it was a pure masterpiece and how they played with your emotions throughout the episode. Don't even make me start on the acting especially by Sheldon and Missy. They were right on the money throughout the episode and did not for a second go out of character. Indeed, the greatest episode of this season and all other sitcoms of all time!
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Farewell, George, and thanks for all the brisket.
imdbisforme21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I often wondered how Young Sheldon's writers would deal with George's inevitable death. Sometimes tv shows bungle key moments or deliver disappointing finales. This was not the case and Young Sheldon is now the benchmark for how to send off a beloved character in a way that lets both the characters and the viewers properly grieve them. Each character's unique response to George's passing felt not only real, but extremely authentic to that character. I cried so much, but felt especially sad for Mary because when she said she'd never find love again, because we know that's true. Sheldon replaying his final moment with his father and altering it to different versions was both comforting and clever. It allowed George to still be included in the episode and let us see how Sheldon could use his incredible mind to grapple with his father's passing. A perfect but heart wrenching episode. Farewell, George, and thanks for all the brisket.
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Loved the first half hour
scottwilliam-1110717 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the first part of the two-part ending was absolutely brilliant. A perfect blend of comedy while dealing with an extremely sad subject matter. I Loved watching all the different scenarios Sheldon played out in his head of how he wished he had said something to his father before he left the house for the final time. Then the second part happened. I know I'll probably be in the minority here, but Sheldon and Amy added nothing. Totally unnecessary. Nothing funny. I also didn't need to see Mary obsess about the children getting baptized. What I would have liked to have seen is Mary comfort her children in their time of grief. Especially Missy who was obviously going through some very serious anger issues. I really don't know what to make of the last 30 minutes. I would've been happy with the series ending after the first 30 minutes. However a great series. One of the best of all time!!!!
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I hate you!!!!
nakrugt17 May 2024
I hate you!!!!

I hate you!!!! I hate you!!!!

I hate you!!!! I hate you!!!! I hate you!!!!

I have been watching this show since day one. And the most important factor keeping me watching the show was the cast. Even the child cast - now young adults, of course - has been AMAZING!

As audience we have had some serious connections with the characters as they are not some unrealistic sit-com schmucks.

Mary, a loving wife trying her best with and for her family;

Missy, the sister often ignored, but because she is not loved but because she has the emotional strength to survive;

Geoorgie, the son that we all have been, trying to have fun, but stand tall when duty calls;

Sheldon, the person we cannot stand for various reasons because we all have met people like him;

Connie, the wise woman we consult when things get rough because we know we can trust her perception, vision and resilience;

and George, the father we all want to be: being there for the good and the bad, trying to do the best he can - just like Mary - as a parent, trying to understand and adapt to new obstacles that life puts in front of us...

These truly talented people have brought to life these ordinary people in an extra-ordinary way for the past seven years.

And then, the talentless writers and producers tried to ruin this beauty with the next/final episode!!!!!

For me, this is the final episode, this is the goodbye we, the audience, and our beloved characters deserve.
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Made me fear for me in father
amitober2 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a 22 year old man with a father with a heart problem as well that episode made me cry like a child the fear of losing a parent is real and I can't help but cry when I saw it on my tv and think what I would do if it happened to me.

I think the show has done right Merry losing it Georgie became the man of the house missy like the teenage girl that she is angry at the world And Sheldon like Sheldon has no idea how to deal with that situation.

One of the best ending of a series that I saw.

Of course I will recommend that show to everyone that I know but will warning them that they will need a tissue at the end.
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devastating and brilliant
eamesj-0007123 May 2024
Difficult to express the emotional resonance of this episode. I'd seen a few seasons of Young Sheldon and lost interest as he grew up but I always enjoyed the way the show portraits George Cooper Sr. And his relationship with his kids. A down to earth loving father and husband trying to do his best is so rare in media nowadays.

This episode was quite special; the acting and emotional weight so well preformed and directed. Did not rely on corny music or soppy clichés.

A fine ending to the series that pays respect to the characters and to the lore laid out by the big bang theory. Genuinely touching.
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santiagogamer-2262017 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ive been watching this show on tiktok. This dead hit me harder than a truck on the highway. Rest in peace to the lone star beer company and brisket king. His dead is a perfect ending to the sequel big bang theory. Ive been watching this show so much. Its hurts to see him go. He was always my favourite character. Also the wayne seeing breaking down hits so hard You also see the character development of meemaw. She broke down and cried so much when georgie died while see first hated him so much. This lets us see how much she has changed in the serie. Lastly the pain of sheldon, lets us see that he do care about his dad.
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You will definitely cry
Mikeribeiro_11 June 2024
Perfect episode. Man It stirred my emotions too much, I cried like a baby. It had been a long time since an episode of a series or a movie affected me this way, I can't even remember the last time this happened.

The acting of all cast was impeccable, and it felt like losing someone very close. Well, that's understandable, after all, we're talking about 7 seasons where we followed all these characters. So in one way or another, they end up becoming part of our lives.

Congratulations to everyone involved in this episode.

Ah and It's okay if you don't cry while watching it , but I think it's a bit difficult for that to happen. Maybe it's only possible if you haven't watched the previous seasons. Good luck.
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I've never cried so much from TV
kilianbretaudeau8 June 2024
I don't think I've ever cried this much. Ever. Not even from personal grief, pain, etc. I started crying watching episode 12 and didn't stop once watching this one. My face got cramped, but I couldn't stop.

This show's depiction of life was so beautifully done. It made me forget it was fiction. Their relationships and way of life are so raw that you grow attached without thinking.

I never once thought I'd be this emotional watching TV but here we are. I knew George's death was coming, they kept mentionning it throughout the seasons but always kept the dates blurred. I'd even watched interviews beforehand where the actor said he didn't want to die on screen. So I thought, amazing, just a nice funny show that ends normally, I guess not. I'd seen the title of this episode weeks before too but my naive mind didn't think twice about it.

I'm so glad this series came to life and sad it's ending because they did a beautiful job.
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So many watches
sbgchris24 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely soul destroys me every time it's absolutely brilliant the acting feels like watching real people losing their closest relative it's the greatest acting in a comedy series since all in the family. Everyone's acting is brilliant here but Mary's actor especially. How did this actually come from the Big Bang theory? Like I love big bang theory but this is just so different it's rare and real between illegal gambling drug smuggling miscarriages and now a main character death, I don't know any sitcom that's dealt with topics this serious since Bot meets world this is tv and it's greatest and this show has the best season of the year.
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I can't find the best word to say...
ryanho-875775 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Throughout the series, I always think he's the one who trying his best to support his kids.. stand-up for sheldon in nasa, take Missy to dinner, disappointed but support his son to be a man, giving up his opportunity for his family (although it sounds like that principle was not good)

As i remember the most there are 3 times that describe George and Missy together. First was Season Se1:21 where George took 8 years old Missy to Red lobster for a daddy-daughter date which impact them for whole life,.. second one was Se5:15 George would like to recreate the same daddy-daughter in red lobster ended up went to have burger, and Se6 finale that they met tornado... you can see how George loved Missy.

For the flashback that brough up with first daddy-daughter date...I broke... couldn't hold it at all, if i had a father I wish it would be like him. And now I am a father, I am looking up to be like him.
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