"Rick and Morty" Unmortricken (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Best ending to an episode.
xandergooderson17 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the reuse of the music from S1 E6, where morty was shell-shocked from watching himself die. Now Rick has watched himself die, by his hand. Rick has often broken the fourth wall by referencing the different season numbers, so I think he was aware he was in episode 5, expecting his encounter with Rick prime to be a finale. But instead the insane writers planned it to happened mid-way, that we nor Rick was expecting.

Also can I just credit the new voice actors, especially Rick prime screaming, "YOU LIVED IN MY HOUSE", which was just perfect. You barely even notice the new actors anymore.

There was also one of the best end credit scenes we've ever had, showing how if Rick just let go, he could have had a happy life. But I guess it's just in Rick's nature, due to the existence of Rick prime's automated box. If only he was more like Mrs Mobius.
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WTF, The Most Unexpected Thing This Year!!
olcare13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I genuinely didn't think Rick-C137 would achieve his goal so quickly, defeating Prime Rick. The episode turned out quite differently than I had imagined, but I liked the concept presented in this episode.

I loved the ways Evil Morty demonstrated his power; he might be the best-developed character in the 7-season series. While some people found the resolution too quick and simple, upon reflection, I realize my initial expectations were unfounded. The series, instead of conforming to fanservice, often surprises us with completely different episodes and manages to combine two main storylines, twisting the narrative after a seemingly very bad start to a season.

Putting aside everything, the writing brilliance once again proved itself with the takeover of Prime Rick's role and the triggering of a paradoxical sequence as both Ricks meet in each other's garages. The limitless potential of Evil Morty is truly magnificent. Personally, I believe the main story is not over,and more plot twists are yet to come.

Lastly, can we talk about the beauty of the final fight? There are still many beautiful and filler episodes to be discovered in this series. Don't lose hope. With love from the world's best show.
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Rick and Morty Peaks Again.
rxckne16 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In the past couple of years Rick and Morty slowly has been taking a bit of a dip in terms of quality over the course of a season. And even though season 6 was a step up, so far this season it's further showing that the consistency is getting harder to maintain. But in terms of the main storyline with Evil Morty and as of late Rick Prime, this show cannot miss.

The season 5 finale was probably the best episode of the series in my opinion and seeing the plot line get furthered in the season 6 premiere gave more emphasis on Rick Prime's story. And seeing both worlds collide in this episode was amazing.

I'm a bit surprised Rick Prime lost so quickly but the way the show handled it was great. Rick C-137 is the rickest Rick, and clearly Evil Morty is the smartest Morty, and arguably the smartest person in the galaxy. So it makes sense that the two of them colliding would take down Rick Prime.

But the scene in which Rick did what he did was tragic yet necessary, and brings a lot more to his character as he now took down his prime nemesis.

As a huge fan of Rick Potion #9, especially for the last scene, I loved seeing it come full circle with Rick in this episode. I love that episode primarily because the final scene with Morty, and how he was just coming to the terms of what his life would be like with Rick after burying his own body. But now poetically enough, Rick after killing another version of himself and having Rick Prime's blood all over him, gets a similar moment yet for a very different reason. After finally getting revenge, it'll be interesting to see what happens to Rick now that he finally achieved his flawed goal.

In terms of Rick and Morty as a show, I've somewhat accepted that it won't be the same as the first 2 seasons in terms of consistency. But for the main storyline, the writers have shown that they can still bring the best out of this show. It'll be tough to see how they can reach the peaks of the season 5 finale and this episode with Rick Prime gone and Evil Morty somewhat at peace with Rick, but I have faith in the creators. Putting aside the main story they did come up with Vat of Acid and Night Family in the last couple of years, so maybe they can still recreate some magic. But above all hopefully they can finish this season strong and stay consistent.
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10/10 Peak Fiction. oh my god
urikasei13 November 2023
I am blown away. I had to rewatch it literally after i finished it. This episode had 4 seasons amount of lore packed into it. Everything from top to bottom was perfection. The dialogues, the visuals, the canon.... im just gonna say it, this is one of the best episode in the whole show... at least in the top three. Everything just lined up with eachother. Im not going to spoil anything but... this is the conclusion you've been waiting for

what's more interesting is the new direction the show will take after this episode. What will Rick do now? What will his life be like? It feels like the Canon of the show just started. And I can't wait for more.
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The fastest 20 min in my life
stepa_e13 November 2023
I just hope it leads to some major changes in the episodes to come and not like we're back to a previous level yet again.

Also, it didn't feel like a proper closure not with a Rick walking out of the closed doors of the chamber. What happened there that we didn't see.

Anyway, two of the major plotlines were mashed together and ended up in a scene without a visible cliffhanger. A chance to search for a new driver for the series maybe.

I wish this episode was a proper movie, and I didn't have to carry through it the excitement and sadness all at the same time. I mean the movie would be nice, but probably it would be too hard to switch to different gears, probably it wouldn't work. Who knows, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to take the resources used on unimportant episodes and transfer them on a movie.
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The Best Episode of the Entire Show
benmaster-7105513 November 2023
Back when I first watched this show, I thought that Total Rickall was the best episode of the show. Then, ever since it aired, I thought that The Vat of Acid Episode was the best episode of the show. Now, I can unequivocally say that this episode, Unmortricken, is the best episode in the entire series. I'm not going to give spoilers in this review, but this episode felt like everything that the series was working up culminating in what can only be described as a perfect form. Heck, this could have been the series finale if they wanted it to be. I'm excited to see where the show goes from here.
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Arguably the best episode I've ever seen
stan-6876413 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's clearly obvious this season has been a step back from all the previous seasons. But wow. I'm speechless. This episode was perfect in a lot of ways. They re-introduced a character who's arc you thought was done. Rick finally fulfills his "purpose" in the world. You have to wonder, now that it's all over, what left does the world offer Rick? They even brought up in this episode about Rick killing himself. Food for thought. In all past seasons Rick has had a motive or something he's trying to do. This might be the end of that and could be a different arc we start to see for Rick. From the music returning from the past (when you know youll know) it was always a perfect episode. Really curious to see what direction Rick heads in going forward...
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The best episode of the entire series
humphreybates17 November 2023
This could be the series finale.

Everything comes to an end. The laughs, the comedy, the relationships, the love, the revenge plots, the ultimatums, the delusional partnerships... It all lead up to this.

I feel like Rick and Morty, as a show, was truly set free in this episode. All the episodic, over-serialized drivel we've seen last few seasons, well, it was meant for this very moment.

Was it worth it? No. Because nothing is. It's all meaningless, isn't it? That is the entire point of the show. Everybody has a grudge. Everybody dies. And it's never satisfying. It never feels like a conclusion. It's all pixie dust. Narrative pixie dust to make you click "play next". The writers' cynicism is at full play here and I love it.

Well, this could be the actual ending, but I choose to keep going. Because the new creative team shows actual vision, promise and an uncompromising voice. I'm excited for the future and I hope this isn't the last of the overarching storylines, as meaningless as they may seem at first glance. This episode was truly cathartic, and I enjoyed every second of it.

The best episode of the entire show, narratively speaking. A masterpiece. Can't wait for the next one.
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They finally did it
TheDevilScroll13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't think it would happen now, but Rick and Morty closed the Rick Prime saga. Like tearing off a plaster, but with screams and pain.

This episode is nothing less than exemplary. Starting from the way in which he builds the apparent relationship between Rick and the evil Morty, who simply complement each other, to the chilling scene where Rick kills Rick Prime.

The use of the same song from the episode where everything changed, somewhere in one season, is the crown jewel.

Without a doubt the best Rick and Morty episode I've ever seen.

It will be hard to go on from here, but I'm down for it.
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New paths and direction created in a single episode, thank you very much
rafaelct-0625915 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say that hasn't been said about this episode, I loved every part of this adventure, finally we can move forward with the witty and deep episodic plots but also entertaining that the series provided, finally they got rid of the tedious plot of "Rick Prime", my God what a bore, it was starting to be tedious to see how the series limited its capacity in seeing Rick catching his enemy, which by the way, was the same but from an alternate universe, a very important theme in the series that thanks to Morty evil we can know that there really are more multiverses than the ones the series showed us, so now they can take advantage of that to create even more crazy and surprising stories, I hope with anxiety that the series finally returns to its peak, I miss that Rick and Morty are genuinely great and that being itself, without bringing plots or ideas so used, can go ahead and be an example to follow for the adult animation.
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What A Surprise!!
abdulrahmanmando-1071614 November 2023
Actually I thought at first that this season is going to be a disappointing season, since the first episodes wasn't a typical Rick and Morty episodes, they were much less than expected, and with the previous season at mind that was only good or average to be honest, also the new voice actors doesn't just feel right, the first episode was lame and filled with emptiness so is the second and third, the fourth wasn't as bad as them, in fact it was decent and very Rick and Morty episode, my first thought about this episode was mah, I hope it turns to be like the previous and not like the first, But when I watched it, it caught me by a surprise, what a shock, to be honest I didn't expect that such an epic episode would be in the middle of this season, I hope this season keep on improving and getting even better.
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Flashy but nothing new to say.
dmerck26 November 2023
I dont miss the voice of Justin Roiland, the replacements are fine. What I miss is his contribution to the creative process that created a social commentary that was revolutionary.

Since the start of this season all the characters are trapped inside their parameters. There is no creative evolution, nothing new to say.

Some might say that happened seasons ago. Id like to believe there had been at very least some glimmers.

This episode, despite it bringing new facts to the story, doesn't create any existential growth for the characters. IMHO it in fact weakens them by showing they are unable to evolve even when the opportunity is there for the taking. It's a soul less gawking fest for the viewer: a lot of flash but no insight.

I try to be loyal and I keep watching it hoping something new will happen but nothing does. The only good thing I can say is that it's better than the majority of television but thats as much a comment on TV as it is on the show. 😕
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"Rick and Morty" is Back!
singhsubh-7641513 November 2023
We all thought that the show is falling off!

A painful decline!

But, this episode changed everything.

We all thought that the Rick Prime will be the ultimate villain.

Evil Morty is in this one with Rick and Rick Prime!

Two threats together.

One is with Rick and other isn't.

Rick and Morty a 100 Years!

Forever Rick and Morty!

Waiting for more episodes and cliffhangers.

What is going to happen?

What they have in the store for us?

We all know Justin is behind this

Big thanks to him! Love you Man!

A bigger threat is waiting.

We just don't know yet!!!

Best Episode Ever!!!

A 100 Years!
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Outstanding! It's all coming together!
benn-9528514 November 2023
Just when I thought the show was eclipsing on a point of no return, this episode swoops in as a lifeline. The overarching story in this show is absolutely brilliant; shrouded in mystery. As long as this story continues (with the familiar morty ;)) I will be watching.

I won't spoil the episode. The animation is stunning, probably the best the series has seen yet. The story is brilliant. The ending is gut-wrenching. Give it a watch, even if you havent yet watched the beginning of season 7.

There's no doubt this show has been experiencing its ups and downs lately, but I fully trust the process. We have 3 more seasons at least and seems they've had it all planned for a while, so I am excited for what's to come.

I'm just thinking about this seasons finale now. This show doesn't have a great track record when it comes to season finales, typically throwing the most important episodes halfway through the season (like this one) but I really hope it goes out with a bang.

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I'm still the first to review?!
ericstevenson13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised by the massive score of this episode and was not disappointed. This episode starts with a fake-out, making it seem like it was our Rick and Morty, but it was Evil Morty all along. Rick's working on finding Rick Prime and then Evil Morty comes along. Morty accidentally unleashes a black goop trapping them and other Ricks who had their Dianes killed by Rick Prime. After the Ricks kill each other falsely thinking they'll be reunited with Diane, it's revealed Rick Prime used the Omega Device to destroy all Dianes across infinity. Wow, that is "cold".

Rick goes after Rick Prime on his own, but the Mortys follow him. There's a giant action sequence and Rick Prime is captured and beaten to death by Rick. The episode itself establishes that Rick will lose purpose without Rick Prime and we can see him deal with that. He has a new purpose. He can just go after Evil Morty! I mean, considering that Evil Morty has the schematics he took from the Omega Device to erase all Ricks, he's definitely still a threat.

I was thinking Rick Prime and Evil Morty would team up, but this show knows how to subvert expectations. I believe Evil Morty was against Rick Prime because the Omega Device could be used to destroy all Mortys, including him. This episode didn't quite work that well even as a comedy, but more as a straight-up action episode. There were tons of things going on and some really beautiful animation to accompany these great fights. I am certainly surprised this wasn't this season's finale as it's one of the most important episodes of the show. This was tons of fun from beginning to end and rather poignant. ****
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Finally! Now R and M is back!
Orava8913 November 2023
I was starting to worry. Thank god for this episode, it was faaantastic. The first 3 episode were mediocre to bad. 4 was ok. But it really felt like something was missing.

The voices were also bad in the first 3, by the 4 ok, but now it's good. I can't almost tell most of the time.

But this episode trully restored my almost lost faith in R&M. I was worry that indeed firing Justin was the reason of horrible rehash ideas, but thankfully it wasn't. Don't know what happened with the 3 episodes but I trully hope they continue in this direction. And absolutely more rick and morty journeys. Because lately there has been just Rick and it has felt empty.

We are moving in the right direction, and hopefully they continue on this trajectory.

I won't comment on the episode so no spoilers but if you want the real deal like before, this is it. And yeah, love it. Great episode.
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An absolutely stunning end to the original saga
connoriscoolandawesome13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was the finale to the Rick prime arc that started all the way back in season 1. I'm excited to see what they have planned for us in the next arc. This episode's cold open is an Evil Morty recap from the first episode we see him (s1 ep10) to the finale of season 5 (s5 ep10). We then cut to the Rick and Morty title card then immediately jump to what Evil Morty is doing now (which is living in a rickless multiverse) he then gets his attention towards Rick trying to find Rick Prime. This episode felt a lot shorter than what it was (avg length 23m). This episode marks the first lore episode to not have a cliffhanger. This episode also felt like more of a series finale but the fact they did it in the middle of the season was truly amazing, it really builds up our suspense for Rick for the next 5 episodes to come. Anyways, 10/10 episode.
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Unforgettable episode
Williwatch14 November 2023
Really, it was just sublime watching this amazing piece. There was an abundance of closures and knots tied in amazing fashion. Lots of drama, bits of comedy and intense focus on reflections on life, death, revenge, purpose and a bunch of stuff that made this animation into what it is essentially.

I did something this time around that I never even felt the need to in all of the past episodes. I simply finished the episode and watched it again right after. It really was something new to me and it just felt right to give it another go and absorb all of it to its fullest.

This was an amazing episode and hopefully a breath of new life into the series even though I can't even fathom how they will go from here.

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O my god. This is intense
antondoan13 November 2023
Well. This came as a surprise after the previous episodes but in a positive way. I was completely overwhelmed with all the action and reveals. Evil morty comeback was also unexpected. The end of the episode left me speechless since Rick didn't find peace after killing Prime Rick which I think is not the end of Rick prime. Overall a very good episode for Rick and morty lovers. . Well. This came as a surprise after the previous episodes but in a positive way. I was completely overwhelmed with all the action and reveals. Evil morty comeback was also unexpected. The end of the episode left me speechless since Rick didn't find peace after killing Prime Rick which I think is not the end of Rick prime. Overall a very good episode for Rick and morty lovers. .
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That was an absolute banger of an episode
rioferd88813 November 2023
Its been a while since they came out with one of this quality. I thought we were setting up for a disappointing season after the first few episodes.

Then they drop this absolute banger. That was a wild ride with plenty of sci fi ingenious coupled with probably what will be the most violence in any episode up to date.

Spectacular storyline along with a little bit of sentimentality and heartstring pulling towards the end of the episode.

I hope the rest of this season is of this quality. Absolutely amazing and I now have renewed hope for the remainder of the season.

Kudos to the writers for dropping this one.
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Uh, yeah. So that was fantastic!
declantill13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's no secret that sword of Damocles has been hanging over Rick and Morty for a while, weather it's because of its long running time, the quality of the show, or as we know, some out of the writing room things that have gone on which have impacted the show hugely.

Off the back of last season, the voice changes AND the abysmal first episode, I thought this show was finished.

I was wrong.

Very wrong. 3/5 of the episodes so far have been classics imo. Especially the last two - but onto 'Unmortricken'

I'm not absolutely 100% sure but I read the episode as the Rick and Morty we were watching all season (or at least in that moment) were the Rick and Morty that became Evil Rick/Morty. That's fantastic and one of the positives of having such an open world.

I noticed in the 'That's Amorte' Rick said 'Parmeesian' which could be an innocent call back but also now makes me think maybe we were watching a the Rick and Morty who did pronounce Parmesan that way.

The episode in itself was great, but I must say, if it was a finale, I'd be very dissapointed, the whole enigmatic being of Evil Morty/Evil Rick burst leaving our rick meaningless and purposeless is great for a mid point, and is the reason why this episode is bumped up a few scores.

The action sequences, the animation, the sound track, the call back of Mazzy Star's Look On Down From The Bridge is great. (I'm sad it didn't come back a lot later in the series, would've been a great tie up, feels slightly premature)

This episode was a ghreat set piece, with some real story.

This is the best Rick and Morty season since season 2.
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Best Episode of the new season so far
andyrew-9745813 November 2023
I was really worried this new season was going to be trash after that first episode, I did enjoy the second, but thought the third was somewhat lacking though it's definitely better than most season 5 episodes. However this season is definitely redeeming itself with this episode and the one before it. I really hope people give this season a chance, because it really is that good, and tho the voices can be slightly off at times, they still passable in my opinion.

But I do understand if people tuned out after that first one cuz it was admittedly pretty trash. After that though, the writing has gotten a lot better.
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One of the best of the entire show (MASSIVE spoilers)
cagataycomlekci13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand how they managed to put so much stuff in this episode and make it work so well but they absolutely did it. Evil Morty's backstory, the reveal that Rick Prime killed every Diane, Rick and Evil Morty teaming up, the showdown and Rick Prime's death were all done incredibly well and they somehow still managed to make me laugh out loud multiple times with all of this serious stuff going on. Instant classic, just like last week's episode. This season might have had a slow start but it's absolutely getting better. Can't wait to see where they will go from here now that one of the major villains just wants nothing to do with our characters and the other is dead.
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Look on down from the bridge
Trey_Trebuchet20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! And only halfway through the season!

Was definitely expecting this Rick Prime thing to be either a season finale or a series finale. They ain't even do a mid season break this time either. This was a top-quality episode and one of the best in the series for sure.

One thing you can't deny about Rick & and Morty? The episodes centering on the main, central plot of the characters and story are always bangers. I personally like having the filler episodes. They're really fun (most of the time), but this stuff here is why I keep watching the series.

Evil Morty was a welcome addition too. I enjoyed seeing him in such a central role, and his presence here made sense. His relationship with Rick C-137 was kind of great.

I wasn't expecting Rick Prime to be taken down so soon either, but the way they handled it was excellent, hard-hitting and quite emotional. The use of that Mazzy Star song was a great callback and has so many powerful implications.

I'm really excited to see what more they're going to do with these characters. The series so far shows no signs of slowing down any time soon and if there are gonna be episodes of this quality, I'm here until the end.

Also, the final fight was awesome.
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Mixed Feelings
unkommon15 November 2023
There's a lot to say about an episode like this. My biggest concern is after building this storyline up over 6 seasons (5, really, if you don't include the 5th or 6th seasons, which didn't include anything from this storyline), actually, the first episode that featured this storyline will have aired 10 years ago in less than six months - a decade long story told through a sporadic episodes of an animated television show - they kind of threw everything together at once.

In the vast catalog (this was the 66th episode) of Rick and Morty, the "Evil Morty" and Rick-genesis episodes have been consistently near the show's pinnacle (arguably THE pinnacle), and thinking back on them it's hard not to separate where those episodes fit in with my life. And I don't mean to sound corny here, Rick and Morty is mostly a decent show, but some of the episodes were pretty heavy, hit hard and became staple episodes of a show I really liked for a good while, so in a way I feel they became part of that repertoire of ~art~ that I connected with that embodies a part of who I am. And that's not to say, "Oh I loved Rick and Morty so much, it's my entire personality and it's all what I'm about," or anything like that, but a certain bohemian-esque quality that is the throughline of Rick's character, how the show winds around a Kafkaesque, belligerent narrative based on the actions of someone who has respect for themself but finds it impossible to care about themself and put that respect to good use, felt poignant and relatable to the point where good dramatic and character-building moments throughout the show were not only easy to connect with but resonated well emotionally and made me feel like this show was speaking to or capturing something I relate to in a way not much else does or had done nearly as well. And I think that was the sentiment of a lot of the fans, I mean, the ability of this program to attract some of the most eclectic, but impressive cast of celebrities (and which ones, too) speaks to how well the show was able to convey its over-the-top humanity and humor, and so the episodes that spoke the most for the depths of emotion and intrigue they could bring are certainly ones that I hold in regard and almost every "Evil Morty" and Rick-genesis episode is in that echelon.

Now, my concern isn't necessarily that they continued to tell that/those storyline(s), and told it succinctly, which they did, and they did it well, but that with the weight a decade-long storyline has to it, it feels that there may have been an overly breakneck pace to how such a momentous, important segment of that storyline unfolded. It felt like they were overeager to wrap that story up, of course there is certainly room for continuity, but I don't see the rest of the season (though hopefully another episode or two) covering more of this storyline, at least not in any sort of brokered or significant way. We may get a "depressed Rick" follow-up storyline, but I don't imagine we'll get an episode as narratively kinetic as this, for this storyline. And to be fair, it is effectively the main storyline, so I understand their desire to spread it out as to pad out the remainder of the next 3 and a half seasons. That is, of course, if they still intend make that many seasons, which I don't see why they should considering how badly tainted and mid this season has been so far.

This brings me to my next concern, which is an existential or perhaps hyperbolic concern, in that this show has been tainted by the entire Justin Roiland situation. Now, I know that the reins of the story (though not necessarily the storyboarding and the script) have been firmly held by Dan Harmon, basically from the outset, but these are Justin Roiland's character's, this is Justin Roiland's concept, and this is Justin Roiland's universe, so to truly separate the show from him and conversely enjoy it as a piece on its own, it's been hard to do. Not even overlooking the voice acting (which can be similarly hard to do at times, as it was so consistent for 6 years to suddenly change can make it feel like they're different characters entirely), there is a definite shift in tone for how the show is handled. It feels a little more hollow than it did last season, and that may be chalked up to creative decline, but it feels like the beats are so "this is what a funny Rick and Morty joke would sound like" and not just "funny Rick and Morty joke", it's like we're getting a rendition of performance that feels like a tribute band routinely plucking notes that aren't their own, trying to embody people that they aren't, not trying to add to the essence of the original with their own, just rote mimicry. And the story may be there, and it may be fresh, and I could maybe see some stellar writing justifying another season, but I don't even know if I could watch any more of it knowing they're going to keep up this Weekend at Bernie's charade for another three (four or five, really) years, to finish off the promised 10-season-run. At this point the writing would need to return to and surpass the average seasons 2-3 level writing to keep me on that long, and I don't know if they can turn it around THAT much.

Don't get me wrong, this episode was great. It was well paced, impactful, and narratively satisfying, but they had this one in their pocket for years now, and I realistically don't see them pulling off another episode like this, with consistency, for three more years. Because, at this point, it's just a question of why. Why continue this tainted series that feels hollow and is consistently subpar (with a consistently lowering par) for another three seasons? This is their chance to redeem the show's reputation, and so far only this episode and the last episode were by any stretch worthy of maintaining this show beyond wrapping up the narrative. I guess we'll have to wait and see, but I'll at least ride this season out (unless there are any incest baby episodes, then I really will have to pull the proverbial plug on my commitment to watching this once beloved show).

All-in-all, I wish I could say this episode made me hopeful for that, but honestly, I have to say the fact that it felt like this narrative was so abrupt and overly breakneck (hinting that they might want to wrap that thread up before further driving the show off a cliff), might have inspired the opposite effect. But just for this one, I am glad we got one more really good Rick and Morty episode. Even if the new voices throw you off, it's a must-watch for any longtime or once upon a time fan of the show. It felt very much like classic Rick and Morty and we got to see two of the best storylines in the entire series converge and find some resolution. 9/10.
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