"One Piece" 20 Years Worth of Prayers! Take Back Wano Country (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Slow, IMO one of the best episodes of one piece
vickytv10 September 2023
The episode doesn't add a lot of content. A lot of them are criticizing that the episode is a filler, and things are getting drawn out for no reason. Sure, the episode has like 5 min of new content. BUT BUT BUT This is one of the best episodes! Top notch direction! Top notch animation, and top notch music direction!

I really can't believe one piece can give such emotional episodes! Haters gonna hate saying the pacing is slow, but I was really drawn into the episode the entire time. Kudos! Please more content like this.

For all the haters - The show is not only about the protagonist but also stories about all other supporting characters. Please take the time to appreciate the work gone into fleshing out their storylines too!
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A very good preparation for the final blow!
rianbegundalir10 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
They managed to capture the tragedy so good it actually made me cry. Orochi's execution, Denjiro's hugging Hiyori with words of hope surrounding them and then the transition to the lamps with people's prayers are so beautiful. The flashback about the feeling of colonized people was handled perfectly, it reminds us how terrible Wano condition in the last 20 years is, while most fans now are too distracted by great actions and flashy fights. The episode really drags us back to the reality and emphasizes the main reason of the war, and it's a grand liberation being delivered by the warrior of liberation himself. Personally, this is the best two episodes in a row, I hope the next episode will solidify an hattrick peak of Wano Kuni's war!
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Laughs full of Sorrow
masharazmat11 September 2023
What a beautiful tribute episode to the 20 year warriors of Wano. In the midst of the battle, I am glad they included such a heart wrenching episode. It again reminded us of the true reason this war is going on. These people have been suffering for 20 whole years, that is longer than even Luffy has started sailing. Since before the beginning of his adventure, they have been waiting patiently for the 20 year prophecy to be fulfilled.

The direction and animation was beautifully done. It is difficult always seeing recaps in the midst of important battles; but this one was done well. It flowed beautifully and showed a story of laughs full of sorrows. A story of hope for all of Wano. Well done One Piece team!
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Epic introduction to bajrang gun
aryanhardikar11 September 2023
Well this episode started with clash between luffy and kaido's most powerful attacks and bro it was great i cant express it was soo good .

Then comes the long 18min flashback the flashback may be boring for some people but it brought us the dark side of wano which was actually pretty emotional and they really did a great job animating it perfectly it tells us how prople actually were under the oppresion of kaido and orochi for 20 long years the even tho the main fight was ike 5-7min long the flashback was great we can expect a banger next episode as it will be a finale of luffy vs kaido overall 9/10.
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Masterpiece that Crafted Beautifully
srikarthikeyachvss11 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Episode was really a beautiful masterpiece even the scenes which made me cry but the overall story of this episode was a great chance to show. The haters will say anything. Glad that One Piece was animated by Toei.

There are point that I like so much in this Episode

1:- The Episode was literally shown how wano drastically changed after Oden's Death.

2:- Orochi's Menacing was clearly executed. The manga had a less pages about Wano's fate. And Wano made me remember that it is a cruel place

3:- Luffy's Bajrang Gun it made me feel nostalgic of old Hanuman film.

4:- I felt satisfied that Denjiro killed Orochi.

Can't wait to See 1076 Afterall the Shots all are beautiful.
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This is beautufull
eyanstiktok10 September 2023
I have been seeing many comments on the anime website about backstory and less fighting man if you cant understand the situation that led to this exact moment you guys are not meant to watch one piece its not always about fighting and before anyone says about pacing toei is adapting per chapter wise its not their fault if you wanna watch only fights so bad just watch dbz no hate to dbz tough. Its such a sad backstory full of emotions and the people that were suffering for 20 years if you say l dont care then you are not one piece fan. One piece is about story not just fighting. You gotta understand the feeling behind this final showdown its not just strawhats anymore whole wano fate depends on this fight.
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a cinematic masterpiece
pietjanarie10 September 2023
One piece is a manga that contains beautiful messages behind the story and draws in my opinion beautiful conclusions to arcs, the endings contain the core meaning of the series and this episode is one of them.

The episode shows beautifully and just how Oda intended, how many hardships the people went through and shows us, the viewers, that the "fodder" all have separate stories and emotions and are not there to just fill up the battle. It builds the stage and tells us the viewers how much weight the fight holds and how much they yearn for change.

In my opinion a beautiful episode that hits the emotions and captures what Luffy and the series is all about. Simply beautiful.
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scrumptiousjotarokujo10 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was great, Animation, emotions, quality, pacing, dynamics, everything was perfect.

Some people are complaining saying "why add extra stuff, why flashbacks" no it's not flashbacks its the story of wano and what kaido and orochi did!! That's not what flashback is! And all people who were complaining didn't even watch one piece, those haters trying to hate, but they don't even make sense, if you gonna hate at least make some sense!!.

Some people are mad about extra stuff, but I think that extra stuff was good, we saw the horrors and grief of wano and its people.

Also flaming kaido and bajrang gun was done well, the orochi dying scene's animation was brilliant, and you know what, the next episode is even gonna have better animation than this one!! 10/10 episode.
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Great episode
shubhamsahare-4142610 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Full of flashbacks but - not me who is crying, The flashback was totally worth it, just showing how much of a struggle the people in the country of Wano had to go through for the whole 20 years just for this final moment when Kaido is defeated after all this time on the day foretold by Toki. The scene where all of the samurai are praying as they see the light through the roof makes it special because it actually is like a blessing and a miracle for them that they will finally be liberated from the tyranny of the Shogun Orochi and the Emperor Kaido.

It also greatly shows the determination that Momo acures as he recalls his mother's words who has faith in him or his child self. Although he is now a young man after Shinobu used her powers to make him age older, but on the inside he is still a child who does not have the confidence in himself and needs a push every now and then to make him achieve the greatness he is meant to achieve. Luffy has, over the course of this saga, always made Momo have faith in himself in some way, which could also be seen in the last episode where he asked him to move the Island out of the way and said that he believes in him. But as Momo recalls his mother's words, which helps remove all the doubt he has and gives him strength to act upon Luffy's request, is a cherry on top for the narrative of his actions.
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My opinion: Best op episode this year so far
ericweddle-0826810 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The emotions this episode had were crazy, and the music fit perfectly. The flashbacks were done great, and they perfectly encapsulated how bad Kaido and Orochi were for the people and the land of Wano. The mono background with the oozing, dirty green made the scenes with the chemically dirty water hit even harder. Even though the animation wasn't top tier throughout the episode, it turned up when really needed to. It was amazing for the short Kaido/Luffy interaction, and also greatly improved during Momo's interaction with Toki, Oden, and Hiyori. Also no more Orochi just adds a huge plus to this episode too.
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wwpgzsbf10 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The emotion in this episode literally shot me in the heart oh my god it was so emotional and was definitely needed, especially before the final hit before luffy defeats kaido next episode, even seeing the people of wano lifting their wishes and seeing all the flashbacks seemed so perfect and disnt feel out of place or out of the unordinary or felt like bad pacing it was truly so good. Even the animation was so godlike. Every episode since 1071 of Luffy unlocking gear 5 just seems to get better and better every week and I just cant wait for more episodes. I genuinly felt tears and was just so happy seeing all the people of Wano and all the samurai and people just wishing for Kaido and Orochi to fall. Incredibly amazing, keep it up.
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A recap episode
clancyturner10 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Absolute waste of time. I love the series and watching it every week with my children is one of our favourite activities but we're all disappointed with this episode.

While the episode starts off strong, we are quickly forced into recaps of the prior episode, which is pretty much par for the course. What's disappointing is that it quickly becomes a summary of all the events that have happened on wano for the last 20 years, something that we've all seen many times before in this arc.

Nothing kills the vibe more than putting a recap episode during the climax of the Luffy vs. Kaido fight. It was completely unnecessary and served only as an irritant. What could have been an amazing episode was reduced to filller garbage that could be skipped entirely.

What a disappointment.
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Darkest Episode of Wano Arc
thearshadak21 September 2023
In my opinion, this episode made me shed tears so dark so good, masterpiece in all ways just plain amazing. It showed everything related to wano, the pain of the people was described very well, just amazing no words are enough to describe it.. those who didn't watch one piece are really missing it man, a man can't die in peace if he doesn't finish one piece. Oda really making a masterpiece. The foreshadowing scenes were not really foreshadowing they included more scenes of the past what was left out in the beginning and this episode filled all the gaps. If the upcoming episode and previous episodes were good then this is that particular episode which filled the gaps of both the other masterpiece episodes. Too good !!! Just too good !!
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Episode gave justice to it's name.
yashmistry-9811415 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Peak. The animation, the drama, the characters and the fights.

I literally felt every emotion that I ever had; Luffy's hand getting burnt made me laugh and the laugh of the village people made be Sob.

The prayers of the people of Wano being fulfilled right there and then within the same episode and the conclusion of what Wano was supposed to be made this episode 10/10.

At the end of the episode Orochi's death by a Akazaya nine member was beyond satisfactory. Not only did the audience cried along with the characters but we both also smiled at the very end having hopes.

The best conclusive episode of a one piece arc so far.
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andrepg-603693 January 2024
This is Cinema. One Piece allways suprises us, but this animation in the end of the arc. Soundtrack marvelous, animation peak, creative storytelling, just everthing.

As we watch tjis series after readinf the manga we are able to enrance de hisroy that eichiro oda created.

Every day I thank god to creatimg me in the same time that eichiro oda, living in the same moment as thid man is a blessing.

For everyone whos trying to watch one piece, keep going becayse this anime/manga changes peoples life, it changed mine so im sure that can change yours.

Nika de the god of liberation, luffy the one that free wano!
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I can't be hyped anymore during this fight/Arc
AymanJanah10 September 2023
They had the potential to make this fight EPIC and one of the best in anime history. What a shame. Ive lost interest already.

I mean yeah the emotion was great, this episode do tell that why both Kaido and Orochi are the worst and needs to be taken down, but I think it would have been better if this scenes would have happened after Luffy have defeated Kaido, because if I am not wrong, this flashback scenes are nevertheless gonna happen again after Kaido gets defeated, so why not just do it then altogether, one piece is absolutely No.1 in the Guinness World Record in manga with the most Flashbacks of all time. 5 minutes of present time and 25 minutes of flashbacks.

Can't wait for someone to cut out the 5 hours worth of flashbacks over these last episodes so we can actually just have luffy and Kaido fight scene.
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dissapointed in toei
farazalikv10 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a manga reader who has been loving the wano-egg head chapters.. i really expected this episode to be a banger as to finally conclude the Luffy-Kaido fight which has been going on for years..but the anime just want to stretch it as much they can ( probably a tribute towards the new rubber awakening of the main character). The episode entirely had only flashbacks.. yess we are left in the same place where we were last week. Yes luffy is yet to throw his punch, due 30 mins of screentime. The flashbacks are reused footages of what we have been seeing all this time. They have done this before too but this time its enraging..The entire frickin episode was flashbacks and if feels more disappointing after waiting a week and being overhyped by the fans..
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Filler episode
cagrikayalar10 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was a filler episode. Seriously.... How long does it take for that punch to land :/ Kaido and gear 5 luffy have been fighting for 2 months now, and we already had too many fillers during the fight.

I like how they got better animation in wano arc, and the fights has been exciting. But they keep having these "special" episodes or filler episodes where we see flashbacks of the events that we already know and seen hundreds of times already in the middle of the fights. And that causes people to lose the excitement of the fight.

I wish they put episodes like this when switching to a different fight, instead of the middle of the fight.
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