Werewolves Unearthed (2023) Poster

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Sold Documentary About Local Legends
Reviews_of_the_Dead6 October 2023
This is a documentary that I got the chance to see as a screener thanks to Justin Cook. Originally, I saw Small Town Monsters' name attached so I figured this was another one from Seth Breedlove. He is involved here, but it looks like he is branching out and allowing other filmmakers to collaborate with his crew in making docs like this. That intrigued me. What is also interesting is that I've lived in Cleveland, Ohio, which isn't far from where the focal of these urban legends. Unfortunately, I wasn't familiar with the lore.

Synopsis: filmmaker Ward Hiney and journalist Chad Christy aim to figure out the truth behind werewolf sightings in Pennsylvania.

To get more specific from that synopsis, this is focused on Northwest Pennsylvania. Hiney and Christy are interviewing people who have met this Dogman or werewolf like creature. What is interesting here is that there seems to be an overlap with Bigfoot sightings. This other cryptid isn't as prevalent in the area, but that doesn't mean there isn't local legends surrounding it either.

This duo interviews different people from the area. They focus on and come back to a good handful of times in this documentary are a couple of friends who are paranormal investigators. They've been friends since childhood and have run into this werewolf-like creature multiple times. There is one instance that shook them to their core. It caused them to look up information and that led them to something referred to as the 'Ohio Howl'. There are others that have their own experiences to tell, one being a hunter and another being a couple from the area.

What makes this stand out is that Christy doesn't believe there is a monster like this. Even though that is his stance, he doesn't diminish or refute what is being told to him. I respect that professionalism and I feel like that is how I would manage things if I was a member of the team. He is out there to gather the information and then make our own decisions. I do respect that this isn't necessarily here to influence the viewer one way or the other. The Small Town Monsters docs are good for this.

There are other interesting locations that this takes us to. A man they interview who seems like a local historian directs them to a cemetery to find something called the Heritage Trail where there have been sightings. They converse with a woman who ran a 'magic' shop of sorts who supposedly talk to a man who claimed to be a werewolf. She also tells them about an area where there could be a cult running. She doesn't believe they are werewolves, but the ritual they are doing is to change them. That is creepy to be honest. Another aspect is that our duo goes out into the woods to see if they can get something on camera or recording audio.

What I'll then say is that this is well-made. They do select interesting individuals to interview. There is something that is brought up that people in this area get nervous when asked about their encounters. That gives an eerie vibe that maybe there could be a cult that they're afraid of. More than likely, they are proud small town people that don't want to be mocked by telling their story on camera. The cinematography is professional. This is a well put together documentary. I also like that a few different times that computers are used to reconstruct elements of stories being told. That adds an element for me.

In conclusion, this isn't a documentary that is going to give you much in the way of folklore. What is given is what is needed and help to fill in backstory to what is being relayed by those that have meet this creature. This one hits closer to home having lived fairly close to the area. I've also lived in the country which can be spooky at times. This is a well-made documentary and even though I don't believe it, hearing these stories make me uneasy. I can't refute what they said while there still being a potentially logical explanation. I'd recommend it if you like cryptid documentaries like this.

My Rating: 6.5 out of 10.
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WereWolf17768 November 2023
I love documentaries about Crpyto creatures, however, this movie is a gigantic YAWN. Seth Breedlove is the worst filmmaker and he should have mercy on his audience by making a movie that isn't pure GARBAGE! A woman with black hair dye was interviewed and claimed to have evidence of werewolves because of nightmares she used to have. What? This individual should seriously consider psychiatric evaluation if she thinks her nightmares are actual encounters. This movie is filled with liars and almost every one in the movie is exactly what you would expect of the kids you used to know in high school that shopped at Hot Topic. You know who I am talking about, all grown up with black hair dye and goth clothing. This "movie" would have been better named, "The Addams Family: The Werewolves of Addams Manor". "Werewolves Unearthed" has to be the absolute worst movie ever made. If I could give Seth Breedlove a piece of advice it would be, make better movies with reliable sources or just stop making movies period as your documentaries have now become painfull to watch. Do not waste your time on this mind numbing drivel if you value your IQ points. Lastly, what made this "movie" even more absurd was listening to the individuals he interviewed calling themselves, "earth children" which was followed up by phrases such as, "not no more" and many other double negatives. Are these the only people who see werewolves? If so, I will stick to Bigfoot documentaries not directed by Seth Breedlove, thank you. I can't stand ignorance in such large quantities.
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