A Law for Christmas (2023) Poster

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Positive reviews written by bots?
xxkqhhmv16 January 2024
There are simply no redeeming qualities to be found in this movie. It's really bad, I'm sorry. The intent to convey a Christian Christmas message overshadows any efforts on the producers' side to construct a coherent and entertaining story. Some of the acting is pretty decent, but that's all.

Must say I find it really interesting how nearly all positive reviews read like they were written by the same person. Additionally, most of them are posted by accounts that have only reviewed this specific movie and appear to have been made at some point between October to November 2023. I suspect there's something fishy going on here...
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Genuinely one of the worst movies I have ever seen
royhjohnson19 February 2024
I'm not sure what went wrong with this film but it is genuinely one of the worst films I have ever seen. Bad acting, bad production, just a thoroughly awful film. Created a review account just to say how bad it was and to warn people against watching it! The plot is about an aspiring politician getting a new job and must travel to the countryside for her new secretary of agriculture role. But even from the first minute the plot and acting are unbelievably poor. The one bright spot was the mayor of the small town who gave a good performance. In order to write a review it must be a certain length now so having to spend more time writing this than you should dedicate to watching the film. Avoid at all costs.
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Worst movie I've ever seen
kaitlynlmyers14 February 2024
If I could give this movie zero stars I would. The acting is awful and feels fake, just all around a bad movie with terrible acting and no substance. I felt lost trying to even really understand what the movie was about. I would also like to add that one of the directors is disgusting and started dating a 14 year old when he was 23 years old. This movie didn't even have any Christmas qualities to it or any subliminal messages about family or what Christmas is really about. Its really annoying how bad the acting is in this movie. There are times where the acting is delayed and id rather claw my eyes out than watch that garbage again.
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bad movie even worse producer
winfildalicsophia26 December 2023
This movie single handedly disgraces the Christmas movie name,this film never once let's you connect with the characters, the plot or any other aspect of this film. The writing is absolute bs so is the acting. Not once in this film did I feel any of the the things they were saying they meant. The film is just plain boring from start to finish. This movie is a waste of 2 hours , of all the time put in to film and of the very little effort put in that shines through during the film. I would like to put a special message to Simon Wesley here: Stop pursuing films you work has no heart or brain. Ty.
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Started bad. Got worse
bettyskokie27 December 2023
The fact that the movie starts out pretending that getting the job of Secretary of Agriculture is as simple as applying at Walmart sets a really bad tone. Then assuming that the role of the Secretary of Agriculture's job is to fly around making viral Tik Tok videos is just absurd. Add to it the fact that there is zero chemistry between the leads. So, the female lead is a selfish b*tch with zero regard for the farmers she meets and interviews and then, because she meets a sad girl, she is suddenly a changed woman.

The movie is a rush job trying to capitalize on Christians who will blindly spend money on any Jesusy movie. It is really bad.
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An insult to cinema
juanmindreau27 December 2023
I've seen YouTube videos with better production quality than this. The plot is senseless, the "acting" a joke and the camera and sound design are embarrassing. I'd strongly advise against watching this, literally anything else is a better use of your time and money.

God deserves better and to consider this a Christian movie is an insult to Christianity itself and to cinema.

Never before have I been so absolutely disappointed in a movie in so little time, there's literally nothing on it that it's worth consuming.

If I haven't made it clear enough I'd rather pouring lemon juice on my eyes than seeing this again.
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The WORST movie I've ever seen.
yeafolijr27 December 2023
Hallmark producers would watch this and think "That's really bad." Bad cinematography, bad dialogue, bad screenwriting, bad acting. The only good part of this movie is when the credits roll and the screen goes black.

This is what happens when you let people make movies that have no business making movies. It's generic tripe with overly Christian brow beating themes.

The money spent on this film could have gone to so many good causes. Or at least better causes. I'm sure PETA needs more money ti euthanize 95% of their rescues. But from Wayfair so they can use their sales as fronts for sex trafficking...any of that would have been better than allowing this movie to be made.
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Horrifyingly bad.
narrowway-3587029 December 2023
Hallmark meets Kirk Cameron. Honestly should be illegal. No one wants to sit through a film like this. Can't believe it cost a dollar to watch. My poor mother had no idea what she was getting us into... Waste of time and money. Didn't even finish. No one wants to be preached to at Christmas. Can we all please move on from Christian nationalism? It's so depressing. Producer is a loser, plan on finding and rating all of his other films. Who was this made for? Who wants to watch this? Did they do any market research or analysis? Absolutely atrocious... Honestly want a refund. Huge judgement to prime for hosting this.
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Low Quality Movie, lower quality social reputation
itsmoose-8072927 December 2023
Honestly, this movie is very poor quality. Anyways, the writing in this movie just didn't give me the Christmas feel. I honestly do hope that the actors move onto bigger and better things and get to work with more inspired creators. I really did try to give this movie a chance, but this movie didn't do a good job. The lack of creativity and quality got in the way of any semblance of heartwarming moments this film tried (and failed) to achieve. Even if it had been ultra high quality, it wouldn't have mattered because even with the best sets, effects, music, etc, if the plot is lackluster and there is no enjoyment to be found in a movie like that. It was like watching George Lucas try to write romance, it just didn't work. Honestly, I feel like this would have been better as a novel.
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Womp and a half
halleenelson27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Movie was absolutely booty. No plot, and Santa wasn't even in the movie?!?! How can you have Christmas movie without Saint Nicholas?? Poor writing all around. Movie reeked of farts and butt because of how bad it was. Plot line was all over the place. What was even happening?? The whole time I kept asking myself "what is bro yapping about??" And like why did the sister have to tell her life story to her own brother like...you're related he should know. The whole movie was one big overdone trope of workaholic city girls meets small town boy except the small town boy talks about being there his whole life despite somehow living in the city at one point in his life?? Hallmark at least is consistent in their plots. Do better.
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Minimal Plot & Unorganized Theme
graciegirlalmaraz26 December 2023
This movie follows the same plot of Hallmark movies, but somehow worse. The romance is introduced out of nowhere and does not make sense. The main character has little to no personal growth and reverts to her old ways as soon as the opportunity is there. The conflicts are extremely coincidental and don't make sense. The characters are written poorly and interact with each other in ways that aren't normal at all. I don't mind the Christian message, you do you, but it was introduced into the movie very boldly later into the movie, instead of intricately embedded in the entire story. The Christian message felt more like an afterthought than the reason for this movie, as the creators claim.
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Good family Christmas movie.
retracmj-125 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't the best I've seen but it was very good and I even bought copies for family members for Christmas.

I liked the main character (in the story and as an actor).

The filming was clear and concise (I expected less).

The story is of an uppity Washington ladder climber who accepts a position not knowing it is for Africulture in Tennessee. She is in for a rude awakening! Farm animals and animal poo! She stays at an inn and becomes aware of the families faith and beliefs. And she becomes aware of the good looking, Harvard educated mayor who would not want to be any where else but in this place helping these people.

It's a cute story and it's interesting how things unfolded. And it's clean enough for the family. I'll be watching for more from this group, the Wesley Bros.
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Like a hallmark movie but by amateurs
dvketales26 December 2023
Not worth the watch, very little happens and the christian message falls flat because the movie is produced by a heretic. As a christian it is absolutely not automatically disqualifying to me when a movie has a strong christian message, however if you're going to do so, you yourself must be a paragon of virtue. This movie is produced by a self serving "christian" who uses the lords message solely for his own personal profit. Not only does he use God to enrich himself but he also uses the bible to excuse his own inappropriate behaviors. My fellow christian's, I implore you to watch gods not dead over this and even that movie has many many flaws.
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Absolutely horrible movie
pattymcpatty27 December 2023
I actually did watch this movie when it came out. It was so bad that my husband fell asleep. I don't know what's worse. The lack of creativity or the bland acting. The writing, the directing, the acting, the plot, it's all AWFUL. I'm surprised the script wasn't created by AI or more accurately, someone BASHING THEIR HEAD ON THEIR KEYBOARD. What an insult to the art of film. There are actors, writers, and directors out there who work SO HARD to create genuine art and they go unnoticed. These people put this load of steaming garbage out and think that just because they technically made a movie that they deserve any praise? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
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I would give this movie 0 stars if I could...
speedyjtv20 May 2024
This film is genuinely one of the worst produced movies I have ever seen in my life. The acting is absolute BS and the film doesn't even make sense. It is an absolute waste of your precious lifetime, go and watch something with quality and a storyline on Netflix or smth, this film WILL NOT make you happy. This Film also has absolutely no empathy to be built with the characters, it is boring and weirdly orthodox Christian. This is probably the worst film I have seen in a VERY long time. The film has no perception of human emotions, with INCREDIBLY lame attempts at being interesting, and at a love story, the actual love storyline is BS.
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Complete horse hockey
collabsandcollections27 December 2023
Christmas movies aren't famous for portraying real-life scenarios but even in a genre with outrageous plots and characters exist this one takes top marks for addle pated nonsense. Princes, ghosts, and 13th century knights are workable love interests when plots lean into fantasy elements. Where this movie falls down is wanting to be both "real" enough that the audience absorbs the hit-'em-over-the-head anti-government, anti-intellectual, anti-career woman message and also fantastical enough to serve as a seasonal meet-cute whirlwind love story. Ultimately the humble Harvard-trained lawyer who shook loose of the big city error of his ways is a poor excuse for a holiday hero.

There are scores of Christmas movies produced each year, most of which are great if only in their sheer campiness. Nearly all are better than A Law for Christmas.
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Saying this was a bad movie would be an insult to bad movies
laurendddrake13 July 2024
Sitting through two and a half hours of this movie has truly proven to be the most torturous experience of my entire life. Honestly, I don't think waterboarding or the brazen bull hold a candle to this thing in terms of pure, unadulterated suffering. I was less than halfway through the movie before I was almost praying for the last hour or so of the runtime to be cut off so I could finally be done watching. Even charging $1.99 to rent this movie feels like extortion. I feel like I should be paid for the emotional distress this 'film' caused me. I enjoy bad movies. I like watching them, because bad movies are funny. This just made me want to cry and rip my hair out because what the hell is even going on here? The plot is nonsensical, the characters are one-dimensional at best, the romance comes out of nowhere, and everyone in this movie acts like they're aliens in disguise and this is their first day being humans or something. I think the filmmakers need to spend less time insulting cinema with these 'movies' and more time outside so they can actually get a grip on reality for once.
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True meaning of Christmas
marciaamburgey26 December 2023
I love that the true meaning of Christmas was displayed in this film. Also, this was a fun, romantic comedy that the whole family can enjoy together.

Gloria and Christian had great connection and chemistry. Carol was delightful and Noelle was adorable. The entire cast brought a special dynamic to this story,

I plan to make watching this movie a new Christmas tradition, especially the scene with the Christmas story. This movie portrays faith, family, and the reason we celebrate the season. The theme of serving others was another highlight for me.

This movie is both comical and thought-provoking. A refreshing film for romcom fans!
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Great message
ninski-6221628 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is low budget, but that doesn't take away from the message of what Christmas is truly about. It is the typical Hallmark plot which is always predictable, but still fun to watch at Christmas time. Unlike a typical Hallmark movie, it included the message of salvation. So thankful that people are willing to make sacrifices in order to share the gospel of Christ. I enjoyed seeing lots of behind the scenes videos. It was interesting to find out that the lead actor was actually a Harvard grad and a lawyer just like the character he played. The lead actress is extremely likeable and humble, unlike the character she portrays.
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A very good Christmas message
thedollydelong27 December 2023
I know that the producers and makers of this film prob had a lower budget to work with (and it was evident in the film) BUT REGARDLESS, The message behind the film was (is) what Christmas is all about!!!

It truly is a family friendly movie, it's safe for the whole family to watch together, and the message at the very end of the film was very sweet too!

I only wish the best for everyone who created this film, and I want to encourage you to continue to create content that honors God and content that brings a message of hope!

If you are reading this and are curious, you should watch the movie and decide for yourself!
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A Fun Family Christmas Movie!
ekbailey-5846326 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is fun, heartwarming and entertaining! It's very much got Hallmark movie vibes but the story has more substance and keeps Jesus at the center which is a breath of fresh air!! It's also so well cast, the chemistry between the two leads is so good and the supporting cast is just as amazing. You can tell they had a lot of fun making this movie together! *Spoiler Alert* the only scene that might be unsuitable for kids is a scene where she talks about her dad committing suicide that doesn't have any kind of trigger warning, so viewers should be aware of that. Other than that, this movie is very clean and kid friendly! Overall, I really enjoyed this film and look forward to rewatching it with my family yearly!
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Great Christian Movie!
shellmariecook26 December 2023
This movie was not just about Christmas, it is about knowing what is important in life. It is about family and friends and those you can help that are in need, which more people should do, including myself. It is about choosing these things over money and job titles and how high you can climb in the corporate ladder. It is prioritizing what it is most important in life. Life should be about friends, family, love, hope, giving, encouraging others, focusing on the positive, treating others like you want to be treated, and remember life is unpredictable, it is a journey to be shared with loved ones. I love this movie!
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Great Christmas movie and message!
nikkiback31 December 2023
Loved that I could watch this with my kids. The connections and chemistry between actors shined through while bringing the true message of Christmas! Story lines were wonderful and you can tell a lot of care and work was put into the making of the movie for others to enjoy. So glad there are people who will take the time to create wonderful family and Christ centered stories for families to enjoy and share together. This will be a movie that my family and I will watch each year! Congratulations to the cast and crew on their hard work. We are blessed that you took a leap of faith to spread the good news in this manner. Awesome!
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Fun Family Christmas Movie
cgandcg-118008 January 2024
I thought this was a great Christmas movie that was wholesome, had a good story line, and illuminated the true meaning of Christmas. I would recommend to others to watch. While it is a little long in length, I thought there was good acting and some interesting storyline development. There seemed to be a good balance between humor and romance/drama and I appreciated how the story shows some tension that can often exist between rural and urban communities. I think if you just enjoy Christmas and rom/com shows, this one should certainly be on your list. I grew to really like a lot of the characters and would watch again!
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Great Christmas Movie!
rooloo-8463610 January 2024
A fun watch for the entire family. "A Law for Christmas" is my favorite Christmas movie now. I really enjoyed watching the story unfold and seeing how the characters interacted with one other. I also liked the love story that formed and how two people from two different worlds were able to come together in order to achieve a goal for the greater good of society. If you want a fun laid back movie that will give you a laugh and good time for all - then you need to watch A Law for Christmas. I also thought the premise of the movie was intriguing and found it to be interesting and enjoyable to watch.
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