"Barry" the wizard (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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This Is What Guns Can Do.
MamadNobari9715 May 2023
This episode starts pretty slowly, and by slow I mean by Barry's standards of insanity happening on the screen. But the second half is pretty crazy and brings back the Barry craziness we've seen in the previous seasons.

And just because something crazy isn't happening every second, doesn't mean it's bad or it lacked entertainment. Barry listening to pastor podcasts to find a loophole in the religion to justify what he's about to do is really funny and one of the funniest parts of the season. When he goes to buy a gun and then turns back and there are just a bunch of giant bear dolls and kids' toys, it's just so genius and funny and shows that the creators really do think of everything and know how to pack so much in just 30 minutes and do visual storytelling and social commentary without overtly telling you or shoving it in your face.

As much as it's a relatively calmer and quieter episode, the last scene with Sally is just insane and shocking and the ending of the episode is a hell of a cliffhanger for the show. And that Sally scene once again shows how good of production team and the practical effects this show has and how real they make these scenes look. So kudos to the people behind all the practical effects of this show as a whole.

The story of this "8 Years Later" has been going decently so far and it's good to see other characters and what they've been doing these past couple of years, and they start a plotline for them now and it's interesting to see what it's gonna lead to in the next two final episodes.

Though this season has been great so far, I think now it's safe to say that season 3 of Barry was the best season of the show and I don't think this season is gonna beat it. I think I gave 5 episodes of season 3 a 10/10 and that season had banger after banger and the season was on a roll after episode 5 and it was just an amazing season of TV. But so far, I think only two episodes of this season have been deserving of a 10/10, and only if we're being really generous.

Not to say this season has been bad or anything, it's been great and most episodes have been a 9/10 so far. But I think they spoiled us with crazier and crazier episodes in season 3 back to back and topping the insanity of the previous episode, that kinda made you wonder how season 4 was going to top it, and so far, I feel like season 4 hasn't been as consistent and insane as season 3.

Anyway, this episode was pretty good and it's interesting to see where they're gonna go with the second plotline they established in this episode. The cliffhanger is great and something I didn't think would happen, but probably a lot of us wanted to see it in the last season's finale. But the fact that this cliffhanger happens in this episode and not the penultimate tells me that something extraordinarily goofy is gonna happen as usual to help Barry get out of the situation again. Unless the finale of the show isn't what we think it could be and they surprise us with another Barryless episode as a finale or something like the previous episode. Nonetheless, excited to see how they're gonna wrap up the story.
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it is all coming unglued
dougteresapeterson15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good episode. It seems like with the time jump these past years is catching up to them all. Sally is having a breakdown. SPOILERS....

Sally heard the StageCraft actor in all black,(like the ones in theatre that no one is supposed to notice) following her and then you hear the same dialogue as the guy who she stabbed in season 3 episode 8 with the pick in the eye.

Barry is trying to justify murder and twist the reason to kill so he can still be a good guy in the site of his son.

Noho Hank is doing well with business but is losing it over the guilt of having cristobal killed even if it was not direct.

The only one thriving is Fuches becoming the raven and his barista LOL.
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It's Malickesque
safenoe27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know how many people have seen Terrence Malick movies, but the previous episode (which was very controversial) and this episode, the wizard, has the Terrence Malick feel, being Malickesque.

Barry decides to travel to Los Angeles to track down his former hero/teacher/mentor Gene Cousineau and you know it ain't going to be pretty, especially with Barry being a devoted listener of a pastor's podcast about what constitutes murder. Sally struggles to parent John and it ain't easy. I sometimes wonder how in this Malickesque universe, Barry and Sally manage to live under the radar, with their son John.
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No Country For Old Barry
robotintroverted15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is definitely an interesting one. This time we get to see Fuches and Hank and how they've both managed to live their lives. It was definitely some much needed insight from last episode that helped shine a light on everything. Hank got everything he wanted, he became a successful business man, however, it came with the price of his bf being out of the picture. Fuches has been stuck in prison for 8 years, and the only thing on his mind is vengeance. Seeing Hank was definitely a sad sight, while Hank is a horrible person, you can definitely see how the loss of his bf has deeply affected him. Heck, you can even see it the second when you walk into the building. Immediately, there's a gold statue of him right when you enter.

A plotline I was a bit iffy on was Sally's. Hers was very confusing, and while I'm sure it'll get cleared up next episode. I'm pretty sure that the stuff she was experiencing wasn't actually real, and was mostly a PTSD episode. I could be wrong, but if it wasn't, then this show has got some explaining to do.

Barry's plotline was of course, the most intriguing. I named this review "No Country For Old Barry" because this episode gave off very big No Country vibes. Barry ultimately leaving his family to go after Gene is something that I'm sure he will regret very soon. Barry spending the whole episode trying to justify why getting rid of Gene is the best decision. The plot this episode is almost nihilistic in its portrayal. Barry eventually having to turn on some nutcase's podcast to justify why he can dispose of someone. It's a very interesting episode exploring his character and beliefs. While I'm sure there's more than what meets the eye on rewatch, it is definitely an interesting character study on Barry. Barry has been portrayed as constantly being torn by his beliefs. In season 1 it was his job, season 2 was his no killing rule, Season 3 was not wanting to off Gene because of how much he means to him, and season 4 is about his religious beliefs.

If you ask me, the thing I wasn't expecting was for Barry to get taken by the scary dude. I'm almost certain that next week's episode is going to be a mess. Not in a bad way, but in the sense that Ozymandias was a mess. Next episode is certainly going to break many people, me included. I'm not ready for this show to end, and I'm not ready for the next episode. I don't want anything bad to happen to Gene. But I know that something bad will happen next episode. The only problem with this episode was a couple contrivances from the Sally plotline. However, I won't let that affect my ranking yet until I've seen next episode for it to clear some things up.

Overall, great episode, and I'm excited to see the hurricane that is the penultimate episode.
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it good
johnnyruiz-5899522 May 2023
Man i love all the seasons of this show you know but i still have no idea where this season is going as it's been a tad bit silly you know barry is caught by the big black guy which i was not w hopefully tonight's episode is able to follow lasts weeks pretty good although i like the short episodes i think that these last two episodes should at least be over 40 minutes because if these last two episodes are being the same length there's no way that they'll pack in the season finale and this episode was also pretty good and i'm wondering if they'll ever return to the original times when barry escaped probably not but i trust in bill hader to make an exciting finale - sincerlly johnny.
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Last episode was pointless
AshBoshog15 May 2023
Last episode was so boring I decided to just keep pressing my fast forward button untill something happend but as you know nothing happens in that episode untill the end. I was not confused or miss anything in this episode because I decided to just not watch the last boring 2 hour long or whatever length it was episode.

I actually do not understand what the point of the last episode was its like people just want a buildup even if the buildup is staring at dry paint for 50 minutes they call it "art" a "masterpiece" what is going on with people.

This was a really good NORMAL barry episode just like the rest of the episodes. I just really hope it was a one time thing and people stop giving actual nonsense high rating.
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Definitely a bit disappointing
devinpbuffington15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love Barry, and I have watched for years as Bill has brought one of the best comedy dramas I've ever seen come to life.

The problem is that I feel like this episode is indicative of what Barry will likely suffer from overall which is a rushed ending. I was on board with the idea of Barry being in prison for this season, but now we have this strange time jump and everyone is both different and the same all at once.

Gene isn't interesting. Barry is barely the main character of the last season of his own show. Sally has been reduced down to a shell of her former self. Hank got his ending and now is being forced into a lingering story. Same with Fuches.

I can't help but feel like Barry deserved another two seasons rather than cramming the ending all into one. I've loved aspects of this season, but it feels very messy.

Who knows, maybe Bill has a stroke of genius up his sleeve and Barry will end it's run on a completely unexpected high, but as of now it just feels like meandering to the finale so that it's characters can finally either live or die.
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a poor man's deep episode Warning: Spoilers
There is an over-reliance on tried and tired tropes that happen in this episode, that I'm coming to the conclusion the writers really want to drive home a certain point and in doing so, abandoned why the show was liked and just tried to state things clearly instead.

The character development or character changes make no real sense or rather - they don't feel natural, they feel forced. They're all implemented so the writers can make certain points which they couldn't have made before. Now we have Barry and Sally being deeply religious or pretend religious and Sally is a drunk. It's lazy.

And what I wrote about last episode has come true - they had hank react to something from a decade ago. It's not believable. People don't have the same hang ups they had 10 years ago. The sense of immediacy is obviously gone, yet because that was the entire plot just 2 episodes prior, they have to address it. Never mind the ex machina near the end where obviously a dude from 10 years ago shows up at the right exact minute that was needed to open another plot point. No. Just no. The writing became very lazy and they tell a lot more than they show and rely on overused ways to do even that. Quite a dip in the quality of the show these last 2 eps.
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What happened to Barry?
besharp-8743322 May 2023
I love this show, but the second half of season 4 has fallen off course, pretty badly. Why did Hader let it turn it into some surreal, weird, metaphorical mess? It has totally lost its identity and it makes it even worse since it's the final few episodes. It's like the writers said, "whoops, we forgot all this psychological stuff for the characters in the last 3 seasons, better try to cram it all in there, quick!" The show has always had a good blend of the unexpected and unbelievable with the realistic and relatable, but this last half of the LAST season has taken a strange turn that nobody wanted. And the ending to this episode....oof. Hopefully the writers turn it around and come up with a satisfying final two episodes because it has been a great series. Shout out to NoHo Hank for carrying this season.
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Hard to watch
shauncore8087 July 2023
I had to shut off this episode and take a break from the series. Hopefully I'll make it back to finish the series, but it's just very hard to watch. Everything after the time jump is so uninteresting. Over the top and cliche, it's essentially a very generic story featuring exaggerated versions of the previous characters. On top of that, it's really hard to listen to the nauseating religious BS, and there's far too much of it. I get that they want to show he's a changed man, but there's just far too much time with podcasters and preachers droning on about religious nonsense. I'll probably finish the series eventually, but I really just wish they had ended the series after the prison.
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Barry, where are you?
tolstopus15 May 2023
He's gone. Obviously this season should've been named Hanky or No Barry included. I guess Hader made a bet, that he could destroy perfect show and he eager to win. Humor gone, action gone, what we've got instead? Drunk Sally, Merlyn bearded Cusino with no reason to be here, veeeeery serious NoHoHank and painted Fuches as Raven. Great setup for tremendous failure. They all should've got together and drove into Barry's house.

And what was the purpose of eight years time jump? What have changed? Just saying I don't know what else they gonna do in the last episodes, but I'm happy it finally be over soon.
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The Wizard
bobcobb30119 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I much preferred the Seinfeld episode about "The Wizard" than this one, but I digress.

I am not quite sure what to expect from Barry's final episodes. I hope they do not do something sappy with him proud his life became a movie as he gets whisked off to prison, but I think that might be it.

Barry again getting tricked almost a decade letter by the same man is kind of clever, but this season is not able to hook me in.

The Raven coming to life with tattoos was mildly funny, but the Hank empire is way too ridiculous for even a show like Barry has become to pull off. I'm still rooting against him and always will.
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