"The Rookie" Double Trouble (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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What did I just watch
Top_Dawg_Critic25 March 2023
When Dim and Juicy first appeared in previous episodes, that was barely watchable and borderline cringe. Now they re-appear, and if the whole doppelganger thing wasn't silly enough, they also decided to throw in an additional doppelganger painting of the sergeant, seriously? Whichever writer(s) has an obsession with doppelgangers, needs to go to therapy. If all this nonsense wasn't cringe enough, the entire episode is filmed from the perspective that a documentary is being filmed, another vomit-inducing side-plot, that borderlines infantile writing. As if the LAPD would even allow third-party outside filming during these multiple investigations. This entire episode felt cheap and lazily written, and something I'd expect to see from a high school drama class. So writers, stick to the basics, great police procedural episodes that have heart, humor and suspense, not this lame cheesy filler teenybopper garbage. Thankfully the writers eased up Nolans partner Celina Juarez and her nonsense premonitions on the job, because those were starting to get annoying, but not even close to this episode, the absolute worst of them all, no close second place.
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Stop doing these
pgn197722 March 2023
Love this show but they need to stop doing these types of episodes. Adds no character development or progress the story. They tried this last season and it didn't work then so I'm surprised they did it again. It's very rare that these types of episodes where the characters are 'interviewed' is riveting watching. Feels like the writers wrote this so they could get an early knock off and whip up something in 5 minutes. Even the actors in the show don't feel like they really are on board with this episode. All good actors but for me their heart wasn't in the episode. Really hope they don't go down this path again.
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love this show BUT this episode
rick-4500022 March 2023
Documentry type episodes in a crime drama never does it for me .It takes away the drama and i quickly lost interest .I love the charecters and the acting i just dont like the direction in how the writers try to make in reality type interviews and filming.. I am a fan of the Rookie and Rookie Feds .. I love crime docudramas but filming in the style of reality tv..There are far too many reality shows on tv..i hate when a dram series tries to make an episode into one of them true life crime epdisodes even though its fake and actors working on a script ..a drama comedy crime cop show should stick to its formula ..yes my review is long this damn site wants 600 cherecters could quoiet easily have said the epdisode 18 was boring.
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Third time's a charm?
aovannor23 March 2023
No, no it isn't.

I'm back, like many others will be, for the annual negative review given to an episode made in this fake documentary format. I seriously think the show's writers are just memeing us now. There's no way they aren't aware that these episodes are rated far lower than all the others.

What more is there to say? It doesn't suit the show, it makes fools out of all the characters, it pulls the series down into places it otherwise wouldn't deserve and it's just disappointing to get these outliers in an otherwise entertaining show. The doppelganger stuff with Dim and Juicy is quite rediculous on its own but when paired with this format it's just taking it too far.

I can't imagine a single person would prefer that the events of this episode weren't just done in the usual style. Urgh, the cringe is all over me.
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Dear Mr. Hawley & Mr. Fillion
ngkos23 March 2023
I don't think you read IMDb reviews for your episodes, but if you do, please read this one.

Please stop making documentary-type episodes like this.

Just, please.

As a huge fan of the show from the very beginning, please stop.

I beg you.

I naively thought that after the miserable ratings for the previous documentary-type episodes, I would never see an episode like that ever again.

I was wrong.

It is not a good way to convey the humour, action and drama of the episode's storyline.

It actually cheapens it a bit. What could have been a great storyline for an episode, was ruined.

So therefore, please. I beg you guys. Stop it.
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Why do they keep doing these when they rate soo poorly??
brealoraine23 March 2023
The first one was...fine. The second was pushing it. This one is terrible. The episode in itself isn't completely atrocious. The actors are great, as usual. But I have a huge issue with accepting the fact that they're making a documentary about...AN UNDERCOVER AGENT. And this is the 3rd one she's been in, the logic has left the building. They seriously need to stop with these, and they definitely need to remember some logic. We watch to be entertained, not infuriated by stupidity. It seems they care more about stupid filler we will probably watch anyway, as opposed to actually delivering a good episode. That's a sure fire way to not get renewed for another season.
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Outstanding crap
dargon-2124222 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I created.my Imdb account with the sole purpose of writing this review. This episode is horrible. Words can barely describe how bad it is. The English language doesn't have enough words and this review won't allow profanity so I could properly describe how awful it is. This concept of a TV show inside a TV show, reality bs is not a groundbreaking, reimagined breath of fresh air, more like a crazy, delusional, incompetent approach. A whole month of break in production just to come up with a subpar episode at best and half the air is just the characters giving an interview on a cop TV show that's supposed to be exciting. Instead they sit them down and have them talk. Directors and writers seem to be so out of touch with their viewers preference. All the good story lines are left behind and they push stupid ideas like double Chen and Bradford and to put all of that inside an interview, thinking back, flashback format is just mind bogglingly out of line.
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Waste of Time
shah-9615623 March 2023
The producers and director of The Rookie at one time would be considered geniuses. After creating 2 episodes based on a documentary gives good reason to believe another documentary type of episode will be created. The ratings are the lowest for the documentary episodes. It's a complete waste of time. The series will plummet if this continues and a sudden finale will end up the cancellation of the series. The producers and director need to get their heads checked. Complete waste of a full hour of time for viewers initially looking forward to a great episode. Get your acts together otherwise the demise of the show will squarely fall on your shoulders.
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Just Why?
iodblade28 March 2023
Not just me then!

This is a show that I always watch with my wife but after 3 minutes she called a timeout and suggested I watch the rest of the episode some time when she wasn't there. A few days later I picked it up and battled through to 7 minutes before hitting the delete button.

Episodes like this are the reason shows get cancelled. Have the writers started leaving already or is this the modern day version of the old 'clips' episode where old footage is rehashed into an episode to save on production costs? American TV shows have a reputation for either running for not long enough (Fillion fans know which one I mean) or for way too long. In the case of the Rookie it's looking like it should have been 3 and out.
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Not a big fan of these type of episodes
MikeTDF24 March 2023
So, I'm not a big fan of this documentary-type episodes - i think this was the 3rd one if I'm not mistaken - but this one was, let's say, watchable. It had some pretty decent humor and that made it watchable.

Leaving that aside, i do agree with most reviewers on this one, urging the producers to stop making these episodes. They will bury the show and that would be a pity, considering the show is fairly good from my point of view, the cast is charismatic and have great energy together and is not one of those shows carried only by the lead role.

I hope the producers take note of all the negative reviews and really bad ratings and stop making these for good.
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Great show, great cast...WORST EPISODE!
joanne-608-62248126 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The episodes where a documentary are being filmed generally aren't the show's best. This one was dumb beyond belief. Muddled plot, backwards chronology, half-hearted explanations...just dumb. The side plot with Sgt Grey and the painting was pretty absurd, then plunged even deeper into ridiculous territory with the shirtless painting the officers presented to Grey. Giving your boss a bad painting of him shirtless??? Who does that?? The whole episode was an embarrassment. This show is the main reason I subscribe to Hulu...I may reconsider that subscription if the rest of the season doesn't pick back up. No more documentaries, please!
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lgday032924 March 2023
Eric Winter and Melissa O'Neil brought their A+ game to this episode. Eric was his normal uptight, grumpy self as Tim Bradford. As Jake Butler, he was easy going, casual and very publicly affectionate toward Sava. Total opposites Melissa played herself, Sava and Lucy playing Sava. As Sava she was playful, crazy about her man and spoke with a wonderful Jersey accent. As Lucy, she was put on the spot during the documentary questions. She was uncomfortable when questioned about her relationship with Tim. Jake and Sava together were fun and loving. When Tim and Lucy were interviewed for the documentary - they were total opposites. They are very private about their relationship and rarely go for PDA.

I really think any Chenford fan would love this episode. Even if you are not crazy about the documentary format, every scene was well thought out, sharp and helped to move the story along. The last scene with Tim and Lucy was perfection. A love story for the Chenford fans.
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Never watching again
johnbrannock22 March 2023
I have watched this show from the beginning. The earlier episodes were entertaining. But this episode was the most stupid/worst episode of any television show ever aired. The writers and actors should apologize to the viewers of this show for producing this crap. I have decided based on watching this episode to stop watching this show. The show has progressively gone downhill over the past couple seasons. Why can't a cop show do cop stories instead of love stories. If I wanted to watch love stories I would record and watch the soap operas. Please try to improve the writing to make this show good again.
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Let's hope this is the last ever mockumentary episode.
cweihs-645827 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not only is this episode one of the worst by far, but it's so stupidly unrealistic that they would openly advertise undercover cops with names and all in a documentary.

I know it's supposed to be a humours episode but it just doesn't fly, the characters are all of a sudden out of character and one if the goose said; "why the heck does this review have to be at least six hundred character?". Speaking of characters.

I do like gees on the other hand, maybe it's my spirit animal. Do you think gees are spiritual in general? Unicorns and apple pies. Horses with puzzles and honey on top.

The lock upon my garden is a snail.
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Poor attempt at humor
yaornw22 March 2023
I guess they were aiming for humorous with this, but it came off silly and over the top. It's similar to the episode of the Fonzie jumping over a shark. It's just wet to far with the concept and the result was what are the worst episodes in series history. I genuinely hope they learn from this. A lame episode in which the Chenford dopplegangers are overplayed to the point of self-mockery. And I think the creators and frankly Hollywood itself needs to get over its self fascination with episodes about people making films about people who are making a film. What a lame repetitive overused cliché.
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Cheap substitute for a genuine episode
hachisuzume23 March 2023
This episode was so absurd it was completely off-putting. It smacks of writer service instead of providing the TV audience with a quality installment in the series. Pay attention, showrunners. The fragrance left this kind of rose long ago. It is time to put real effort back into your craft for the sake of the viewers. Sure, it can be fun to do these kind of things, but please do it on your own time instead of robbing watchers of what they tune in to this show for: a convincing police drama with intelligence and charm.

Kudos to those who put their effort into this episode without the option to not participate. Writers, remember: you're not the audience.
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Seriously, again?! Whyyyyy
HelloBlockbuster1 April 2023
Why do y'all keep doing these stupid types of episodes. I don't want to watch a show within a show. And how realistic is this type of plot anyways?! So, not just one doppelgänger, not two doppelgängers, but two couples of doppelgängers and one set are criminals and the other set are cops. Like come on man. On top of that, this particular precinct is soooooo special that they've had multiple documentaries and reality shows about the characters? This is absolutely beyond all belief. I mean, I'll give a pass if all of these style of episodes were filmed at the same time. It allowed for social distancing I suppose, so maybe they were all filmed in 2020. Lol.
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Trash episode
CeeZure24 March 2023
Why? Why would they keep doing these documentary themed episodes?! The viewers clearly don't like them! The first episode with the doppelgänger storyline was fine, but it should've ended there. That's not a storyline that deserves more than one episode. The acting was terrible too. I used to love this show but recently it has taken a turn for the worse. It has turned into the Tim and Lucy show since they made the terrible decision to make them a couple. I thought this was a cop show?! I get having focus on the characters relationships, that's important. But seriously, find a balance. Please get it together and write/produce some good episodes or you'll continue to lose viewers.
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Great show. Terrible Episode
arnaud4007 September 2023
It was already stupid when "Dim" and "Juicy" showed up the first time. Hardly watchable. Now they bring them back!? And in another "documentary" style show? Have the writers completely run our of ideas? It is ruining what is normally a great show. First, there's the completely implausible idea that both Tim and Lucy have doppelgängers and now they add one for Grey too? Then there is the ridiculous notion that Lucy, who wants to specialise in undercover work, will take every opportunity to appear on television, completely undermining any chance she has as a convincing undercover officer. Ridiculous episode. Please stop making these and return to the great show we love.
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Hilarious and good story!
HeatherFedora23 March 2023
Why are the ratings so low on this episode? The storyline was both well thought out and hilarious at times! When this format was used in earlier episodes, it got boring and led nowhere, but this time it moved along at a good pace, with all the main characters involved, and Sgt. Grey's plotline was laugh out loud funny! This is how I like this show: a good story, humorously packaged. This also means that I don't want to see the horrible Elijah storyline again. Enough with the violent super villains and repetitive horror stories. Entertain us with more humour and interesting stories! This time, well done.
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Worst episode of all seasons
tkuiper-amazon25 March 2023
Its not just the messed up story. Its also the way the camera is moving as if this was some kind of "blair witch project" sequel. Video stabilization has been around for decades now. There's no need to fake a handheld camera...

I could only watch this for 10 minutes and gave up.

Its tough to write a longer review here cause there is so little substance. The whole story about "Tim" and "Dim" (really???) and a look alike girlfriend really make no sense at all. Hopefully the next episode is normal again.

Surprised if anyone could finish to watch this torture until the end. The dialogues are complete nonsense.
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Possibly the worst television I've ever seen
alanadel200224 March 2023
I watch The Rookie as a sort of secret treat when I'm tired and am looking for something completely mindless. I admit to a certain fondness for the characters and some of the stories. True Detective it is not. If you want to see a good cop show about life as a police officer in LA then you should be watching 'Southland' - the acting is top notch, the stories are believable and appear to resemble credible portrayals of the lives of LA police officers going about their business. The Rookie is a sort of cream puff, low stakes, completely unbelievable version of Southland. True Detective (series 1) is just on another level altogether. This particular episode of The Rookie is so utterly awful that I gave up watching it after about three minutes. These actors are not that great to begin with, let's just say it out loud because we all know it. The show is basically pretty crap as well as I mentioned at the beginning of this review. But - this episode - might actually have forced me to quit my guilty habit of watching low level network rubbish altogether; because that's precisely what this is.

Let's not settle for this, let's begin to assume that the audience is intelligent, and let's raise the bar. Enough of bad television, it's a shockingly irresponsible waste of time and money on the part of everyone involved.

Can't wait for True Detective Season 4...
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markwexelstein2 June 2023
I like this series but if I could give this episode 0 I would do. Hopefully they'll stop doing this in future series. The documentary style episodes are rubbish and almost unwatchable. I don't know what the writers are trying to achieve but whatever it is they don't manage it and you would have thought if any one involved with the series watched it back they would realise that all of these ones they've made have been rubbish but either they don't watch them or, more likely, they're cheaper to make so if they put them in it helps reduce the costs. Also sure they would allow a documentary team follow undercover operations.
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Utter Garbage!
gnkelly-973222 June 2023
I really don't know why I'm bothering. The producers, directors, writers, and show-runners on The Rookie obviously don't care what viewers think. They obviously don't read reviews. They obviously don't test episodes. Time and time again the overwhelming outcry has been STOP making these garbage documentary episodes. But here we go again. Another one!



If the actors on this show had one ounce of integrity or credibility they would actually straight up refuse to be involved in such poorly scripted, lazy, excuses for episodes.

Sadly, if they can't be bothered making a full season and just want to pad out with rubbish then I think it's time to cancel the show and put the actors out of their misery.

I wish I could give zero stars!
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It is like they lost a bet
pauli_gomez25 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I do not get what happened for the creators' mind when they did this episode. It is like they lost a bet and have to gathered things people did not like and use it. Most of the public did not like the documentary episodes. I have not problems with them personally, but I do have issues with the doppelgangers thing. The previous appearance of Jake and Sava was one I did not enjoy and I hoped they did not repeat. And they raised the bar, but adding another Doppelganger (if not so important) for this episode.

I understand the Rookie has humor but that was directly a parody. I cannot understand why they decided to do this. I should have given it an even lower note but there were a couple of good moments, there was a Charles Baudelaire, Lucy acting was quite good and at least Celina did not say something about ghosts.

I hope we have a normal episode next week.
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