Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Poster

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Did Rian Johnson watch the other films on mute?
jace_the_film_guy24 September 2022
It is as if Rian Johnson watched the Star Wars movies on mute before writing/directing this film. Visually, the movie is stunning. From the set pieces to the action sequences, "The Last Jedi" has some of the best visual moments in the franchise. Unfortunately, the story and a true understanding of the Star Wars universe is lacking.

  • The actions of some of the characters are completely against what we have seen in other films (the treatment of Luke Skywalker is absurd).

  • The new characters introduced are irritating and shallow (Laura Dern's Vice-Admiral Holdo might be my least favorite character in Star Wars history).

  • Force sensitivity is a joke (Leia, Luke, Kylo and Rey).

  • The entire "master code breaker" plotline is frustratingly pointless.

When I look at the poster for this movie, I think about the epic fight sequences and the daring visuals. This is fortunate, because the rest of the film is frustratingly disjointed from the rest of the franchise.

Best Character: Kylo Ren Best Quote: "Pass on what you have learned. Strength. Mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is." - Yoda Best Moment: The battle against Snoke's guards. The red scene!
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25 reasons why The Last Jedi is a FAILURE
rebelzone18 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I had relatively high expectations of the Episode VIII. Unfortunately, "The Last Jedi" has so many plot holes, inconsistencies, ripoffs from previous movies, annoyingly flat and underdeveloped characters and dialogs... It definitely deserves all those bad reviews that it receives from the public. It could have been so much better...

PLOT HOLES and THINGS THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE - examples: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Vice Admiral Holdo, for no reason at all, doesn't inform Poe and other members of the Resistance about the planet Crait and the escape plan. This creates Poe's unnecessary mutiny, just to fill the movie with some unneeded drama, and to deliver a cheap "twist" when we realize what the Leia's and Holdo's plan is.

  • Not enough convincing reasons are shown to explain Skywalker's decision to abandon his sister, friends, whole Republic and Resistance, even if they all get killed during his exile. That decision, and the decision to kill Ben, are not in line with Luke's character from the previous movies.

  • Why Luke made a map which shows his location, and then inserted a map piece in R2 and gave a map piece to Lor San Tekka, if he didn't want to be found? The whole story about "The map to Skywalker" from Episode VII is now illogical...

  • Rey is again a shallow, unconvincing character, with no development and no flaws. She is an untrained person who could instantly master Jedi abilities in a way an experienced Jedi/Sith could not (The "training" she receives from Luke is just a joke, compared to the training Luke received from Yoda).

  • BB-8 overpowers and ties 3 prison guards armed with blasters, and muffles their mouths... ALONE.

  • Not even ONE information about Snoke's background, long-term plans, source of his power, etc.? Unbelievable how they wasted that character....

  • Water ends up on Kylo's glove after "Force connection" talk. That looked completely out of touch with how the Force works in the previous movies. The same problem is present in the scene with Yoda's Force ghost, when he summons real lightning from the sky and therefore directly influences events in the real world (and then he laughs about that like a lunatic).

  • Why all armies in the galaxy don't use "hyperspace torpedoes" to ram spaceship fleets of the enemy, like Holdo did with the Resistance's spaceship, if that is so effective tactic?

  • Also, why Resistance's ship commanders have to stay and die on their ships when all fuel is spent? We are shown that a ship without fuel is useless in any case, and so their death is also useless...

  • Leia survives WITHOUT A SCAR massive explosion that killed everybody else on the ship's bridge, and she also survives vacuum of space (Jedi are not immortal, and without a space suit a Jedi / human would not survive for more than 50 or 60 seconds in space). Then she somehow moves herself through space back to the ship, while her dress is waving like the wind is blowing in space.

  • Luke gives Han's golden cubes (dice) to Leia, knowing they have great emotional value to her, although he is aware that the cubes will vanish in about 20 minutes, because they are also "Force projection". That was a very cruel thing to do (and something that Luke wouldn't do)...

  • By the way, Leia and Kylo were able to hold the dice in their hands. How? Han's golden cubes were "Force projection", and Luke showed us while he was "fighting" Kylo that Force projection is like a Force ghost - it could not be touched or held.

  • BB-8 manages to disable guards by shooting a pile of golden coins at them. The BB-8 has special compartment for storing coins, and special device for shooting them? And so much coins were inserted in him in the casino? And coins are enough to disable the guards? Silly...

  • BB-8 is piloting AT-ST walker alone, AND he is firing its cannons with great precision at the same time. 4 hands were needed for that in the "Return of the Jedi"...

  • Finn and Rose parked their spaceship on the beach of the casino planet, where it was easily seen and reported to the police, although they came there on a secret mission and should have landed on some hidden spot. That doesn't make sense...

  • Finn and Rose enter the casino dressed in their usual clothes, although they don't want to draw attention to themselves. That was so naive and stupid... Would not be a better idea if they picked something to wear similar to those rich people around them? Rose is wearing dirty mechanic clothes when they enter the casino...

  • Finn and Rose are releasing "space horses" from the stable, but not the children-slaves.

  • Finn and Rose try to escape from the casino planet as soon as possible by riding "space horses", although they still didn't complete their mission (they didn't enlist help from a codebreaker). Why? As far as they know, the fate of the Resistance depends on finding the codebraker, but they just flee...

  • On the planet Crait, Rose and Finn have relaxed, slow romantic scene and they share a kiss, while army of gigantic AT-ATs in front of them are firing at anything that moves, and First Order is just about to kill all their friends. Also, their "love story" was totally unnecessary and unconvincing.

  • How is Finn (who is dragging Rose's body) able to cross the great distance back to the Rebel base after that, without being attacked?

  • Kylo Ren is not suspicious when Luke holds the same lightsabre on the planet Crait as the one which was split in half shortly before that, when Kylo was confronting Rey.

  • Rey falls into a body of water on Ahch-To and swims easily to the shore. She has spent her entire life on a desert planet. When did she learn to swim?

  • Chewie, R2-D2 and C-3PO do almost nothing during the movie, they are there only because the movie should "feel" like a Star Wars movie for the older fans.

  • Too much unnecessary jokes and humor, and too much Porgs - just to please kids who will buy Star Wars toys later...

  • Poe's phone-prank at the beginning of the movie was cringe-worthy. That was the first sign for me that this movie will not be so great as I hoped it would be.

  • Phasma was again completely wasted character, without any purpose in the plot (other than to boost sales of the action figure).

RIPOFFS FROM THE ORIGINAL SAGA - 3 examples: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Taken from "The Empire strikes back": Surface battle on the remote white planet, complete with AT-AT walkers, low flying rebel fighters, secret rebel base hidden under the surface, trenches, rebel cannons, etc. (Battle of Hoth)

  • Taken from "Return of the Jedi": Kylo (Vader) brings Rey (Luke) to the Snoke (Emperor), while Rey (Luke) is hoping that Kylo (Vader) can be turned from the Dark Side. Snoke (Emperor) shows Rey (Luke) how the Rebel fleet is destroyed while they speak. Snoke (Emperor) has Rey's (Luke's) lightsabre beside him, which Rey (Luke) wants to get by using the Force. Many parts of the dialogue are almost the same.

  • Taken from "Return of the Jedi": Millennium Falcon is chased by TIE-Fighters through the mines of mineral planet Crait - that scene is almost exact copy of the chase through the Death Star in the Return of the Jedi, where we also had TIE-Fighters chasing Falcon through similar tight spaces and obstacles (they just painted them red in this movie).

There are many more reasons why this movie is a failure... If you go to see "The Last Jedi", turn off your brain, banish all hopes, and just enjoy beautiful cinematography. At least they have done that right.
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Almost 2 years later, still the most disappointing movie I've ever seen in my life.
maxwelloreocookie22 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Since Rise of Skywalker is coming soon, I'd figure I'd write this.

What can I say about this movie that hasn't already been said? Here's all the legit problems that come up most.

The comedy is horrible and forced. It's like discount MCU humor, and MCU humor isn't even that great to begin with. Typical random forced awkward slapstick comedy. Finn falling and water tubes squirting everywhere, WTF? They even try to insert their horrible comedy in serious scenes, taking away all the tension.

Rey is bland, boring, has no character development, super powerful with little to no training or explanation. They had a chance to semi-explain her natural (God-like)talent, but they throw that out the window by saying her parents are nobodies. They could've made up anything better to explain, like she has previous Jedi training yet mind was wiped, a clone, and/or she was related to a very talented Jedi or force user, etc. Literally anything would've been more interesting that saying her parents are nobody. I get the writer and defenders of this trash movie saying, "She's a nobody cuz that means anyone can be something. It's inspiring for normal people, derp derp!" That's a cute cliche elementary school message, but it sucks, and executed so horribly in the movie. I've seen PBS kids shows execute this cliche message a million times better than Last Jedi, because Rey does not earn her skill or power, which is NOT normal and not relatable at all.

Also how does Kylo Ren know her parents are nobody, and why does Rey just believe him? WTF? A logical explanation I could come up with was Kylo was doing mind tricks on her, but Disney isn't smart enough to come up with stuff like that, and they can't dare show Rey get bested by anyone, because she's a Mary Sue. Cliche saying but it's true.

It's already been said a million times, but Luke Skywalker is ruined. Look, I get we all have our moments of weakness. If I really reach, I can accept him trying to kill his newphew, despite her tried to save his father that's done way more evil stuff. What I can't accept is how he gives up and exiles himself for so long over this one little incident. Giving up is normal, but giving up for that long over something not that big is NOT normal, especially for Luke Skywalker. Multiple planets are destroyed by Kylo, Han Solo is killed by Kylo, the majority of the Resistance is killed, Leia is almost killed by Kylo, yet Luke still hides, WTF?

The other characters are even more trash. Finn is super pointless, and partnered with another even more pointless diversity-for-hire character, Rose. Their entire sideplot is a huge chunk of the movie, yet completely pointless, and has pointless forced preachy real-life political messages that has nothing to do with the rest of the movie. The movie literally pauses just to lecture us on animal rights and capitalism. Obviously I'm for animal rights, but that doesn't mean you should pointlessly shoe-horn it in any movie. Finn also repeats the same character arc of bravery he already did in Force Awakens, except executed way worse and cringe.

Finn and Rose kiss scene on Crait is one of the worst scenes I've ever seen in a movie in a very long time. She kisses him and does that stupid non-sense "it's not about killing the ones we hate, but saving what we love" line while the First Order laser is shooting to kill the Resistence. Finn was literally just about to save the ones he loved, so WTF? She puts the entire Resistance in danger over a cringe crush she has on Finn. If I was Finn, and she tried to kiss me, I'd push her off me, slap her, and call her a "selfish b*tch." If Luke didn't show up, which no one knew was gonna happen, Rose would've got the entire Resistance killed, just for some dumb zero-chemistry crush.

Finn and Rose is probably the worst forced cringe "romances" I've ever seen on the big screen, this even makes Anakin and Padme's romance in Attack of the Clones look good. Nothing they do in the Crait scenes makes sense. How do they not both die or seriously injured when Rose crashes into Finn's ship? Why doesn't the First Order kill them right there since they are now both completely exposed right in front of them? How does Finn manage to drag Rose all the way back to the bunker ON FOOT before the First Order, who has ships. WTF X 1000.

There's also one more awful sideplot with Poe, where he mindlessly learns to obey authority without questioning it. It's just super dumb. Too many sideplots in this movie, and they all suck, along with the main plot.

So then we get to the ending. The Resistance is all happy, which makes no sense since the vast majority of their group has just been massacred. They can literally fit their entire group on the Millennium Falcon. The ending should've been somber like the ending of Empire Strikes Back.

Just because it "subverted expectations" doesn't automatically mean it's good. Great writing/engaging plot, consistency, great character development, etc. all comes way before that, all of which this movies fails hard at. At least get those 3 things right before you can worry about subverting expectations and extra layers. Rian Johnson just comes off as an edgelord. He subverts expectations just for the sake of it, and it comes at the expense of any consistency within the story. Trust me, obviously I want originality and unpredictability in new Star Wars and in movies in general, but first and foremost, it has to actually be good and make sense. Just because you have a twist doesn't automatically mean it's a good twist. Rian Johnson is not a talented enough writer to make twist in a satisfying way while also still making sense within the overall story. It's everything "I am your Father" is not.

I swear, I can't think of anything positive to say about this movie, aside from the visuals. Don't call me a Star Wars hater, because I'm not. I wanted to love this movie so bad, but deep down, I just can't. I love Star Wars, even the prequels, I understand the prequels flaws, but they are still very entertaining to me with many amazing memorable scenes and quotes. Despite the prequels aren't perfect, you can tell there's heart and passion behind them. People still quoting the prequels, even the good quotes, because these movies were made with passion. No one quotes Disney Star Wars because there's no heart or passion going into them. It's just greedy corporate Disney shoe-horning their identify politics into it and milking the franchise for money, just like Luke milking that alien t*t, smh!

Last Jedi probably is the most the most disappointing theatre experience of my life. I would never in a million years expect a Star Wars movie to be this bad. It's actually mind-blowing. I heard people say It gets better on multiple viewings, for me, it gets worse! I could barely finish it the second time because bit was SO BORING! This movie has zero rewatchability. No way I can watch that a third time. It seems some hardcore Star Trek fan wrote this movie in order to troll Star Wars and destroy it.

Some say it's for kids, but this movie is insulting to even a kid's intelligence. I will never show my daughter this movie, she deserves better. I was a kid when I loved all 6 original Star Wars movies. I was in 4th grade when Revenge of the Sith hit theaters. Just cuz a movie is aimed at kid's doesn't excuse awful writing, cringe comedy, bad characters, etc. Kids shouldn't be treated like idiots either, they are growing. Movies like Toy Story are great for kid's, because it also has great writing. Even Mulan tells the tale of a strong brave woman a million times better than Force Awakens and Last Jedi, and without overcompensating. Besides, Star Wars is for the whole family in my opinion. But Last Jedi aren't for my kid, and obviously isn't for me.

I'm also not a straight White male, I'm a straight Brown Mexican male, and I still hate forced diversity and identity politics shoved in movies. I hate how ignorant people call others "racist, sexist, homophobic, etc." for not liking this trash movie. I'm none of those things. It's just a trash movie with trash writing, period. I don't care which race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. is involved. Rian Johnson is a straight White male and I think he sucks because he's writing sucks. People who say that need to come up with legit criticisms and arguments like a normal intelligent adult. I accept everyone has different opinions and won't insult you personally if you like Last Jedi. I'm mature enough to accept everyone has different opinions, but you can't ignore the big objective flaws of this movie. And very rare people who claims to like The Last Jedi that I talked to never have any legit reasons on why they like it. They are generally only Far Left people, and/or hipster special snowflakes who go against the popular opinion just for the sake of it, just to feel special. If you truly want Star Wars to continue down this same path as Last Jedi, then wow! I have a very hard time believing you are serious, but I still respect your opinion despite I'm highly against it.
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alibazargan4 April 2018
I am so sorry that for the first time in my life, I walked out of a Star Wars movie. This was so disappointing. As a young father, every moment I spend outside of the house without my kid has to be justified, and after about an hour of this garbage, I could not suppress my conscience anymore, and walked out to go home and spend more time with my kid. This piece of garbage had no character development, horrible edits, basically ruined Luke Skywalker's character and turned him into a hobo. I am so frustrated right now. They've ruined Star Wars.
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I remember when critics used to give bad reviews for mediocre scripts
zparadigm18 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I just felt like the story was thrown together as they went, because it is some of the laziest and Deus Ex Machina reliant work I have ever watched. I personally didn't watch any fan Theories and just went opening night to be entertained by another Star Wars movie. Instead Rian Johnson serves up a good lesson that quantity is not always quality.

There were multiple new characters that had to share the screen that in essence the character development suffered greatly. Phasma was wasted again, Ackbar was killed off screen as an oh by the way moment, and Holdo was little more than a plot device to do the light speed suicide. It was never explained why she stayed on the cruiser, since the shuttle escape was a secret. (They didn't know yet they had been betrayed). In the second act when we keep shifting between the 4 concurrent plots I found myself thinking "don't swipe back to Rose and FInn please" because it was the least interesting plot line and it felt like Canto Blight only served to put some aliens into the movie to remind us we are watching a Star Wars movie.

I enjoyed three moments in the film in total, and if I am being honest and the person next to me fell asleep in the middle and started snoring during the slow space chase scenes. The story failed to draw me in and entertain me the way The Force Awakens and Rogue One did. I just shook my head at the end, and felt meh about the entry. The plot and character development were just to hackneyed. think the theme of failure that was repeated to death, sums up what I felt about this entry in the franchise.
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Dumbest plot in a long, long time
nadblaster21 December 2017
I can't really get into what's bad with this movie without dropping a ton of spoilers, but let me put it this way: a friend of mine went to see this before I did, and when I asked him how it was he hesitated, then said "it's just a superhero series now". He was more right than I ever could have known.

The plot is stupid and is full of moments where my friends and I looked at each other and said "wait, what?". There are sequences in this movie that simply do not need to exist and provide literally nothing to the story. The technology, previously something I always thought was neat about Star Wars, is genuinely dumb and makes zero sense (why do big laser bolts in space arc like artillery?). I am ashamed to have paid money for this and as a long-time Star Wars fan it hurts to see just how dead the franchise I love really is.

All that said, the special effects look and sound great, and it was fun to see Mark Hamill acting again. Other than that this movie is a disgrace not just to the franchise but to anyone with a brain. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
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Makes me miss Jar Jar
robbestad24 April 2018
Finn was terrible, Rey was terrible. They even made Yoda terrible. What's going on here, are Disney trying to kill the Star Wars Universe? The jokes were so atrocious, and actually managed to single-handedly break the fourth wall. This is supposed to a be about characters in a galaxy far, far away, not people who live in 2018 on planet Earth. So bad it makes me miss Jar Jar Binks.
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Didn't understand the assignment...
liche-119 December 2023
Rian was supposed to create the next Star Wars movie, not destroy the franchise. People wanted Star Wars, not a subversion of expectations. Rian can make a decent movie--I enjoy Knives Out--but Star Wars is bigger than the ego of any one director, so he should have made a film that fit in, rather show his personal take on Star Wars. I, and many other fans of the franchise, do not care about that, so the fanbase was split...

I don't put 100% of the blame on his shoulders, however. Kathleen Kennedy and J. J. Abrams played their role as well, Kathleen with her Agenda and J. J. with his low effort "black box" approach to mysteries. (What's in the black box? Who knows, we'll figure it out later... Who are Rey's Parents? Who is Snoke?). That there were no interesting answers to the "mysteries" J. J. presented made it easy for Rian to trash the setup.

Rogue One is the only Disney Star Wars worthy of the name.
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The day that Star Wars died
j-tochtenhagen25 December 2017
I watched this movie twice before finally making up my thoughts. The more i think about this one the more i felt empty and angry at the same time. You can enjoy this movie if you're simply want to see some space ships fighting, some aliens, thrown in, random politcal correct messages without any connection to the splot, some Marvell humor and no story telling at all.

Of course there are quite a lot of bad movies out there, but nobody really cares about Transformers after watching the crap, right? This is different with Star Wars. This franchise connected so many people all over the world from all countries, ethnics, both male and female. What this movie does is to completely disconnect people and ruins almost everything Star Wars stands for. And in addition to this it also ruins it's legacy.

I am not a hard core fan, i did not read any books or comics, just saw the movies. I did not really like the prequels, but at least George Lucas tried to tell an original story, but failed in execution. Episode 7 was okay as a reboot and Rogue One was my hope, that Star Wars can grow up into a great adult space epic, since although the story of R1 wasn't that good, the tone was excellent and catched everything i hoped for. Also the characters were believable if you consider the short screentime they had.

In The Last Jedi it seems, that they tried to put everything into which needed to be in a commercial sci-fi kids movie, please some fans, include as much twists as possible just to the sake of surprise plus add the most obvious and cheap political correct statements possible. Yes, you can do that, but you need a really good plot, a vision and a perfect directing to match all these things together. And this is where you completely failed, Mr. Johnson.

This movie is a desaster in story telling, pacing, tone, character development and also disrespectful to the legacy of Star Wars. It's an insult to both Star Wars fans and good movie makers in general.

For me, this is the end of Star Wars. I wish this episode never happened and would be wiped out of the trilogies.
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Disney strikes back
emanueleromagnolo14 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Congrats for killing another franchise. The movie was horribly edited, half of the things happening on screen are literally pointless and theres NO character development whatsoever. Rey becomes a jedi after a 15 min meditation session with Luke, Kylo kills Snoke (wich was supposed to be stronger than vader and sidious) and this somehow doesnt change anything AT ALL. But hey, the 2.5h of screentime are filled with poe doing poe things, finn and a forgettable chinese partner going to the forgettable space-las vegas and doing pointless things that have nothing to do with the plot except giving benicio del toro some money, and leia somehow flying in space. Oh also dont expect explanations for the multple questions you may have had after seeing TFA. 13/12/2017 is the day Star Wars died, good job mickey mouse.
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Is it a parody?
MoodyHank14 December 2017
There are some well written and comprehensive reviews on here already so I won't waste your time in the details.

Essentially, the entire first half of The Last Jedi feels like a Star Wars parody. Instead of the odd moment of humour every now and again, every scene AND character is a comedian in TLJ. It's a crap gag a minute. And some of the great work done The Force Awakens to re-energise the franchise was just completely undone. You know that incredibly significant and poignant moment at the end of TFA as Rey hands the lightsabre to Luke? Just wait and see what happens next.

I've rated it 4 stars because the second half of the film does pick up but by then the damage is done. TLJ is a huge misstep in the franchise.
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Why would I watch the third one? There is nothing left I want to know...
prev-455-77364616 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I'm a big Star Wars fan, and I think the prequels were good, because they were building up to something, Vador. But this... Where is THIS going...? It's the first time in my live that I've taken the time to write a review, because there is no way this movie deserve his 8.1/10 rating. And five years old kids don't come to rate movies on IMDB, so people were clearly paid to rate this movie past 5 stars.

At first, I thought it was a Family Guy parody. Poe talking about General Hux's mother and making him look like a fool. Jedi Temple Maids!?!?! LUKE MILKING A WEIRD CREATURE, WHAT THE..!?

Every mysteries JJ Abrams brought to us with The Force Awakens; Snoke, Rey's Parents, Rey's Vision, Luke & Kylo backstory all lead to nothing... Everything was answered like if Rian Johnson didn't agree with JJ Abrams first view on the Trilogy and wanted to get rid of it right away. I can't believe he gets his own trilogy.

But who were the writers on this movie!? Why did they decide to shoot Leia's ship if they didn't want her to die. Waking up & flying in space, really? All that so we can finally get rid of Admiral Ackbar? What was the point of the "Casino mission"? (Maz's character appearance was pointless by the way) Finn and his new "nobuddy" were really going to leave satisfied with only freeing a weird horse? That's what they were going to do if they were not rescued by that weird traitor code cracker. How did Captain Phasma survived the first movie? And for what? To just die AGAIN! Why did Luke look so afraid of Rey turning to the dark side to then just decide to keep training her the next morning? They really lost me there, at one point I thought there was a mistake in scene editing and this scene was supposed to come later in the movie.

What about Snoke... he was supposed to be so powerful. What was he doing?? - And now my young apprentice I fully trust you, I know everything about you! I can read all your thoughts and I will say everything you think out loud until you strike me with the lightsaber just beside me. Nonsense. I really thought there was a big reveal coming up for this character. The only reveal we got was that he was actually nobody and weaker than Kylo.

There is really nothing left to care about after this movie. I did not know that a trilogy could contain only two movies... The only thing left is that Kylo Ren and the First Order are still alive. But hey! There's a little boy with force and a broom! He was probably heading to his Quidditch game if you ask me. Is he who I am supposed to care about for the next movie?

The comedy also ruins the movie. Filmakers got to stop. Not all movies have to be action comedies. I am tired of the Avengers because of this exact reason, they are all the same. There is no serious movie anymore. (Look at the new Jurassic Park trailer per example, comedy again, this will suck). Star Wars movies were light si-fi movies. Now, this was like Guardians of the Galaxy 3 or Star Trek - Far, far away.

I am a Huge fan of JJ Abrams work, but unfortunately (I am sorry JJ), I won't be going to the theatre to see the third one. This is about Disney an there way of handling the Star Wars franchise. In my opinion, you are ruining the Star Wars spirit.

I can't see how this trilogy can be saved now...
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Likely the last time I pay to watch a Star Wars movie
tommyjonaeson14 December 2017
In many ways visually stunning, but I cannot for my life believe the many raving reviews. They are simply not credible.

The visuals are like 10 layers of coatings on a turd not even polished.

I said I would wait to judge JJ Abrams Force awakens until I'd see the next movie in the franchise, because there were things I liked, and things I didn't.

But this next installment spun off on just about everything I didn't like. And has so many flaws I cannot possibly list them all.

They managed to gut just about everything that made the original trilogy great, more interested in adding whatever they can merchandise, instead of a coherent movie.

They dole out force powers like it is candy, the once so mysterious force is everywhere it seems, no longer a hardwon ability that you need to work for. Last Jedi? Heck,everyones a Jedi! Ok, I exaggerate but the feeling is there.

Age and wisdom is non existent concepts, and supposedly powerful characters die from the equivalent of slipping on a banana.

Sheer marketing is going to make a lot of people see this, and I have no doubt it will be a box office hit. But it will also destroy the franchise.

So sad.
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This movie declaration of bankruptcy to the Star Wars world
zacharyherz-0808914 December 2017
...but certainly not bankruptcy for Disney, seeing how they treat Star Wars only as a cash cow. I had big hopes for Star Wars when Disney had announced this triology including the participation of the reccuring cast. Similar to the Force Awakens, the story in Last Jedi is disappointing and weak (to be fair, compared to Force Awakens a bit less weak, due to some unexpected story-twists), the new characters are still not interesting but rather onedimensional and the old characters are used in a very unsatisfying way. There are many elements in these movies, which don't feel they belong in the Star Wars universe - including all those modern, misplaced jokes - which might fit in well with Marvel-movies.

In my opinion this movie wasn't written by people who really care or know a lot about Star Wars, but solely by the influence of producers, sponsors, marketers and political ideologies. As a teenager I read many of the well written Star Wars novels, which had fantastic stories and use of Star Wars worlds and figures - it's a pity that none of this creativity made it into these Disney movies.

At least Disney gave us Gareth Edwards' Rogue One. Albeit its shallow story, it was a movie which looked and felt like Star Wars. Thanks for that.
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Where it all went wrong.
travola-3510914 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the movie that killed the sequel trilogy. A cocky director who was awful to fans because they enjoy speculating in between movies to get excited for them. He then proceeded to release a complete dumpster fire of a film where he wrecked a storyline that was sent up in the last film, had a 35 minute sequence that made no sense and added nothing to the story just to have some sort of strange animals abuse message, wrecked the character of Finn by having him go on that "mission" and tried to saddle him with Rose who was a useless character, and crapped on the legacy of Luke Skywalker. Rian Johnson is such a doofus he thought he was gonna change Star Wars and he succeeded. He succeeded in wrecking the movies to the point where now everything is a show.

Yes this movie was so good that Disney decided to cancel the film trilogy that Johnson was going to do after. F&$k Rian Johnson and Disney for this train wreck that ruined this trilogy and gave us an equally bad movie in Rise of Skywalker.
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Hot trash script with great special effects
johnmcc-780312 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some great action scenes and special effects. This film a great spectacle to watch for young kids or action enthusiasts. However for star wars fans and people who follow logic... This film made no sense, with too many dumb characters and decisions to count. Hollywood 3rd wave feminism rips through the franchise here like a feline on catnip.

Such a shame that a great sci-fi franchise has been ruined by incompetent script writing. Even Mark hamil said his character no longer made sense.. Luke whole life was about hope and believing in people.. So they decide to make him a lost beligerant old man who doesn't even fight or die properly. Just magically appears and dies for no reason... Its daft.

The scene with Rose interrupting Finn to save the allies was beyond stupid. Most of the allies died senselessly and they all had a happy ending.... By brain fell out of my skull and walked out the cinema, while my lifeless body flopped about like Rey with a lightsaber for the first time.. Who is an amateur / master jedi? Kill me.
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How many beloved characters and potential can we destroy? A lot.
arymetis26 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the anti Star Wars movie that feels like a comedy that just happens to be set in the Star Wars universe. Almost like a parody of empire strikes back. And it's the highest rated Star Wars movie on metacritic. What a joke. We all know what they did to Luke skywalker but I am not gonna talk about that. Instead I want to talk about the potential they wasted.

Supreme leader Snoke could have been Darth Plagueis or an interesting character but he was simply a puppet for palpatine. He was killed in this film and his character is the biggest loss of potential in the trilogy. If he was darth plagueis, it would have tied the three trilogies perfectly and would have flowed better.

Another flaw with this movie or the trilogy, is that there is no world building or lore. The prequels and originals built a lot of lore and introduced a lot of new planets to us. Prequels introduced the most lore to us and improved the Star Wars universe. What did the sequels do? Did nothing at all. The only good thing about this film is the cinematography and the visuals. Otherwise it is a 1/10. It pisses over Star Wars completely.
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Worst movie of the saga
timmmenge16 October 2023
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Star Wars Episode VIII really is the worst movie of the saga. The worst thing is how Luke Skywalker was treated in this movie. That isn't the same character as in episode 6. Furthermore the jokes are extremely bad and doesn't fit into the tone of Star Wars. The villain (snoke) is a joke because he dies in such a ridiculous way. Rey is also very boring and to overpowered. The scene with Leia was one of the most ridiculous in the whole saga. The whole movie is a Desaster and it's not even a sequel to episode 7 because the movie goes it own way. It seems that Rian Johnson doesn't know anything about the Star Wars lore. And why the hell is general hux now a space balls character?
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Episode 9 is worse...
lhvoliveira10 May 2023
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It's pretty bad, but maybe not as bad as movie 9. I came here to write this review after watching the last episode, and for those who have never seen this movie, let that person know that there's even worse.

But this movie for me is marked by the stupidest scenes ever. There are two scenes that are too bad for me. The first is the plan to use the speed of light to destroy the other ships, not only could the plan have been used right away and thousands of lives were saved, but no, they preferred to do all that drama to destroy a basic concept of the universe of the Star Wars.

Then the fantastic casino scene, which I don't even know where to approach. The whole scene is absolutely horrible, it doesn't even seem to belong in the universe of star wars, but rather like some crappy sci-fi movie, after all their illogic, that is, they go after a key maker who has a rose in his pocket, but before approaching him they are arrested, and they end up in a cell where there is a prisoner who, curiously, is a key maker, and who was waiting for them to get out of there? Seriously.

After all, more of the same, the usual puppetry.
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It is a bad movie...just like that
maciej-slo21 July 2022
It is a bad movie...just like that, its so bad its almost offensive to watch, because it feels like the director & writer really believed the viewer would buy it. Writing is so bad that what characters say almost makes it a comedy. Battle scenes resolve around self sacrifice and heroism put in context so absurd that leaves you wonder why did he do that. Massive plot holes and plot jumps are filled with one sentence like some characters says "she escaped...". I give it 2 starts for good visuals, first order aesthetic design and antagonist.
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Goodbye Star Wars
wentztravis5 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I just don't care about Star Wars anymore. Everything interesting is gone or watered down. Interesting character duo Rey and Fin: replaced with watered down and pointless duo Fin and Rose. Mysterious and exciting character back stories like Rey's origin: nope. Back stories just dropped. Luke Skywalker as the most powerful Jedi ever to live: nah, he gave up the force and has been sitting in a hole for the last twenty or thirty years. Lightsaber that has so much history that it causes Rey to have a force vision: we'll literally just throw that away and discard it.

The irreverence with which they treated the world in this film really bothered me. The silly jokes at the beginning, Rose saving Fin, Rose kissing Fin, Rose's entire character. It all just made me feel nothing. When she kisses Fin I felt nothing other than a little anger that she was so incompetent and stopped Fin from saving everyone.

I've been a fan for a long time, but I have no need to continue to watch them beat another franchise to death. Star Wars is basically turning into the Hobbit movies: killing the spirit of the created world for mass appeal and dollar bills. Star Wars is nothing special any more. Though, I suspect Disney don't really care.
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ezran743 September 2022
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The first time I watched this movie I left the theater feeling completely disoriented. I recently watched it again for the first time since seeing it in theaters and time did help me any. I have come to realize that if you watch the first and third movies of the trilogy, this movie doesn't have any relevance to the other two and was completely unnecessary to the story.

None of the characters seemed to have any connection to previous versions of themselves in earlier movies. The story seemed to not flow particularly well, I still don't feel like the canto bright sequence made sense in the movie. I liked that story but it seemed like it shouldn't have been jammed into the story it was in. I also felt like Gwendolyn Christie, Benicio del Toro and Laura Dern weren't used particularly well in the movie. The character I liked the most was Rose, but it didn't sit well with me that they took away her heroic action of saving Finn by making it because of a school girl crush rather than because she was a self-sacrificing and loyal friend.

The way they used Luke and Leia in particular didn't sit well with me, I don't feel like the director and writers really respected the legacy they were inheriting and were determined to make his remake things in their own image.
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disappointment around every corner
andrew_cusack26 August 2019
I tried really hard to like the movie. I failed.

and then i remembered do or do not, there is no try.

I do not like this movie.
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It's over
Deloron16 December 2017
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Star Wars is over.

As a true Star Wars Fan I can just say that it hurts. I love Legends, I love Episode 4 - 6 and I even love the prequels. But I hate the Last Jedi, I hate the plot (to be honest there is no plot), I hate the acting (Daisy Ridley), I hate the characters (Rey, Finn, Rose, benicio del toro), I hate the explanations (if there was any), I hate the casino arc, I hate the Leia Supergirl scene, I hate the choregraphy (even if there is no real lightsaber duel), I hate the ATAT, I hate how they used Yoda, I hate that they didn't use some of the old SW Tracks (Imperial March, Duel of the Fates etc.), I hate the fuel issue, I hate the resistance (9 people left?!), I hate the new Anakin Child, I hate the dialogs (hux, rey), I hate that there was no Star Wars feeling at all, I hate Disney, but hey I love Porgs now!

1 point because its Star Wars 1 point for the visuals

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What even is this?
cnaughton-084356 January 2019
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After watching The Force Awakens and Rogue One I was reasonably excited. Whilst they both had alot of fan service and didnt really rely on any original plot I was excited for what was to come and hoped Rian Johnson would stick to key elements of the star wars universe and guess what he ruined it.

I am not being hyperbolic when I say that this movie makes virtually no sense and completely ignores everything that made Star Wars great and unique. Every character in this movie acts so irrationally and unlike themselves it is unbelievable. Luke, a character full of optimism and wonder at the jedi in the original trilogy comes off as a grumpy old man who struts around all the time. Finn, a charasmatic protaganist who litteraly just went with the resistance on a suicide mission to save the galaxy and his first instinct is to run away from the batrtle.

I dont have a problem with the concepts being thrown into the star wars universe but adding them in with no explanation to simply serve the plot is incredibly jarring and ruins the movie.

My final point is that nothing happens of note in the movie. Seriously, the last movie ends with Rey completing a task with little to no explanation to save the day and the rebels get away without losing a single character that left there in the first place. Luke was already doing nothing in the beggining of the movie, Rey is still an untrained jedi the best we get in character development is chewies quest to become vegan. Please do not support this terrible cash grab of a movie.
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