"Southland" Hats and Bats (TV Episode 2013) Poster

(TV Series)


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Hats off to a great season opener
Mr-Fusion4 February 2017
I'm fairly certain the transition between seasons four and five was the least significant; which means 'Hats and Bats' gets off to a smooth start, getting right down to the everyday lives of these characters - whether it's trouble on the home front (Cooper, Bryant, Lydia) or just responding to mundane calls over trivial stuff. What this lacks in shootouts, it more than makes up for in confidence, a show that has all of its pieces in place; characters well-defined and the sense that the audience doesn't need its hand held.

This is my favorite season for a number of reasons. But as an opener, this episode just feels right; it's funny, engaging and delivers on pretty much every front.

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Southland Hats and Bats
dalydj-918-25517514 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Last season was quite a dramatic one and I was happy to see the show come back to see where all of the characters are. It was a good return but it felt quite off to me because I haven't seen these characters in some time. Regina King playing Lydia coming back to the show seems to have gone through the most because now with a child she seems to be struggling more at work and being a working mom. Her story about the possible rape was the most interesting because it is quite a dramatic and serious story to tell. I did feel for her because of her struggles which is why she is my favourite character on the show. Michael Cudlitz playing John made a good return especially since his struggles with his partner last year (Lucy Liu). His new partner and him have tension especially since most of their day involved nothing special going from movie being filmed and dealing with young kids on bikes. Ben (Ben McKenzie) and Sammy (Shawn Hatosy) were so great as new partners last year and this season they get off to a ruff start as Ben since graduating seems quite stricter on being an officer compared to Sammy who seems to care about the people of L.A. more. Their scenes were great and with the show ending of their characters in such different positions it was great. The episode was less memorable but glad to have the show back and sees where it will go.

EPISODE GRADE: C+ (MVP: Michael Cudlitz)
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What the heck???
Bronco4613 February 2013
We've known all these characters for a few years now; but what have they done to them with this season? This episode was heavy on what seemed like character introductions; I guess they felt we needed it with what they've done to them. While they look the same they're all over wrought with psychological problems. If I lived in Los Angeles I would have to think twice before dialing 911. It looks like they get assistance from the real LA police department; but with the looks of the start of this season, I'm surprised their willing to help. Here's hoping that the only way this can go is up; especially since this is the last season of the show.
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Cop show or babies, divorce and gay issues
beacholiver-609-39574114 February 2013
I tuned in to watch what was a cool cop show. Now, like so many cop shows when they run out of ideas, it turned into divorce show where all the characters have relationship issues, crying babies, etc. I want some good cop action and dialog. Did they fire all the good writers?

And does every show like this, think The Shield, have to have some gay issues thrown in to cover all the diversity issues? At least make them seem real and not so stereo typical. Please, get some good writers. Bring back the fun banter and action like it had a while back. This is turning into a lame soap opera.

This show sucks now.
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Now I remember why I didn't stay for the end of this series
DTD328328 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just started rewatching this great show on a streaming service, starting with season 1 episode 1 and continuing on simply not believing that I never finished it in its original run.

Then I got to season 5 episode 1 and immediately remember why I didn't. It went from a show about cops to a show about relationships with people who just happened to be cops. Lydia has a crying baby that keeps her up all night. Cooper's long understated sexual preference is now a plot device. Sammy and Ben's partnership is contentious, with Sammy's wife Tammy trying to bait him into bad behavior so she can get full custody of the baby. Plus a number of smaller things that simply annoyed me, such as Cooper having a new trainee at the end of season 4 then another new one at the beginning of season 5. What happened to the other guy? Did he quit, did he get shot?

Again I am watching this in order because I loved it so much. But if episode 2 continues on this same path I'll do what I did the first time.

Stop watching.
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