"Harlan Coben's Shelter" See Me Feel Me Touch Me Heal Me (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Why is everyone except gays dysfunctional?
billsoccer24 July 2024
I count about 14 'main' characters (Micky, his aunt, Emma, Spoon, the 4 Taylors, Bird Lady and her hit man, Rachel, Mrs Friedman and Whitney). Of those, at least 4 are gay/bi (unsure of Spoon). If you give allowance for normal teenage angst, those 4 are portrayed as generally good folks. Of the other 10, maybe only Micky and his Aunt rate the same (I think the cop is way too blind to his son's faults).

This started as an intriguing mystery happening to a kid and has devolved to a Pride parade. Come on Harlan. You didn't become my favorite author by writing in this manner. Let's get to the mystery!!
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Could Be Pretty Good, But...
Hitchcoc9 September 2023
The story is interesting, but now they are piling on. Instead of being an interesting character we find out that Emo is a rich girl with a famous actress mother. They are good friends and there is no strange family. Spoon has the ability to get into any building in the 48 states and there is an 8 year old who can make phony ID's. We also have the development of a couple lesbian relationships. That's OK but why does it matter for this show. I don't have much more to say. Most of the older males are a bunch of insensitive jerks. The kids are constantly going off half cocked, into dangerous situations. I don't know. It was a good show and now it has settled into boring unbelievable events.
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pbright-256452 September 2023
This would have been a better show without the excessive profanity every couple of minutes. The plot started off good with the mystery/thriller aspects of the series. However, the plot seemed too heavily focused around romantic relationships between two lesbian couples. It also became unrealistic. For example, a teenager's home is broken into and she shoots a man, who flees from the scene. Then, the next day she is jogging through a neighborhood as if nothing happened. I would hope that Amazon Prime would put out more quality content for its customers. H. Coben's books have too much potential.
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