(TV Series)


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"I just asked you for space.This is not space."
skteosk9 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Kate/Kyle/Jade love triangle gets even more messy as Kate and Kyle end up pretending to be a couple and are a bit too good at it.It's nice to get an idea of what they'd be like together but the kiss at the end complicates things.Meanwhile, Jade continues to keep her problems with Troy from Kyle, despite some words of wisdom from Sonya.Toadie coming to the end of the street for a five minute chat with Jade is a bit weird.

Meanwhile, the burgeoning friendship(and maybe more?)between Tasha and Ed seems to hit gold, he's not the sort of person Tasha would normally hang out with but he may be just what she needs.It's unclear, though, how wise her decision to take up a complex course mid-year really is.
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