"Futurama" Children of a Lesser Bog (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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A pretty good emotional episode
lilmony-9886031 July 2023
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Ever here and there we get a emotional episode from futurama that makes us cry but this episode doesn't make you cry but you do feel Heart warmed as for the first time you see amy almost really grow up and it's nice to see her become a mother.

Even though leela is the biological mother and did a amazing job with amy and kiffs kids even so far for them to call her mom but at the same time you see leela really care for amy as she really hopes for when there's a competition about who gets the kids as you see in the end amy and kiff keep their kids as the whole crew actually gets happy sad so I must say it was a touchy episode with a heart warming ending.
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Some great moments, but messy overall
wcallum-6376719 September 2023
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People I know have been saying this is a great episode, it didn't live up to the expectations, but it's still okay.

The stuff I liked: I liked the concept, it's nice seeing Amy and Kif's kids finally rise out of the swamp and Amy having to deal with the struggles of not being their DNA mother are good ideas. I like how they didn't go the stereotypical route of having Leela be a jerk, no she stays in character. The episode has some great moments, like some good scenes with Amy's struggle and her voice actor does a great job.

Stuff I disliked: the writing is very messy. Maybe they should take advantage of it being streaming and not traditional TV and extend the runtimes a little bit, because everything feels so rushed and without build up. Like lots of characters do what feel like complete 180s, cause there isn't really time to flesh things out.

The comedy was also pretty weak, a few decent gags, but most jokes just fell kind of flat.

Overall, just okay.
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Wacky but great feels
Adrianduly31 July 2023
A really enjoyable episode. It did the classic Futurama thing of viewing a relatable situation through a very wacky sci-fi lense without loosing the emotions. It doesn't quite reach the levels of Game of Tones or Jurassic Bark, but I think it's definitely up there in the top 20 episodes of Futurama (dare I say it even top 15/10)

I hope that the kids are a recurring part of Futurama and not just an infrequently called back to thing. A reboot is the perfect time to make some permanent character changes (on a similar note I hope zoidberg's relationship from stench and stenchiblity also pops up again soon)

The reaction of Amy's grandparents was a bit stunted after them wanting grandchildren for so long, for which it looses a star for now... I hope that gets developed on further into the season.

It also had none of the meta/forth wall jokes that put some people off the the first reboot episode.
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Better than the last one
ericstevenson3 August 2023
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This episode features Amy and Kif meeting up with their children, whom Kif gave birth to twenty years ago. It's been so long since I've seen the old episodes. I guess some people were turned off by the lack of jokes in this episode. For me, I loved it, because it was very heartwarming. Leela notices that one of their kids resembles her with her eye. It turns out she is in fact their biological mother.

I feel pretty bad for Amy in this episode. I'm glad she's defined as a character well. It ends with her and Kif having to go through a secret test to see if she's worthy of being their mother. All she had to do was say she loved them and that was it! Okay, it was probably cornier than expected of "Futurama", but I thought it was a pretty new experience. Oh, and they replaced an Asian character's voice actor, which is incredibly stupid because of Hari Kondabolu. ***1/2.
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This looks like another show. Not Futurama.
supermone2 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is a weird episode for Futurama's history.

Amy suddenly concerned with motherhood. Leela forgots that she impregnated Kif and they used it as a drunk joke. Kif brave and up to kill tardigrades. The Wongs recurrent joke to have grandchildren dismissed in a minute cause they're ugly (how could they possibly not know that they're going to look like Kif?).

I am not up to continuity in every single episode, bust most of the choices for many characters looks like forced and unexpected in a bad way.

A mediocre episode if it was another series, but since this is Hulurama this looks like a very bad one.
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Strong second episode
jamstan-1468631 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this episode and I think the season will end up being really good. I do have a couple issues though.

For the positives I think it was pretty funny. There's a lot of gags in this episode that made me laugh.

The emotional beats with Amy and her kids were really good.

I love how they brought back this plotpoint from the original and actually went through with it. Amy kept the kids so I'm assuming they will make appearances in future episodes. (I hope so anyways)

I like how they brought back the eye phones because it strengths the continuity.

Scruffy gets around.

Now for the negatives. I feel like Leela was a bit out of character. She doesn't remember anything that happened in the original episode and then she thinks she was drunk. She then gets drunk while at work.

Zapp felt more tame compared to what he normally is.

Fry and bender was basically non existent in this episode. I'm noticing a pattern of fry being completely sidelined and that is making me worried but I trust the writers to make up for it later.

That's basically my only issues with it.

Overall the episode was good and it's still going through the growing pains of being back. I'm sure we will get back to normal soon enough.
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No Continuity and Boring
eskenazi461 August 2023
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As a huge fan of the show that still regularly watches old episodes, I was really disappointed. The characters personalities seem like they had been made from vague descriptions of themselves. The maturity dial has also been dialed down, with really nothing witty or interesting about the plot at all.

Here are some of my main issues

  • Just because it is 20 years technically, does not make it 20 years of personal growth. Amy becoming suddenly ready for kids, is just unbelievable.

  • Kif is brave, confident, and not bothered. Seriously, Kif is using a gun and killing. I'm just beyond lost on how this transformation happened.

  • Leela is not Bender. Since when does Leela get drunk and forget things.

  • Bender can not cook.

  • The soul of the show was lost. It felt more like a kids show, not that timeless comedy that Futurama was known for.
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A highly underrated episode that deserves more appreciation
ddempseylewis23 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I don't understand why this episode is being bashed by some reviewers. There is clearly a lot of payoff in the episode as it is a sequel to one of the beloved nostalgic episodes of the show in the 2000's. From start to finish everything was just compelling and poignant. It is an important part in the series that establishes firm character development for both Amy and Kif and establishes their futures in their characterizations moving forward I wasn't surprised that Leela forgot as it was 20 years and people are bound to forget things at that time. The clump o honey side plot was interesting and cute and is in character for Bender since it has been established that he can cook food to edible quality if he knows the recipe and he does know the clump o honey recipe here with fry's help. The kids are also very adorable too. Only complaint I had was that Zoidberg ate one of the tadpoles which felt a little out of character for him and it was just a poor joke.
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Made No sense
Enaurp3 August 2023
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Wasnt usual Futurama wackiness? Ì thought the professor was going to change the kids DNA to Amys or go back in time to change the past but instead they tried to make it weirdly emotional? Felt so forced? Also Fry randomly having peanutbutter on his shirt then its gone and hes sad? Then they make a new batch and its randomly in the episode, it was so random and didnt make sense. The first episode had a strong start and a lot of promise, this felt like they just pushed out anything just to have a tv show. A good emotional episode have a nice steady pace which ends with an image of a dog. Even Scuffy's love affair with his bucket was more emotional than this.
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what happened to this show?!?
nerrdrage16 August 2023
Kif used to be one of my favorite characters. These episodes are on all the right topics, for the most part (a bitcoin parody seems passe) but the jokes just don't land. Did they change the writers? This is just a continuation of latter Futurama when they kept trying to make new episodes but nothing was funny. They need to just give up and end it. They had a good run, there's no shame in saying a show can't just go on forever.

I'll go watch the Rick & Morty S7 trailer instead. Hope switching the voice actor hasn't killed that show too. I can't take losing Futurama AND Rick & Morty at the same time.
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A fun idea that is barely explored
spamjunkandthings10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When the episode synopsis for this one was leaked, I was legitimately excited for it as it took the time skip and used it to play with a plot thread that was left untouched. Kif and Amy's lovechild. Or, more accurately, their brood of hybrid alien human tadpole folk.

Boy did they... certainly remember that plotpoint. But they did actually nothing else of value with it. As soon as the whole lore of how their zany tadpole rituals work, they completely drop the ball with fumbled conflict after fumbled conflict.

Oh no! Amy's parents disapprove! Ok, they'll just piss off for the rest of the episode. No need to explore the ongoing struggle finding acceptance from Amy's family!

Oh darn! The weird alien midwife has declared that Leelah is the bog children's new mother! Oh, wait, nevermind, she just recends that in the most plain as saltine crackers resolution by just saying "actually, nah. Amy, you're the mom, lol"

All the characters are so whittled down to like not even their flanderized archetypes. It just comes off as a super derivative trope of a hard working parent being completely snubbed by her kids because of the 'cool parent' with the prediticable conflict of Leelah failing to keep up with the responsibilities of being a parent to 3 incredibly generic alien kids!

And oh yeah, I guess Bender is making incredibly sticky candy for his B plot? I wonder if this is what Bender will be reduced to? A zany quirky B plot generator and not the debaucherous sleezebag with a weird little soft spot tucked deep underneath his shiny metal ass.

In even weaker news, Zapp is barely present and is really only used for his aloofness. But not to contribute to any conflict that could easily built between him and Kif's constant differences, but more to just spew out a dumb line here and there. It really seems like a majority of the supporting cast is getting this treatment- Being relegated to being a hollow running gag that contributes effectively nothing else to the plot.

I'm disappointed to say that this is so far my favorite plot point as it actually has a solid premise beyond the overtly meta premier and the utterly trash Cryptocurrency gold rush episode. This episode is just.. Painfully ok. I hope to see better from this revival.
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Honestly the best episode in the worst season that has ever come out
w-3328119 September 2023
This episode is the best so far in the season that has come out which is not saying much it's still one of the worst 10 episodes which so far has been almost completely filled out with every other episode of this season. But it at least has a somewhat cohesive story and maintains most of the characters personalities minus Leo Wong's voice which is extraordinarily different and extremely noticeable to the point of being very distracting whenever he speaks. It does get base bonus points for being somewhat meaningful at the end with a base story of you don't need to be related to your children to be their parent. But overall it's delivery is lackluster to say the least. This episode in general gets a low meh.
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writers of the block
talllwoood138 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched Futurama since about the time it premiered on FOX and couldn't wait for the season to be completed on Hulu to watch it and this episode was garbage! Lela being the mother of the children as they suggest and Amy having no DNA and yet still loving the children was such a lazy plot twist. The writers (if we can even call them that) are so out of touch they made one emo.. seriously this isn't 2008! Is it just me or there's enough plot holes in this episode to fly the Planet Express ship through it? They might as well have given Fry and Leela kids or is Fry too dumb to find her naughty bits. Every time he is wrong Leela will throw him out of the bed or some nonsense.

Even the ending just asking a simple question of "if Amy loves the kids" and that was it was just a lazy. I swear they hyped this up as another episode like the beloved one involving Fry's dog Seymour or the one Fry saves the universe and gets to be in his mothers dreams but nope! This was just crap. It's not like the episode has to make us cry to be good either. There are plenty of great ones that just take us on an adventure and it's good enough.

Amy is so unlikable in this episode. She pawns off her kids on Lela and then has all this jealousy and shows such dislike of Leela when she was napping. Even the part involving the laser gun and Kif being invisible was just stupid. I was honestly more interested in Bender's Candy that was pulling peoples teeth out. Why is it that streaming websites always seem to ruin shows. Can they say no to ideas? Trailer park boys to Lucifer in one way or another got ruined on streaming sites. I wish this season was never made. Come on you guys can do better. Save the bad ideas for the other shows Matt Groening is involved in.
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