The Haunting of the Murder House (2022) Poster

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If you don't know what DBS is, this is a BAD movie
m0bbin_babe20 August 2022
If I'm unsure of if I should watch a horror movie, I pull it up on IMDB. It's usually a pretty safe bet if it's rated above a 6, and since this was a whopping 7.7 when I pulled it up, I thought, "wow, this is totally gonna be worth the $5 to rent it!!" I was robbed lol. In going back and reading the reviews in more depth, this movie is just the best of DBS's many movies. If you don't know who or what that is, the acting is TERRIBLE, the script hasn't been proofread, and even I could tell the cinematography was awful. It was like watching a film school project, and looking at it that way, they did a good job on this movie- the blood effects were decent and I'd give them a passing grade for the class. But having to pay for it on Amazon... don't waste your money!!

Unless you know DBS, then go for it, you'll apparently love it lol.
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We got bamboozled
kychamb11 August 2022
I should've known with the low amount of reviews and the standard big budget rating being around 5-6. It has some legitimately suspenseful moments but once any action actually starts the low quality really shows.

Like maybe that's not fair because they're competing with the industry and trying to make it, but the reviews are obviously paid for and that just sucks.
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rvdenker31 December 2022
The sheriff answers a call to 1100 Lockwood Lane then reports his arrival at 1600 Lockwood Lane. The backdoor is half glass panel, which we see later. But the film crew uses a crowbar to pry plywood off windows in order to get in. Later crew wonders where they could get tools. Although the doors are obviously not solid wood. One good kick would take out the middle panel. One character is too afraid to be in room with others but wonders around following strange noises. Like too many of these, they long for "reality", but panic at the first static. The best actor was the sheriff at the opening. And that's just the beginning of this stilted, no story, dull acting, mistaken props waste of time.
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Did Bots Review This??? Such a Nothing Movie
Bleh-415978 August 2022
I went into this movie with an open mind. The title seemed awfully cliche, but the ratings were remarkably high, so we assumed (wrongfully) that it must be some sort of self-aware, satirical take on the genre. Plus we're active enjoyers of love low-budget, indie horror. Nope. This is Just Bad. It can't even be redeemed as good-bad or campy, there's just not enough personality in the production to even *try* to find humor in it. Everything is just bland and predictable, if not annoying and redundant. Takes itself wayyy too seriously for how pointless of a story it is. I wouldn't have even taken the time to review this movie if it weren't for the ridiculous amount of 10/10 reviews it has, even the 8/10 reviews, anything positive here has to have either been bought and paid for by the producers or coerced out of friends and family. Don't fall for the scam like we did. 🙃
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I just got ripped off
marnief-6613018 August 2022
This should be illegal. An 8.0 imdb for horror is top notch. This is not it. I just paid 5$ for a movie I would never watch bc if it was reviewed genuinely it would be maybe a 3!!!
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These reviews must be from friends!
cszarek3 August 2022
Let me tell you 1st that I have never written a review before but I felt I had to this time because there was no way that this movie got such high reviews. I knew I should have watched the trailer 1st before believing any of these reviews. They must be from friends or family members. The acting is so bad and the whole movie is just plain stupid.
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Wow! That's a LOT of Fake Fluff Reviews!
Fox_Prime20 November 2022
Holy bonkers Batman, maybe if they had put some of the money they used bribing people to leave FAKE stellar reviews for this steaming pile of fly attractors, they could've used it on acting lessons and the movie may have been a little more tolerable.

Ok let's break this sack of garbage down like we're trying to separate stuff for recycling, cause to he honest, that's the best thing that could happen to this a movie, a recycling center.

The script well it's just awful. Some of the things they say are so asinine and heck not even true statements to begin with! For example, the "leading lady" after their radios go on the fritz says, "Yeah the frequencies are down." This was in response to one of the other characters, cause I refuse to call these kids "actors" said he had tried to radio her but got no response. Ok so, radio frequency is well radio waves, and unlike electricity or wifi and the internet, they don't "go down" the only thing that makes radios or walky talkies if you will not work is when the frequency is being BLOCKED by something such a radio frequency jammer or distance or any large physical objects. Radio frequencies don't "go down" they are always there all the time traveling all through the air.

Next, I'm sure if you read any of the REAL reviews and not the fake fluff reviews posted by friends and family and possibly even paid/bribed people, is ATROCIOUS! I mean I've seen better acting from a 5 year old playing with action figures. The acting is in par with high school plays AT BEST! Cause I've even seen high school plays that had better acting than this movie. How these people got cast boggles my mind.

Back to another part of the script, the overall plot and story, again is pure unimaginative steaming garbage! Absolutely nothing original or well thought out. It's a complete rip off and copy of every other over night lock in paranormal investigation that goes awry movie that has been done and even done WAY better before it. If you wanna watch a good horror movie, in fact it was good enough to even garner a sequel, Close Ecounters is a way...WAY better horror movie of a paranormal investigative team filming for a show and getting locked in to a haunted location and everything that can go wrong does go wrong. Make sure you watch both of them too to get the full story. In fact, I think I've made my point and I'm gonna go watch that myself to try and get the nasty taste of this movie out of my psyche.

So, in closing I'm super grateful I didn't pay to watch this joke of a movie and it was free on Amazon and yet I still feel like I got hit over the head and mugged in a NYC alley. If you got duped by all the fake, false, garbage fluff reviews, I truly empathize for you. DO NOT SPEND MONEY TO WATCH THIS! You'll regret it if you do I PROMISE!
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Bots reviews!
kennedyshannon9 September 2022
Stay clear! Yet another film pumped up by bots or members of the casts giving false reviews so that we waste our time and money on this trash. I'm sick and tired of it. There are no more honest ratings or reviews on movies anymore. This will be my last time wasting money on movies , unless they are Blockbusters that have big names and are reviewed on a large scale. That is a shame. Bad apple constantly ruining the bunch. This is extremely low budget, almost college students turning in their final project. Acting non existent. Clowns are funny. Filming in someone's house. The tech they use for filming takes you in the way back machine to the 1990's. Please please ignore the bot reviews and stay clear of this house, no haunting going here.
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Don't believe the ratings
ncgal-280206 September 2022
Even for a Kickstarter film, this is so extremely lame. No suspense, no horror. I would rate it a zero if I could. Character development had zero effort, the dialog was so bad. The synopsis on the film doesn't even fit the film. No footage was even found - per the synopsis. At no point do you feel that any of the characters are scared. I love B-rate horror films and yes, even Kickstarter films. I expect the graphic scenes to be lame. But the script was so sub-par, acting was even worse and the dark scenes are way too bright. The unknown is what scares us. This was so bad. Sad, because the story is the typical one of "ghost hunters" but it was written so poorly. Save your $$. Don't rent this based on the reviews.
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Worst movie ever.
jarturorojas16 August 2022
I'm not sure how all these people gave this movie a 10. Literally! Right off the bat sounds so scripted! It's like the actors are just reading lines. Do not watch this movie. Everyone that gave it a 9/10 or a 10/10 clearly are friends of the actors. Just the worst acting. I can't believe I paid $5 to watch 20 minutes of this horrible movie. I hope my review is at the top so I can save people money and time.
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Loved this!
naomilawson-1764130 July 2022
It was really well done. I appreciated that the fear wasn't overdone, it was scary enough to be thrilling but not so scary that it was tacky and boring. Great movie.
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Great Watch
mac_macca30 July 2022
One of DBS' best movies to date. It features an Interesting concept, great cinematography and convincing acting. Well made and thoughtfully scripted. A must watch for horror fans!
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Moe is fantastic
ashaleehatfieldbenson30 July 2022
This movie came out better than I had expected. For a indie horror movie the acting was pretty good, fun story and some fun jump scares. All and all a good fun movie.
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What the heck was that?
xavierortiz-7800919 November 2022
Im not sure if these reviews on here are fixed or not, but holy heck, this is the worst movie ever. The only reason I watched this movie was strictly because I saw that it had solid reviews. Boy was I bamboozled! I contemplated stopping this film many times throughout out, and ultimately skipped most of it just to get to the end of because it was so terrible. Actors are absolutely awful. They have no ability to relay or show emotion relative to the situation. They also are very stiff, and interact very unnaturally and awkward with each other. The camera shots are all head shots throughout the whole movie, which prevent any atmosphere building, and the transition shots are very choppy. Did I mention that there Is no effort put at all into the story. Its basically bunch of GenZ live streamers looking for clout so they go into a "haunted hause" to try to gain stream popularity for a show that they have. The haunted house, for the record, is clean, has nice hardwood floors and bright white walls throughout, and would likely go 50k over listing price in 2 days if listed; yes its that nice. I refuse to believe that the reviews here are valid, they must have paid off folks to leave reviews. Wow, just wow. I hope nobody wastes their time watching this hot garbage.
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Budget was not there
rjmorris-3270627 August 2022
Had a somewhat understandable storyline but the actors were off not due to the fact they were horrible but they were wrongfully casted. Not their fault. To many loops in physical picture as such a small child could not be fooled. Effects were off. I never knew a glass front door could keep people inside.the movie cost 4.99 which it should be free. What about the IT guy he needs glasses but that is due to wrongful cast. The angles were off as well. When you think of a murder house you should think of a dark, nasty, gory house. But in this movie it took place in where it felt like it was a suburb condo.
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no followers
daveelkins20 November 2022
In October, four filmmakers disappeared in a haunted house while live streaming on social media.

Streaming live. Ok video is out to the public.

A year later, their footage was found.

Year later video is found. What????. What happened to the video that was streaming live a year before. I guess they had no followers. No viewers. Had to been one of the four filmmakers giving comments on the live stream that they showed during the film.

I wonder if Brendan Rudnicki or Kellan Rudnicki read the script or have even seen the movie before posting the movie synopsis and presenting this out to the public.
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Did a high schooler direct this?
greenpenguin-6675024 February 2024
I've never written a review before but I'm not exaggerating when this could be the worst film I have ever seen. It's not even funny-bad. The audio isn't balanced, the cinematography is laughable, and the acting makes Twilight look like Shawshank Redemption. Not only do character decisions not make sense, the writers don't seem to understand how live-streams work which creates major plot holes in the movie. I'm furious that I wasted over an hour of my life watching this when I could've blinded myself instead. I am completely serious when I ask if this was made for a high school film class. 0/10.
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sadmansakibayon6 July 2024
Perhaps I'm expecting more from these films than I should, but The Haunting of the Murder House has several major missteps here, one of which is obvious from when the paranormal investigators enter the house; This whole film should have been found footage.

It does feature a mix of found footage and traditional, but it would have been better as a purely found footage effort, which would have made each creepy instance and ominous event more noticeable and have more of an impact...... The story is run-of-the-mill, but given the subgenre, that's expected. It's difficult to make a story stand out, especially nowadays, when everything has been done to death in one format or the other. The characters are fine too, marking the first Budnicki film I've seen where I haven't been annoyed by the "social media types as protagonists" content, and there's a less-is-more approach that actually makes sense, given both the runtime and the story itself....... I've heard that (writer/director) Budnicki and the people at DBS Films like to have fans as cast members, which is admirable and helps build the horror community, but it also means some performances can be on the mediocre side of things. It's not the fault of the writing this time around, which is actually pretty decent, but the acting could have been better. There's an almost lifeless attitude to some of the performances here, which is especially annoying when the cast is as small as it is. It also feels like the soundtrack should have been either dialed back or not been there at all. Again, this is another instance where a found footage approach would have worked better, as it would have made the focus be on the sound effects rather than any music.
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Throwback to everything I loved growing up
independentbln6 August 2022
This is the type of gem we used to find at Blockbuster or Hollywood Video. Pick it up because of the cover, read the synopsis on the back, pop it in the VHS player and have the best time ever because we just found a film we're gonna tell all our friends about.

It's not a Hollywood big budget extravaganza, it's a small intimate practical horror film with a badass villain.
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BandSAboutMovies30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Mannequins, Ouija boards, evil clowns, film crews descending into haunted houses to film them...The Haunting of the Murder House is packed with things that yes, we've all seen before, but have we seen them like this? Even the synopsis for this movie - "In October, four filmmakers disappeared in a haunted house while live streaming on social media. A year later, their footage was found." - gave me no hope.

Directed by Brendan Rudnicki, who co-wrote it with Kellan Rudnicki, this film avoids being totally found footage, which is a plus. The Otherside crew - Harper (Sarah Tyson), Kai (Tyler Miller), Dylan (Dylan DeVane) and Kellan (Kellan Rudnicki) - has entered the home of Lester Morgan, a serial killer who kidnapped and murdered half a dozen young women before being shot by the cops, chaining themselves and ready to face whatever happens.

Sure, they discuss faking the evidence - reality television - but soon enough, the terror is real. It's not wholly the most original terror but if you like haunted house films, this will definitely do the job.
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Worth watching once I guess. The ratings are ridiculous though
ie72-586-70198419 December 2022
Not a 1 Not a 10. Wish all of the childish ratings would be removed from IMDb. I don't understand the rationale behind giving a movie a 1 or a 10. It only makes it difficult to determine if a movie is worth watching. I can't tell you how much time i wasted watching movies that were a given fake reviews. I Watched this once. Nothing very original about the movie but these days that's to be expected. In my opinion it's a 4.8. I wouldn't watch it again but I didn't hate it. Couple of decent nerve racking scenes. There was a scene that involved complete darkness that I liked but in the interest of not putting in a spoiler I'll leave it at that.
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Don't mess with the ouija
katfkf30 July 2022
Great movie! Hits the perfect horror points .. ouija, seance, blood, and of course clowns! If you like haunting of whitlow house, this one is for you! It won't disappoint! I also enjoyed the end credits
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Another good feature from DBSfilms
sekiernan31 July 2022
A pretty good film. A straight forward story line that moves at a decent pace. Acting was good compared to similar limited budget/independent films of the horror/suspense genre, where the acting is usually unbearable. Cinematography and production is well done. Like all films it does have its flaws that the viewer may or may not catch. In my opinion the main thing the film lacked was detail in set design especially the interior and exterior of the murder house. I know as DBS continues to grow they will only get better. Keep up the good work, your on the right track.
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Not a bad movie until...
AndyVanScoyoc27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers wasn't the slow response of the cops that got to me.

If they were ever actually on their way, does it surprise anyone that they didn't get there in time?

No...what got me was this whole, "things are going to be fine, I promise," crap.

Whatever chic. After a few choice words to her, I'd have been gone.

So, they finally come to their senses.

Oh...wait...the key broke off in the lock. Sure it did. That's as old, lame and almost as impossible as, "the dog ate my homework."

But...what really... absolutely really got me was, after the "lock" thing, when the Kai character was found and sitting down, there was a perfectly good BACK DOOR they could have gone out of.

There it was...right there by the stackable washer and dryer.

But, nope...the girl, Harper is worried about some water? Are you kidding me?

Up until then, it wasn't bad. But after that...a perfectly good door left unused in favor of some water?

Nope. If anyone's that stupid, they deserve to die.

And the one guy sees his crazed friend coming after him and suddenly can't get back out the window?

Sure ...

Another what could have been decent film ruined by stupidity.

What a waste...
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The reviews must be from friends...
lilgracegames5 January 2023
I want my money back! I don't typically write reviews but this is quite literally the worst film I've ever seen. All the dialogue was tacky, the acting was poor, and the film was very clearly has a low-budget for set, costume, design, and effects. The was no suspense or build up. Not to mention it lacked originality and creativity. There was very little effort put into this movie, it seems like it was made in a haste. Not to mention it's very short for the price even if it was good quality, it wouldn't be worth the money. Overall, don't buy this movie. You're spending your time in money on YouTube-quality content.
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